Chapter 20| Party Crashers

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AN: I just want to start off by saying that I'm very grateful for everyone's comments and votes. I'm so happy that everyone is enjoying the story. When I first started writing this, I was sure people wouldn't  actually like it but, I'm so glad I was wrong. Anyways, as you noticed my updates are slow, I'm going to try and update more but I'm a super busy person. Also, to speed up the flow of the story more, I'm doing a slight time skip from the last chapter. Thanks a lot! Enjoy the chapter!

Not a lot of time has passed since Zarkon's Ro-Beast attacked the castle. The shot you fired at the beginning of the battle ended up causing a lot of damage to the Ro-Beast and helped the Paladins. Allura predicted that the Galra would definitely strike again. The only scary part was, that you had no idea when. 

However, after becoming acquainted with the Arusians, Allura decided to host a party in the castle since you would be leaving Planet Arus the next day.  Everyone was gathered in the main entrance of the castle and listened to the stories that the Arusian King told. In celebration, he and his people raised their glasses and cheered altogether.

"We need a team cheer," Hunk said. 

"You're right! It should be badass but really sweet at the same time," You implied.

"Can something even be badass and sweet?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. I'm a perfect combination of those two things," You laughed. 

"True," Keith smirked. 

"Anyways what kind of cheer should it be?" Lance asked Hunk.

"I dunno. Why don't you think of something Lance,"

"Alright, how about this? I say Vol and you say, Tron. Vol?" Lance cheered.

"Umm. Voltron?" Keith answered.

"Yeah no. No. Keith, that's not right. That's not right at all," You said.

"The instructions are in the cheer," Lance said. 

"Let me give it a try," You said to Lance." I say Vol and you say?"


"That needs work," Lance said

"Good grief. You are such an alien," You teased.

"I'm disappointed in you Keith. My disappointment is making me thirsty. I'm getting more punch," Hunk said. 

"I'm a little tired. I'm just going to go upstairs," Lance said.

"Alright. See you later," Keith said.

"Bye," You said.

After Lance trotted up the stairs, you and Keith were alone. "Are you ready to leave Planet Arus and kick some major Galra butt?" You asked him.

"Yeah. I guess,"

"I'm leaving Voltron!" Someone yelled behind you. You and Keith whipped your heads around to find Pidge standing there.

Hunk, Allura, and Shiro probably heard Pidge too and came running over. "What are you talking about Pidge?" You asked him.

"I need to find my family. Before the robot attacked me and Shiro, we download some files from the ruins of a Galra ship. Those files are enough for me to find my family. I've already prepared a pod and I'm ready to go," He answered.

"You can't leave!" Keith yelled.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Pidge yelled back.

"Do you understand that if you leave, we can't form Voltron?" Keith questioned.

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