Chapter 22| The Balmera

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"Should we wake them up? They look so peaceful?" 

"I don't want to. They are so cute together!"

"We have to! We're at the Balmera. We need to save Shay and her people! Let's wake them up now!"

"Geez, Hunk. We're gonna help your girlfriend. Just give us a minute. Some of us are still asleep,"

"No. Hunk is right. We need to get a move on. Let's wake Keith and (Y/N) up and suit up,"

"Alright then,"

"Hey! Keith! (Y/N)! Wake up!!" You heard faint voices surrounding you and Keith, comfortably lying on top of the Red Lion's snout. You slowly awakened and opened your heavy eyelids. The whole team surrounded the two of you. They were all so close staring down at you who was cuddled up against Keith. 

"What's going on?" Keith asked.

"Come on! Get dressed! We need to help Shay!" Hunk yelled passionately.

"Oh, we're here already?" You asked.

"Yeah! Come on!" Hunk whined. It was funny seeing him act antsy like a small, impatient child. He was itching for you to get up so, you did.

"All right! I'll be ready in ten minutes," You said.

"Same here," Keith answered tiredly.

You hopped off of the Lion with Keith tailing behind you. The two of you walked alone through the hallway. It was quiet but, not an awkward silence.

You turned around to face your blushing boyfriend. "Thank you for last night," You said. You got up on your tippy toes and kissed Keith on the lips.

He smiled and kissed you on the tip of your nose. "Anything for you,"

You smiled and took his hand. The two of you walked down the halls and into your individual rooms to get dressed. After you both got dressed, the two of you joined Allura and the others in the bridge.

"Alright, we have arrived at the Balmera," Allura announced.

"So what are we gonna do? Jump in there and pow, pow, pow!" Lance yelled, making gun noises.

"What was that?" Keith questioned.

"Laser guns,"

"No, no, no, you mean, bow, bow, bow!" Hunk yelled.

"That sound like fireworks," Lance snorted.

"Yeah. Sorry, bud. I have to agree with Lance. In my opinion, I think that it should sound like kapow, kapow, kapow!" You yelled, pointing your finger guns in the air.

"Well technically, I think that it's more like ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge said.

"Geez, enough with the bad sound effects. It's more like blam, blam, blam!" Shiro yelled.

"Jesus! What was that?" You snorted.

"What?" Keith bellowed.

"You're insane," Lance shared.

"Wrong!" Hunk screeched.

"Paladins!" Allura yelled. 

"Sorry, Princess," Shiro apologized. "I don't think that we should just go in there and immediately start shooting at the Galra,"

"Why not?" Keith snorted from beside you.

"Well, we need to create a proper plan. We have to find a way to get the Galra to come up to the surface. We can fight them there," Shiro explained. 

The Red Paladin {Keith x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now