You and I

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I was tidying up here and there before Camila arrived, I glanced at the clock, and it's almost 7pm. She should be here any minute now. I know she said she had some important news, that she's made a decision about school. I could feel my heart quicken its pace, I WANT her to go to Brown, but that doesn't mean I won't miss her, because if she decides to go...I'LL MISS HER, maybe more than I'll ever let on.

I breathed out a sigh as the thought began to consume me; thoughts of HER began to flood my mind. I think it's Just the little things I'll miss most, the way she prances down the isle towards the stage after class, her smile wider than the pacific ocean, her bows, how she has one to match almost EVERY outfit she has, I felt myself chuckle at the thought, the way she would backpedal down the hall, mouthing I LOVE YOU, shooting me subtle winks in class, her beautiful brown eyes that had a tint of gold in them whenever she was happy or felt inspired, I'll miss the way they flickered with the light, the way they looked deeply into mine making me forget anything or anyone else existed, I'll miss the way her heart beats while she lays on me sleeping, I close my eyes and I can feel her, feel her heart beating, yes, the little things and as much as I want her to stay; my heart wants what's best for her, that I know.



The sound snapping me away from my nostalgic state, I gave my head a quick shake heading towards the door. I took a deep breath, in and out, opening the door.

She ran straight into my arms, the impact of her body crashing into mine pushing me back, "Camz," she buried her head into my shoulder, her breathing irregular, I could tell she was crying, "...Camz," I kissed her head, tightening my arms around her, "what's wrong?" I was worried, what's going on? She shook her head against me, sniffling, but not a word out of her mouth, I placed my lips against her forehead, letting it linger while her breathing steadied, "whatever it is, it'll be okay," I whispered out.


I stood up, pacing back and forth as I felt my blood boil, "I HATE THAT LITTLE FUCK!" her brown eyes widening at my reaction, I don't curse much, actually, don't think I've ever cursed in front of her, well, I don't care at the moment, I seriously HATE that jackass! "Who the hell does that douche THINK he is, coming at you like that," I want to kill him...I just might! "What does he think? Does he think you'll actually want to be with him?" I shook my head appalled.

She shook her head, agreeing with me, "Lauren..." she stood up, making her way towards me, hands on my waist to stop me from pacing back and forth, "look," her eyes completely vulnerable, "It's not worth it, I don't want you losing your job over me," okay, maybe she's right and I need to calm myself, UGH! I just want to punch him in the face; "okay?" she cupped my face as I nodded, pulling me in for a tender kiss.

A few minutes passed and I finally let myself calm down, I didn't want that douche ruining tonight, which isn't about him, "Camz," she propped her head up from my shoulder, her tired brown eyes meeting mine, "you said you made a decision?" Nervousness took over me all of a sudden as I waited for her to speak.

She propped her torso up, sitting with her legs crossed, facing me as she grabbed my hands, holding them, "I did," she nodded, "Brown University is an amazing school, not many will ever have the chance to go there...I've decided to go," I know I wanted her to go, it's what's best, but at the moment, I was speechless, "Lauren..."

Happy Accident (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now