Chapter 3| A Night Out

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 You had woken up to find a book laying on top of your face. It had become a habit for you to fall asleep reading. You pushed the book off your face and stood up. Your throat had became extremely dry. You walked over to the mini refrigerator in the dorm to get a bottle of water. You tried your very hardest not to wake up any of the other girls. As you grabbed a bottle of water and gulped it down, you heard a noise outside your door. You picked up a book and walked over to the door. If anyone attacked you, your plan was to hit them in the face with the book.

You slowly walked over to the door and pressed your hand onto the hand scan pad beside it. Yo gripped your book tightly as the door slid open. Two familiar dweebs were standing there.

"Lance? Hunk? What are you doing here?" You asked. Both boys weren't dressed in their uniforms.

"We've come for you," Hunk announced.

"What? Why?" You questioned.

"As a team bonding moment, you, me, Hunk, and Pidge are going out! You know boys night out plus you! It'll be fun!" Lance laughed.

"Why do we need to do it now? Can't we do it tomorrow morning? Tomorrow's Saturday! We can wait until then," You said. You knew that your dad would loose it on you if you got in trouble.

"No. It's more fun if we do it now. No one will even notice we're gone. And besides you're already dressed." Lance said as he pointed to your black leggings and Garrison sweatshirt. Of course you being you, you fell asleep in your clothes. "Just grab your shoes and let's get out of here,"

You grabbed your sneakers, laced them up and went along with them. The three of you turned corners and dodged Instructors in order to get to Pidge's dorm. When the three of you got there you already saw Pidge leaving his dorm.

"Where's he going?" Hunk questioned. The three of you followed Pidge up to the Garrison rooftop. Pidge took a seat on the roof and began to set up his computer. Lance snuck up behind Pidge as he slipped on his headphones. Lance lifted one of the sides of Pidge's headphones and spoke. "Do you come here to chill out?"

Pidge jumped in fear and slid his headphone's off. "Oh hello there Lance, Hunk, (Y/N). What are you guys doing here?"

"Shouldn't we be the ones to ask you that question? What are you doing here Pidge?" You asked putting your hands on your hips. 

"Oh I'm just star gazing!" Pidge lied. 

"Where did you get that stuff?" Lance asked as he checked out Pidge's computer equipment. "That doesn't look like the kind of tech we use at the Garrison,"

"That's because it's not Garrison tech. I built it. Using this thing I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system," Pidge answered.

You were extremely impressed. You knew Pidge was a genius but you had no idea that he was capable of doing this. 

"Can you scan all the way to Kerberos?" Lance questioned. "You freak out overtime that the instructor's mention it. What's the deal? If we want to bond together we can't keep things away from each other,"

"Fine. The Kerberos mission wasn't lost because of malfunctions and crew failures. I've been scanning the entire solar system and picked up on alien radio communications,"

"What?" You blurted out. "Aliens?"

"Yes, aliens. They've been repeated one word all night, Voltron. I've never seen it act like this before," Pidge explained

"What the hell is a Voltron? Is it like an organization?" You asked.

"I don't know. Whatever it is it must be important." Pidge answered.


The four of you searched the skies. There was a weird space craft heading in your direction. Pidge picked up his  binoculars to get a closer look. Lance grabbed it out of his hands to get a look for himself. "That's not one of our ships!" he announced.

"It looks alienish," You admitted. The ship landed on a nearby land. The four of you decided to chase after it. You found it but decided to observe the ship from behind a rock. Lance zoomed in using the binoculars while Pidge began to set up his computer again. "We'll never get past those guards to get a closer look,"

"Maybe we should just leave," Hunk said as he looked down.

"Look I picked up on the ship's security system!" Pidge yelled.

The four of you looked over to the small screen. Takashi Shirogane, (Shiro for short) a pilot from the Kerberos mission was strapped down to a table while people in medical suits gathered around him.

"What are you doing to me?" Shiro yelled!

One of the men in a medical suit spoke, "Relax, Shiro!"

"No listen to me they will destroy us all!"

"Where's the rest of the Kerberos crew?" Pidge asked as his eyes scanned the screen for any sight of the Kerberos crew.

"Do you know how long you've been gone for, Shiro?" A man asked.

"I don't know. Months? Years? But you need to listen to me, they are coming! We need to find Voltron!"

"Voltron!" Pidge gasped.

"Sir! It appears that Shiro's arm has been replaced with some sort of robot arm?" Another man yelled.

"Put him under until we've got this under control," The man said while Shiro screamed for help. 

After watching this the three of you conspired to get him out. Hunk denied any suggestions that could get him into trouble.

"We need a distraction!" Lance said as explosion went off in the distance.  Multiple Garrison vehicles arrived but went in the direction of the explosions.

"That was a distraction for that guy!" Pidge yelled as he pointed to a boy in a small space craft. 

"Oh come on!" lance yelled in annoyance.

"Is that who I think that is?" You questioned.

"Yes! i recognize that mullet anywhere! It's Keith"

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