Chapter 26| New Discoveries

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Using her abilities to change her features, Allura's skin began to turn purple while her height began to increase dramatically until she was the tallest person in the room. Everyone's eyes followed her until she grew to stand at about six feet.

"Wow. I'm impressed." Lance smiled. "Allura, you're fine to enter, but how will Shiro get in?"

While multiple ideas raced through your mind, you walked to the window and stared at the sentries who were transporting metal crate. "I have an idea." You gasped.

"Go ahead," Keith told you. 

"Look at the crates that they are carrying. They are big enough to carry a person. And that person is going to be you, Shiro. You're kind of getting the short end of the stick here, but it's the best that we have." You announced.

"Well, it's the best we've got. I'll do it." Shiro agreed. You were shocked that Shiro would be willing to do it. Then again, Shiro is a pretty co-operative person.

Allura took off the suit of the unconscious Galran soldier that was lying on the floor. Once Allura was dressed, Shiro and Allura took off. Moments later, Shiro called to let everyone know that the plan was in action. You watched from a distance as they approached the Galra base that was heavily guarded by the sentries. One soldier held up his hand to stop them. At that point, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.  

The Galran soldiers looked at one another before letting them in. As they entered two sentries each carrying large, yellow containers passed by. 

"What are do you think is in there?" Keith asked.

"Probably space drugs." You laughed.

"No. It's definitely sporks." Hunk stated.

"I'm sorry, what?" Lance question.

"We are talking about a highly advanced empire here. Of course, they have discovered sporks." 

"Uhh. Aha. Sure." You laughed.

From the back of the room, Pidge connected the sentrie to her laptop. "What are they transporting into the station?"

"Interrogation detected. Initiating lockdown." The sentrie said back to her. 

"Oh yeah?" Pidge said as she furiously started to type on her laptop.

"What's that?" Keith said pointing at something from at the window. Once you turned to see what he was pointing at, you saw that he was pointing at a tall figure dressed in a cloak.

"If you look closely at the designs if it's cloak. It kind of resembles Haggar's cloak. I would guess that it's probably one of Haggar's guards."

"If you're right then whatever they are storing in those yellow container probably have something to do with Haggar," Keith said. "I want to go check it out. (Y/N), come with me."

"Gladly." You smiled as you and Keith began to walk towards the door.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Pidge yelled.

"I can't make any promises." You said as the door closed behind you. 

You stared at Keith. His sweat made his hair stick to the side of his face. He took his helmet off and ran his hand through his hair.

"(Y/N). You're staring."

"What? No, I'm not."

"Yeah, you are. Come on let's go." Keith said, putting his helmet and began to jog down the long Galra hallway. You followed him as the two of you turned corners. The two of you rounded a corner. There were two sentries with their backs towards against you. Thinking quickly, Keith tugged your arm and pulled you both behind the wall. Your face was buried in his chest, while his arm wrapped around your shoulders. 

Once the coast was clear, the two of you ran quickly down another hallway where you found a large hangar that looked down on a vast open area. Keith and you overlooked the hangar on a high platform. From below you saw one of Haggar's guards walking with the two yellow containers from before. There were two sentries that were escorting them. They were walking towards two large hangar doors. From the platform, you and Keith were on, the two of you ran to catch up to them from above. The doors opened quickly. The guard and the sentries passed through. Before they could close, Keith swiftly picked you up and carried you bridal style. He activated his jetpack and flew through the doors before they closed.

Keith put you down. "Thanks." You whispered. He smirked and nodded as a reply. The two of you kept your distance from the Galrans that you followed. The sentries escorted Haggar's guard into a room. They turned around and began to walk in the direction where you and Keith were. Keith charged and swiftly sliced one, while you ran and shot the other with your blaster. The two of you ran towards the room where Haggar's guard had gone into. You and Keith ran quietly to the corner to get a better look at the room.

Yellow light emitted from it. There were hundreds of the same yellow containers that were stored there. From the shelves where the containers were stored, there were conveyor belts that led to the center of the room. A container went onto one and its yellow liquid content was emptied on to a large white ball. It passed through its shell and entered the ball as a yellow streak of light. Almost acting as an energy source.

Haggar's guard stood before it. It lifted it's hands before beams of purple energy hit the energy ball. It was a form of magic. The ball began to glow a bright purple. From underneath the ball, purple liquid fell into yet another container. 

What could that possibly be? How powerful was it? How big of a threat is it?

Worries and fears raced through you. You turned to Keith who was just as confused and horrified as you were. His brows were furrowed. A bead of sweat fell from his face.

On your wristband, you pulled up your minicomputer and programmed it so that you could call the team and give them a visual. "Coran? Guys? You have to see this." you whispered.

"I have never seen anything like that!" Coran yelled.

"What is that?" Pidge asked.

"Good question." You replied.

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