Chapter 10| Suiting Up

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"Don't panic. We'll get through this," Shiro said calmly.

"Don't panic?" Hunk yelled as he began to pace around the room. "There is a big, scary, purple guy coming after us and he's bringing his scary battleship with him! And we only have four lions!"

"Technically, we only have three lions that work," Pidge said.

"Exactly, we only have three lions and a 10,000 year old castle. The odds are against us!" Hunk bellowed. 

"To be precise, this castle is 10,600 years old. It was built by my Grandfather," Coran explained. 

"Yes, thank you that's lovely but, now is the perfect time to panic!" Hunk continued.

"Wait, I just remembered something! This castle has a particle barrier that I can activate," Allura said.

"Girl, you've already activated my particle-"

"Lance!" Shiro said. He was once agin being very Space Dad. 

Allura pulled up a graph of Sendak's ship. "I don't think the particle barrier can withstand Sendak's iron cannon," Coran explained. "The Galra technology has advanced a lot since we last fought them. This isn't going to be easy,"

"Good because I didn't sign up for this to be easy," You smirked.

"Spoken like a true Girl Scout," Shiro said. "All we need to do is figure out our plan quickly,"

"I think we should open up a wormhole, and fight them some other day," Lance suggested.

"I second that!" Hunk yelled. "We tried our hardest and it didn't work out. As long as we tried, that's all that matters. We can't form Voltron but, we can form a Space Worm,"

"What the hell is a Space Worm?" You laughed.

"Well we could all connect our lions by the tails and slither though the wormhole," Hunk explained.

"Alright then it's settled. Princess Allura and Girl Scout will ride with me. Someone else can take to old Grandpa," Lance said gesturing to Coran. 

"I'm not just going to abandon Arus. There are other creatures that are living here too. They'll all die if we leave," You yelled. 

"Okay then, if we leave maybe we'll lure Sendak away from the planet where it remains unharmed," Hunk said. 

"Sendak could kill everyone on this planet and then go find us. Staying is the only way to win here," Keith screamed.

"Well, why don't you just shut your quiznak!" Lance roared. You were the only one who began to burst out in laughter. When Keith got angry his nose got all scrunched up like a little bunny. It was really cute and funny at the same time. 

"You're not using that word correctly!" Keith shot back.

"What do you know, mullet?" Lance spat. You laughed even harder to a point where you were lying on the floor. 

"We're staying!" Keith roared.

"Leaving!" Lance screamed.

"Staying!" Pidge yelled. 

"Leaving!" Hunk bellowed.

"Staying and kicking their asses!" You yelled from your lying position on the floor. 

"Stop it! Keith! Lance! Stop yelling! And (Y/N) watch your language!" Space Dad yelled. Everyone stopped and glared at each other. "Princess, the Lions are yours. You know them better than any of us. What do you think we should do?"

"I don't know,"

"Maybe your father will," Coran said as he walked over to Allura.

"My father?" She questioned.

"Wait hold up," You said getting off the floor. "Isn't Allura's dad dead? I swear if a freaking ghost King pops up, I'm leaving,"

"No. He's not alive but in a holographic form," Coran said as he led Allura out of the room. The rest of you sat there in silence. Moments later, Allura came back as confident as ever and dressed in a new white jumpsuit.

"Oooh! Costume change!" You laughed.

"You Paladins, were brought here for a reason. Voltron is the only thing standing in Zarkon's way. You must stop him. Your lions are meant for you to pilot them and you alone. The weight of the universe lies on Voltron's shoulders. Our shoulders. Now, follow me." Allura yelled. She led the six of you to a room full of cases. Each case had a uniform with colours varying from black, to red, to blue, to green, to yellow. Each boy walked over to the case matching their Lion's colour. All of them, including you were in awe. 

"Princess, are you sure that these boys and girl are able to lead Voltron? They aren't exactly the best of the bunch," Coran said to Allura.

"Well, they're all we've got,"

You walked up to Allura in complete awe. "These uniforms are amazing! Do you by any chance have something for me to wear?" 

"Why yes, of course," Allura led you to a small metal box in the corner of the room. She placed her hand on the top of the box. The box turned blue and began to start unfolding itself, revealing a very large closet.

"Oh my god!" You yelled. Allura grabbed you a pair of black leggings, a scarlet tank top, a sleek black jacket, and a pair of black boots. "Thanks, Allura!" She winked at you and walked away. 

"Boys and (Y/N), I think it's time to suit up," Shiro called out. Everyone began to retrieve their uniforms from it's glass case. You walked to a small door in the corner of the room. You opened it and found a large hall full of space weapons. 

"Woah," You muttered to yourself. After closing the door, you changed quickly and laid eyes a white and scarlet blaster. You were instantly reminded of Princess Leia's blaster from your favourite movie, Star Wars.  You tied your hair up in a high ponytail, grabbed the blaster, gathered your clothes, and headed out the door. All the boys were already dressed. Keith looked really cute in his outfit. 

"Hey, can I keep this?" You yelled as you walked over to them. Keith stared at you. He was completely shocked by how good you looked. 

"Ahh! A classic Altean, SD189! Nice choice of weapon! You definitely get to keep that," Coran smiled as he twirled his moustache.

"What's a Altean SD189?" You asked.

"The gun is called a space duster and it's model is number 189!" Allura explained. She and the Paladins gathered around a glass case. Allura placed her hand onto the case. It's glass disappeared, revealing a weird- shaped weapon. "This is a bayard. It is the traditional weapon of the paladins. Each bayard takes a distinctive form for each Paladin,"

Everyone's bayard flew towards them. Hunk's became a yellow heavy-duty gun. Lance's became a blue gun. Keith's took the form of a red sword. Pidge's turned into a green knife. "Your bayard is so cute!" Lance teased. 

Pidge whacked him with it, electrocuting him. "It is pretty cute,"

"Shiro, your bayard was lost in battle," Allura explained. 

"I'll just make do without it. Now let's go Paladins!" Shiro yelled.

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