Stuck On Stupid

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Dedication goes to pamilacabezaaa for always leaving awesome comments, I see you ;)

I rolled over realizing Dinah wasn’t in bed anymore. The sun was beaming through the window, geez, what time is it? Whatever, it’s flipping SATURDAY; I can sleep as much as I want! I sat up, leaning against the headboard as I stretched out my arms, yawning. My eyes stared out the window as my mind began to catch up with me. Last night was SOOOO amazing and then we had to run into HER, Lauren’s ex. It made my stomach turn and I could feel my face cringe.

“Yummm, this coffee is sooooo good and much needed,” Dinah said near her door holding two coffee mugs, “what’s with the UGLY FACE…don’t make THE ugly face, it’s not pretty Mila.”


I let out a chuckle before I rolled my eyes at my best friend and shrugged my shoulders, pulling my knees into my arms, placing my chin on them.

Dinah approached me extending a cup towards me, “ehhh, I don’t really like coffee.”

She shot me a look, “I know,” of course she KNOWWWSSSS! She’s my best friend! “It’s hot chocolate you dork.”

“Hey! I resent that!” I perked an eyebrow as she sat on the bed in front of me.

“No you don’t, you DOOOORRRKKKK.” She let out a laugh before taking a sip of her coffee.

I laughed at the words, “mmhhmm, yummy, you always know how to make me feel better.” I smiled drinking the hot chocolate slowly, letting the warmth seep in.

“Speaking of,” she took another sip, “fill me in! What happened last night,” she scrunched her nose, “you had the UGLY FACE on…what happened?” her eyes filled with concern.

I began to tell her about my first date with the green-eyed beauty and how Lauren had been nothing less than sweet, caring, beautiful…ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.  



This place is so charming, a little local Italian restaurant, it felt so cozy and inviting. We were seated outside and the weather was perfect. It was nighttime and the moon above the ocean was breathtaking in the distance, the way the light reflected off the black water, it was almost as beautiful as the porcelain skin girl in front of me, having her here made the night perfect.  

I took one last bite, "That was SOOO GOOOOD." I smiled at her, her beautiful eyes locking with mine.

She glanced at my empty plate, what can I say? This girl can eat! "Oh really? Yeah I couldn't tell you liked it," she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

My brown orbs analyzed the gorgeous girl in front of me for a second, but it felt like forever and I wanted to, had to know what she thought when she first laid her emerald eyes on me. I wasn’t really sure WHY, but I HAD to know because the first time I heard her raspy voice, it shook my soul, almost as if taking over me, commanding my brown eyes to find where that voice was coming from. My brown orbs looking into the most captivating pair of green eyes, of course at the time I wasn’t sure they were green yet, either way, but still, they were beautiful, she was beautiful and she held every piece of me at first sight. I know it seems crazy, but it’s true, she had me.

Happy Accident (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now