Chapter 15| Training

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The boys ran off to their lions while you ran back to the bathroom. Keith's jacket was still wrapped around your shoulders. It's smell calmed you and made you think of Keith. Your clothes were sitting on the bathroom floor once you enter the bathroom. You decided to ditch your usual jacket and wear Keith's.You quickly got dressed and ran back to the castle's main control room.

"Create a bond with your lions," Allura said as you walked through the door. She was talking to Shiro who was in the Black Lion.

You took a seat and pulled up your holographic screen. You began to talk to the Paladins on your screen. "I know you guys can do it. Just feel the Lions' spirit unite with yours," You encouraged.

"We'll just fly around and see if the five of us can become one," Shiro said. Everyone else agreed on the idea. The Paladins began to fly the Lions in a straight line. Nothing was happening. They were just going in circles around the castle. "I don't think that it's working,"

"Maybe we actually have to physically build Voltron. We can stack on top of each other," Keith suggested.

"So we're going to become a bunch of cheerleaders?" Lance snorted.

"It's worth a try," You admitted. 

The lions were stacking on top of each other. You could see them outside through the castle window. "Okay, I think we got it. All we need to do is feel the bond with the lions," Shiro instructed. They stood there for five minutes. Nothing was happening. They were five separate lions instead of one.

"Maybe you guys are unable to form Voltron because you aren't in the heat of the battle," Allura said. 

"Yeah. I guess so," Lance said.

"Okay good because (Y/N) and I need to test out the castle's defence systems, Allura said as she began pressing buttons on her screen. She activated the particle barrier. Energy blasts were fired from the castle's end. The blasts landed in the area were the Paladins were. You followed Allura's lead and began to fire at the Paladins.

"Ahhh! Oh my god!" Pidge screamed. The Lions began to run in the opposite direction of the energy blasts. 

"What are you guys doing?!" Keith yelled.

"We're multitasking. We're testing the defences and testing you guys," You smiled. "We believe in you!"

"Let your fear guide you to greatness!" Allura encouraged.  

"Screw this I'm out!" Lance shouted as he flew the Blue Lion in the direction of the castle. He hit the particle barrier and began spiralling down into the ground. "Ugh!"

"Please go easy on us!" Hunk pleaded as he dodged the incoming blasts. 

"Zarkon isn't going to go easy on you so why should I?" Allura yelled. She left you in charge of firing at the Paladins and walked away. 

"Alright guys, Allura just left and I'm in charge now. And I'm much more tougher than her," You smirked. You but the energy blasts at full power.

"Ahhhhh!" Everyone screamed.

"Come on! We're gonna do this until you guys form Voltron," You yelled.

"Ugggghhhhh!" Lance yelled. 

After a solid fifteen minutes of firing at the lions, you decided to be nice and let the Paladins take a break. "You losers can come in," You said over the coms. The boys landed their lions outside the castle doors and waited for you to open them. You opened the doors and saw the exhausted looking boys, dragging their feet. "Go have a seat in the lounge area,"

You walked over to the lounge area. Everyone except for Shiro was lying on the couch. You took a seat beside Pidge and Keith. Both of them looked exhausted. "Maybe you guys just need a little rest before you get back up again,"

"I agree," Lance tiredly said. 

"Is that my jacket?" Keith interjected.

"Well yes it is Tough Guy. Remember you gave it to me?" You smiled. "I'm just wearing it for today. You can have it back afterwards,"

"I better get it back. It looks better on me," He smirked. The two of you stared at each other.

Just then, the doors of the lounge area slid open. Coran and Allura stood there beaming with joy. "Did you guys do it? Did you form Voltron?" Allura excitedly asked.

"No. We got tired and (Y/N) let us in," Keith explained.

"(Y/N)!" Allura screamed. "You were supposed to train them and keep them on track. Do you call that keeping them on track?"

"No Ma'am!" You said, suddenly taken aback.

"You five should be training!" Allura yelled again.

"But that's what we've been doing!" Hunk whined. "When are we going back to Earth? I want a cheeseburger!" 

"There won't be an Earth to back to if we can't figure out how to stop Zarkon!" Shiro yelled. 

"But we can't even form Voltron!" Lance complained. 

"You five are going to need to work on that. The original Paladins were true warriors. They fought hundreds of battles together. They were like a pack of yammers, attached by the ears!" Coran stated. 

"Hahaha! That's definitely not us!" Lance snorted. 

"During the last battle, your survival instincts allowed you to work as a team. You have to become closer if you want to form Voltron and defeating Zarkon. Try training on the training deck," Coran said. 

"There's a training deck?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. Me and Keith had to clean it," You explained. 

Coran gestured for everyone to follow him out of the room. He led everyone to the training deck. The Paladins gathered in a circle in the centre while you, Coran, and Allura went up to a room above the training deck. 

"Testing. Testing. One. Two. Three," Coran said into a microphone. "The Paladin code calls for you to put the lives of your teammates before your own. (Y/N) is going to activate the drones who are going to attack you. The objective here is to protect your teammates at all costs!"

You pulled up a holographic screen and began to press buttons on it. A panel opened up in the training deck, allowing a swarm of drones to fly out. They circled the group as each Paladin activated their shields. The drones started firing at the Paladins. 

Hunk dodged a blast but it hit Pidge in the back. A hole in the floor opened up allowing him to fall through. 

"Protect your teammates!" Coran yelled.

A laser hit Hunk from behind. He too fell through a hole in the floor. Keith, Lance, and Shiro formed a tighter circle. 

"(Y/N) is going to increase the intensity now," Coran said. You pushed more buttons on your screen which increased the drones' speed. 

You could see that Lance and Keith were going at it like usual. Lance moved his leg, allowing Keith to get hit with a laser. He fell through the floor, joining Pidge and Hunk. Shortly after, Lance got hit, exposing Shiro who also got hit. 

"Oh boy. This is going to take a very long time," Coran said as he face palmed. 

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