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Camila’s P.O.V.

We continued to kiss, lost in our own world as she held onto me tightly, my own arms around her neck, pulling her closer, if that’s even possible. Gosh, this decision is getting HARDER and HARDER; so many question running through my head…


HOW CAN I LIVE WITHOUT THESE LIPS EVERY DAY? These full, plump, warm, soft, lips that mold with mine perfectly and I can never seem to get enough of them.

We kept making out like two teenagers…well, I’m still a teenager and I certainly don’t mind THIS.

Her eyes; WHAT DO I DO WHEN I CAN’T LOOK INTO HER EYES WHENEVER I WANT? Her beautiful, emerald gems that shimmer whenever they look into mine, making my heart beat faster, but at the same time holding my entire body still…HOW?

HOW DO I SURVIVE COLLEGE WITHOUT HER TOUCH? These arms gripping me tightly, cradling me in her arms as if I’m the only one that matters.



The light noise abruptly interrupting my thoughts and our current make out session-UGH; obviously to my displeasure.

“What was that?” Lauren looked around, scanning the auditorium, “was that the door?”

That prompted me to look around too, “nothing,” I cupped her face, “now where were we?” I perked an eyebrow as I pulled her in, meshing our lips together once again; I LOVE HER LIPS.


We slowly parted; believe me, if we didn’t have to breathe, I would probably make out with her ALL the time, “we better get going,” she said in between trying to catch her breath.

“I almost forgot to ask you,” I can’t believe I almost forgot to ask her! “Are you playing in the Student vs. Faculty Softball game on Friday?” I asked with a big smile.

Please say YES! Please say YES! She’s never seen me perform with the squad and I’d LOVE for her to be there.

She let out a chuckle, “well, how am I supposed to say ‘NO’ to THAT face?” she said with a smile, “You’re adorable, you know that?” I simply nodded, giving her a toothless smile, “YES, you can count me in.”

“’YES’” I kissed her lips, “I am so excited!”

“So…” she squeezed my waist, “does that mean you’re going to cheer for me?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows, voice suggestive.

I let out a giggle, “I WOULD, but I’m actually playing for the Students’ Team.”

Happy Accident (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now