Chapter 11| The Black Lion's Reveal

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"Our main goal here is to capture the Red Lion from Sendak's ship" Allura said as she pulled up a graph of Sendak's ship.

"That's a pretty big ship," Keith pointed out. "How do we know where the Red Lion is?"

"Technically, we won't. You are going to be the one to find out, Keith," Pidge said.

"We'll just drop you in there and then you'll feel it's presence," Hunk explained.

"It's just like when you felt the weird energy in the desert," Lance added.

"You made fun of him for that," You laughed.

"And I'm very happy with my decision," Lance smugly grinned. 

"Keith the Red Lion is very temperamental. You need to earn it's trust before fulfilling any duties," Allura explained. Keith nodded in agreement. 

"Alright everyone this is the plan. The Galra already knows that the Blue and Yellow Lion is in our possession. But, they don't know that we have the Green Lion. Hunk and Lance will act as decoys. The two of you will pretend that you are giving up the Blue and Yellow lions. While the two of you are doing that, Keith, Pidge, and I will go inside using the Green Lion. Keith and I will find the Red Lion while Pidge guards the exit. Hunk and Lance, I need you guys to try and take down Sendak's ion cannon. Got that team?" Shiro asked. Everyone nodded. 

"In the meantime we'll stay here. If you guys need anything, just give us a call," You added. The Paladins ran of to their Lions. You puttered around the castle's deck advancing the defences while Allura and Coran made sure that the plan was in action. 

"The Paladins are off," Allura said. "I'm going to activate the Particle Barrier," 

"Oh that's great!" You yelled. You slumped in your chair. Your eyes began to slowly grow more tired.

"(Y/N)? Do you want to go take a quick sleep? Me and Coran have got things under control. I'll call you once the Paladins have returned," Allura said to you. You barely realized that you were falling asleep. "Wait, (Y/N) I'm sorry. I seem to be having trouble with the Particle Barrier," The Particle Barrier began to fade.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" You yawned. Coran and Allura walked over to a small panel in the wall. You followed after them. Allura opened the panel revealing a small row of crystals. 

"Oh I see, the barrier crystals are out of alignment," Coran explained. A small crystal was tilted to the side.

"We need that in order to activate the Particle Barrier!" Allura yelled. You sat there and tried to come up with ideas. Something hit you.

"Allura, aren't there Altean mice around here?"

"Yes! We could use the mice!" Allura said as the four little mice scurried to Allura. She placed them into the panel. 

"Are you sure the mice know what they're doing, Princess?" Coran asked.

"Yes! I can hear them talking to me in my head!"

"Whoa you can hear mice in your head too?" You joked. Allura simply grinned. 

The mice were able to align the crystals causing the Particle Barrier to be restored. Coran began to stare intensely at the mice as he pressed his fingers to his temples.

"What are you doing Coran?" Allura asked

"I'm trying to get them to make me a sandwich!" He answered.

"They can do that?" You asked. You began doing the same thing as Coran.

"(Y/N), what are you trying to get the mice to do?" 

"Oh, I really want a strawberry smoothie,"

"I don't think they can do that," Allura answered. 

"That sucks," You said. "I'm just going to chill out here until the Paladins come back," You slumped down in your chair again. 

"Alright Paladins! We should be wrapping this up now. Do you have the Red Lion?" Allura asked as she pulled up the Paladins on her screen. 

"We made it!" You heard Hunk say from the screen. 

"We're coming back now, Princess" Shiro said.

Moments later, the four Lions returned to the castle. Allura sent the six of you to the Black Lion's hangar. The Lions were gathered all around the hangar door. Shiro stood outside of the doors. The lions began to power on. The door slowly began to rise up. What stood there was a large Black Lion. Red wings rested on it's back. The light shone down on the Black Lion's battle scars. Everyone stood there completely taken aback. The Black Lion let out fierce roar. All the other Lions did the same. 

"Wow! It's incredible!" You said as you stared at the Black Lion. An alarm started to blare in the castle. 

"(Y/N)! I need you up here on the castle deck! Sendak's ship has been spotted! Paladins to your Lions!" Allura screamed into the speakers. You started running until you heard a voice behind you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

You whipped your head around. Keith was standing there. "Good luck there, Girl Scout!"

"You too, Tough Guy!" You both smiled at each other and ran off to go where you were supposed to go. 

The Red Paladin {Keith x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now