Chapter 16| The Gladiator

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The first day of training was officially over. Allura got upset and sent everyone to bed early. Nothing has been achieved. But on day two, Allura and the Paladins were determined to form Voltron. The team tried every exercise every created. Everything from invisible mazes, to flying the lions, blindly, to mentally forming Voltron. Nothing seemed to be working. Today, Allura has requested that you join the Paladins in their training. You would be joining the Paladins in battling the Gladiator. Allura wanted you to exercise your fighting skills. You were worried because you had no experience with self-defence

The six of you stood in a circle in the middle of the training room. You gripped your blaster tightly in your hand. A hole formed in the ceiling. A sleek, yellow robot with a blue circle in the middle of it's face stood there carrying a staff. Hunk panicked and started firing his bayard aimlessly. The robot or 'Gladiator' swept Hunk's legs using it's staff. It plunged the end of it's staff into Hunk's stomach. He yelped in pain. You ran behind the Gladiator and try to shoot it from behind. You missed your shots and nearly hit Keith and Pidge. The Gladiator turned around and charged at you. It picked you up with two hands and lifted you over it's head. Keith charged at it with his sword but, the Gladiator threw you across the room before he could make contact with the robot. Keith called out for you as you rolled around the floor in pain. You swore under your breath as you rubbed your aching head and shoulder. 

Pidge tried attacking the robot hand to hand using his electric blade. The Gladiator dodged his attacks and sent poor Pidge flying across the room. Lance tried shooting his gun at the robot. It blocked the shots and knocked his gun out of his hands. It finished Lance off with a whack on the head. The Gladiator used the butt of his staff to pick up Lance by the stomach and throw him Keith. Shiro powered on his arm and ran towards the Gladiator but froze for a moment. Keith jumped in front of him and blocked the Gladiator with his sword as it swung for Shiro. 

Unfortunately, Keith was no match for the Gladiator. It swept Keith's legs and pushed him into Shiro. They both groaned in pain. Allura stepped in and powered off the Gladiator. She stood in the middle of the room with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. "That combat simulator was set at a level foran Altea child! And you couldn't beat it!"

"What?! How could that be for a child! What kind of psychotic children are you raising in Altea?!" You shouted. Allura shot a look at you that made you shut up. Keith crawled over to you and checked to make sure you were okay. 

After the Gladiator disaster, Coran thought that it would be nice to have lunch all together. So that Paladins sat on one side of the very long table while you, Coran, and Allura sat on the other side. Your head was rested in the palms of your hands. There was a plate full of goop sitting in front of each of you. Everyone reached for their utensils when Coran pressed a button on a remote. Bracelets formed on the Paladins' hands. The Bracelets attached to the Paladins hands so that they were all connected. 

"What the hell?" Lance shouted.

"I saw a lot of individual progress today, but you're having difficulties working together. So, welcome to the final exercise of the day!" Coran said

Hunk tried moving his arms but he was attached to Lance and Shiro. "Coran, I need you to think about what you're doing,"

"You are going to have to feed each other and (Y/N), you can't help them," Coran said.

"Got it," You responded. 

Hunk picked up his spoonful of goop and brought it to his mouth along with Lance's hand. Lance accidentally. pushed the goop into Hunk's face.

"Sorry!" Lance said. He tried to help Hunk but his hand slipped and went into Hunk's mouth. Lance moved to his left but, pulled Keith's hand into a pile of goop. The two scowled at each other and the n began to argue. 

An irritated Allura snapped at everyone. "Do you humans ever stop complaining and acting like such foolish children?!"

"Well, can you give us a break. Everyone has been working extremely hard the last couple of days.  We're all exhausted and (Y/N) got flung across the room," Shiro said. 

"We're not just some prisoners for you to toy with" Keith stuttered.

"Like a bunch of toy prisoners!" Lance interjected.

"Yes! Thank you Lance!" Keith said. 

"You do not speak to the Princess like that!" Coran yelled.

"We're all really tired and she doesn't seem to understand how hard we are all working!" You said, clearly pissed.

"We're not even from Altea! She's no princess of ours!" Pidge whined. He was immediately hit in the face with goop that Allura had flung at him. 

"Go crazy, Pidge," Keith yelled as he threw his plate of goop towards Allura. Coran jumped in front of her and slapped the plate in your direction. The goop went flying and hit you in the face. But unfortunately for you, the zooming plate hit you in the head causing you to fly back. While you rolled around on the floor, Coran whipped a spoonful of goop at the Paladins. 

You were bleeding fro the forehead as you got back up on your chair. "Damn. I just keep on getting beat up today," You laughed as you put your napkin over your fresh wound. 

"Are you alright?" Keith asked.

"Honestly, no but, FOOD FIGHT!" You screamed. You picked up your plate and dumped it's contents onto Coran's head. Coran and Allura began to fling goop at the six of you. The six of you did the same thing until all eight of you were covered in green goop. 

The six of you stared at each other and began to erupt into laughter. You were all interrupted by an angry Allura. "Stop it! Don't you see what you're doing?" She screamed. "You're finally working together!" She smiled. 

"Oh yeah!" Keith said.

"I actually don't hate you!" Lance responded. 

"Let's go form Voltron!" Shiro yelled.  

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