Lost Stars

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A/N: Sorry for the short update! I've been super busy, so hopefully I'll get to update soon...this chapter sets up for the next one...let me know how you want it to play out ;) 

***A Couple of Weeks Later***

Lauren’s P.O.V.

I stared myself in the mirror as the cold water dripped down my face. The feel of the water familiar, reminiscent of when I was a kid, running into the ocean on a hot summer day. The cold water surrounding my body; it was calming, just like when I was a kid and right now, that’s what I needed, to be calmed, to slow my heart’s pace. Lately I haven’t been able to sleep, not even with her warm, tight grip around me, I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night, anxious…the thought of her leaving soon lingered in my subconscious and I KNEW, I knew it was starting to eat away at me. I dried my face off with a towel before my green, tired eyes drifted out the bathroom door, down the hall, pulled in by the clear view of my bed where she laid, sound asleep. Her messy dark locks all over the place, lips red, still pouting even in her sleep, I shook my head just slightly, the right side of my lips pulling to a half smile as the caramel skinned girl a few feet away from me took over my heart…how could I NOT be moved by the sight in front of me, by HER?

I made my way back towards the bed, sitting on the corner, my attention out the window staring at the stars. The stars looked so full tonight, the shapes vivid, so close, but so far, their sparkles seeping into my eyes as my mind began to wander…I felt like a star, I just couldn’t figure out, at this moment whether I was a bright star, happy, shining in the dark OR maybe I was just a lost star.

My thoughts were interrupted by two arms slowly snaping around my torso, her warmth making contact with my skin, causing me to take a deep breath, “come lay back down with me,” she whispered in my ear, her breath so warm, I turned my head just slightly, her sleepy brown eyes locking with mine, barely noticeable wrinkles making their way around her eyes as her lips formed a smile, she leaned in, kissing me slowly, her lips sweet, better than sugar itself. I felt her arms tighten around my body as our kiss deepened, “come cuddles with me,” she pecked my lips…‘come CUDDLES with me’, how could I resist?

We laid in bed, my arms wrapped around her tightly, resting on her stomach as she placed her own on mine, bodies as close as they could get and tonight, I was the big spoon and I wasn’t having it any other way, “I love you Camila…” I whispered against her hair, the smell of fresh flowers invading my senses, I’d miss THIS, that’s for sure, I kissed her head.

She pulled one of my hands up, letting her lips linger on it, her kiss gentle before placing it back where it was before, “I love you Lauren…”.

My eyes closed, but I was wide awake, listening to her breathing as it went steady, her body rhythmically moving along with it, she was sound asleep.

I’m hurting, it was finally hitting me. HER LEAVING…it just hit me full force. How am I supposed to make it here WITHOUT HER? HOW?  I thought I could do it, a long distance relationship, I don’t think I can. I felt her move around in my arms, still asleep and I knew, I CAN’T do long distance, she’s in my arms and I already miss her and at this moment, I knew which one I was…I was a lost star.

Camila’s P.O.V.

It was mid-week, just a couple of days before the dance and I am so stressed out. Studying for finals, cheer, Austin being an asshole, ugh, and of course trying to spend as much time with Lauren as I could, the weekends are great, weekdays not so much and to make matters worse she’s been busy with her extended education, she hasn’t been teaching this week, we’ve had a sub all week and it sucks! Gosh, I miss her like California misses the rain and it’s been only three days, but we won’t have time like this once I move, so yeah I miss her, I hate not being able to see her every day, not being able to wrap my arms around her, kissing her…I hate it!

“Hey loverrrrr…” ugh! Not now…please not now.

I closed my locker shut, “what do you want Austin?” I perked an eyebrow, I still had to play nice.

A smirk appeared on his face and I almost threw up, “just wanted to see how my girl is doing today?” he reached out to touch my shoulder, I smacked it away, “tisk, tisk…” he leaned it, my face disgusted, “quit being such a bitch,” he whispered in my ear, “one talk with the principal and your lover will lose everything,” he whispered through gritted teeth and if it wasn’t for Lauren I would have killed him right then and there, he’s such an asshole! “Have a good day,” he began to walk away down the hall, my blood boiling, hotter than the desert at its peak seasons, “oh and Mila…” he turned around, back pedaling, “can’t wait for the dance this Friday," he winked causing my stomach to turn some more before I made my way to class in the opposite direction.

I HATE HIM! I can’t believe I have to go to my last dance with him. If I had it my way, I’d go with Lauren.

I watched the freshman squad practice some routines, the seniors of course clowning around, which was fine, we should enjoy these last few times practicing together.

“Hey Mila,” my best friend threw her arm around me, “you okay? You’ve been kind of quiet today…”.

We walked a few paces, away from everyone else, “yeah I’m fine, just with everything,” I shrugged my shoulders, “and well…never mind,” I shook my head, “it’s nothing.”

“Nooo…tell me,” she rubbed my shoulder, “what’s going on? You’ve been off?”

“I just,” I let out a breath, “I haven’t seen Lauren since Sunday and she’s been short with me all week when we text and she hasn’t had time for the phone…” It was almost a relief to say it out loud, this week has just been off.

“Oh…” she replied, “maybe she’s just really busy with her classes,” she gave me an assuring smile, nodding.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right, she has finals too, I just miss her that’s all and we won’t have that much time together once school’s over, I just figured she’d want to spend as much time together as possible,” I let out a half smile.

Dinah pulled me in for a hug, “Life just gets busy sometimes, I’m sure everything’s fine.”

‘EVERYTHING’S FINE’, the words echoed in my ears, but something felt off…there’s something Lauren’s not telling me, I could feel it.  

A/N: SO HOW DO YOU GUYS WANT THIS TO PLAY OUT(i'll take it into consideration)? Comment & Vote(enough votes and i'll work on an update soon, maybe tonight!). Thanks for the love! XOXO 

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