Chapter 2| Simulation Failed

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"Come on Lance! Focus!" You screamed as the pilot swerved the ship from left to right. "Pay attention!"

"Relax, babe! It's not like I did anything stupid like this," He joked as he did a 360 degree spin. Hunk was on the verge of vomiting. He groaned every time Lance made a sharp turn.

"Lance look! I've spotted a distress call!" Pidge stated.

"Perfect. Now let's look alive guys," Lance said as you and him pushed the buttons on the ship's dashboard. 

"Pidge can you pull up the coordinates?" You asked.

"Sure thing," He replied.

"Lance! Seriously can you fly properly?!" Hunk complained.

"This one's on you. The stabilizer is busted," Lance smirked. 

"Hunk, fix the stabilizer. Pidge, continue to find the coordinates. Lance, keep your eyes on the sky. And I'll send out a message to the distressed people alerting them of our arrival,"

"I lost contact! The shaking is messing up the connection!" Pidge announced.

Slightly annoyed at the team's lack of effort you turned to look at Hunk, "Dude common! We're gonna fail if you don't do th- LANCE LET GO OF MY HAND!" Your whipped your hand out of his grip and hit Lance at the back of the head. 

He yelped in pain. "Oh my god! Stop over reacting (Y/N)! Your hand was on the hand rest! I just needed to move it!" 

You instantly felt guilty and a little bit stupid. "Sorry,"

"The thing isn't responding," Hunk said as he ran over to a nearby bin. he immediately emptied out his stomach in it. 

"Never mind team, I think we found where the distress call was coming from. (Y/N), can you give me a visual?" Lance said as the ship had a clear view of a mountain in the distance.

"I don't think that's advisable over our current mechanical situations," Pidge warned as he spoke over the sounds of Hunk vomiting. 

"What should we do, Lance?" You asked. Deep down in your heart you knew that your team was going to fail.

"Stop worrying (Y/N)! This baby can withstand it! Can't you girl?" Lance joked as he stroked the dashboard. The ship made another horrible noise. "Umm. She was just agreeing with me,"

Pidge was already on his feet and picked up a small speaker, alerting the stranded people. You on the other hand were looking over the ship's vitals. It didn't look pretty. The stabilizer was jacked up. "Lance, realistically speaking, I don't think this ship can make it there and b-" You were cut off by the sound of Pidge hitting the floor. "Are you okay Pidge?" 

"I'm fine. Hunk! See what you can do about the shaking,"

"I'm trying!" Hunk shouted as he continued to puke.


The ship approached an overhang. "Lance look out!" You shouted

"Don't worry. I wasn't called the Tailor for nothing. I can thread the needle,"

"Lance, no one called you the Tailor!" You snapped.

"Oh yeah? Watch this!" The ship unsuccessfully flew straight through the overhang.

"We lost a wing!" Hunk informed.

"Damnit, Lance!" You snapped as the ship headed straight towards the ground. It made contact and everything went black. 

"SIMULATION FAILED"   Appeared on the large black screen. "Ughhhhhhh!" you yelled!

"Way to go, Tailor!" Pidge snapped. 

The doors of the space cafe opened. The head leader was standing there unimpressed. "Get out of there, Donkeys!"

The four of you dragged your heels out of the ship. You were surrounded by your entire class. 

"Now let's see if we can use this failure on the rest of you students! What did these cadets do wrong?" The leader asked.

The rest of the class proceeded to point out your mistakes. Each word that came out of their mouths made you feel more and more terrible about your performance. 

Once they finished, the leader spoke again. "Galaxy Garrison was made to turn young cadets into bright, young space explorers!" He walked over to a frowning Lance. "You are only here because the best pilot had a discipline issue and flunked out. Don't follow in his footsteps!"

You knew exactly who the leader was talking about. Keith Kogane was hands down, Galaxy Garrison's best cadet pilot. You both hated and loved the way he used to disrespect the cadet leaders and flaunt his mullet around. Only you knew that there were pages in your notebook filled with hearts where you used to write Keith's name in the middle of it. You missed the hot-headed boy even though he had no idea you existed. 

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