Laughing Keith {Oneshot}

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Text message conversation between Keith and You

You: Keith, I legitimately want to die.

Keith: Why?

You: I have so much homework it's not even funny!

Keith: It wasn't that hard.

You: Are you finished?

Keith: Yeah. It was easy.

You: Really? We had almost every class together and each teacher from that class assigned a crap ton of homework. How did you finish so quickly?

Keith: Easy. I just didn't do it XD

You: Aww, honey. That's not what I mean.

Keith: Hey, it's Friday night. Why don't you come over and do your stupid homework here? My dad is still at work.

You: Yeah sure. My parents went out for the night. They said I can go out when my homework was done but, they never said that I couldn't leave to do homework.

Keith: Sound good with me. I'll order a pizza.

You: Okay. I'm gonna leave now.

You put your phone down and walked to your dresser. You pulled out a short black tank-top, an over-sized red flannel, and a pair of black leggings. You pulled on your sneakers that sat in the corner of your room. You tied your (Y/H/C) hair into a messy bun. You re-touched your mascara and lipstick as you headed out the door. Your backpack filled with your homework was slung over your shoulder.

Your car was parked in the driveway. You sat down and turned on the ignition. Maroon 5's 'What Lovers Do' came onto the radio as you pulled out of the driveway. You backed out and drove through your neighborhood and drove until you hit the main road.

The window was rolled down and the smell of fresh autumn leaves came rushing in. The autumn scent relaxed you. You casually sang to the song as you continued down the road. The light you stopped at was red. You heard your phone buzz and lifted it up to your face. It was a new message.

Mom: Hey, (N/N). The event is running a bit longer. We're going to be out until about 12:00 am. Be good. Let me know if you're going out.

You: Hey. Just at a stop light right now. I'm on my way to Keith's

Mom: Are you done your homework?

You: Yea. Gtg mom.

You threw your phone onto the passenger seat and continued your way to Keith's house. It wasn't that far from your house. You turned onto his street and continued down the road. You turned into his driveway and parked your car. You grabbed your backpack, ou phone and hopped out of your car. The front door opened right as you were about to knock.

Keith opened it and smiled at you he was dressed in a red hoodie and some black jeans. Keith's ginger cat brushed up against his legs.

"Hey there," You said.

"Hey," he said before leaning over and growing closer to his face. Just as he was about to kiss you, his cat meowed loudly, interrupting your moment.

He laughed and kissed your forehead. "Haha. Sorry. Red gets jealous. You know her,"

"Haha. I'm quite familiar with her," You said, walking into Keith's house. It wasn't the first time you've been there. Keith and you had been dating for two years now.

You walked over to Red and scooped her into your arms. You plopped onto the couched and gently stroked her back. Keith took a seat at the opposite end of the couch. You rested your feet on top of his lap.

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