Chapter 8| Girl Scout

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An alarm from the computer in the pod room began to go off. There had been a Galra battleship spotted. 

"What! How did they find us?" Allura yelled as she sprinted to the computer. 

"I don't know how but, I'm sure it's Keith's fault," Lance said giving cut eye to the raven-haired boy.

"Say what ever you want to make yourself feel better after you nearly killed us when we got stuck on the other side of a wormhole!" Keith yelled. 

"I'll stick you in a wormhole!" Lance roared.

"Knock it off you two!" Shiro yelled. He was being very Space Dad. "How much time do we have? before they get here?"

Coran began counting with his fingers. "At the speed they're traveling at I would say, a couple of days,"

"Good. When they get here, you five are going to form Voltron and be this century's Paladins. Together we are going to put an end to Zarkon," Allura answered.

"I am I one of those five?" You asked.

"No. You and Coran are going to be my co-piolts," Allura answered. You were slightly disappointed but you were a good sport about it. You just hated how you were always the co-pilot and never the pilot. You shook it off. The way you were feeling wasn't important right now. 

"How are we going to find the other Lions?" Shiro asked.

"Follow me," Allura responded. She led you to the main control area of the castle. There were two poles in the middle of the control room. Allura walked to the two poles and placed her hands on top of it. 

"King Alfor placed the location of the Lions in Allura's life force. That's why only she can find it," Coran explained.

The room was soon filled with a map of the solar system. There were planets, suns, moons, stars, everything. 

"Are these coordinates?" Pidge asked looking at the patterns in the map. "It looks like the Black Lion is in the same spot as the Blue Lion,"

"Why yes it is. You are quite the observant one," Allura said. "The Black Lion is here in the castle,"

"To protect the Black Lion from Zarkon, King Alfor locked it up here," Coran explained. "It can only be freed when all the four other Lions are here,"

"The Lions choose their Paladins. The bond between the Paladin and Lion is strong and magical.  The quintessence of the pilot lies in his lion. They form something even greater than science can prove. The Black Lion is the leader of Voltron. It's paladin needs to be a natural leader and is someone who can be relied on. You, Shiro will be the Paladin of the Black Lion. The Green Lion needs to have a pilot of great intellect and courage. Pidge, you will be the Paladin of the Green Lion. The Blue Lion-" Allura was cut off by a very arrogant Lance. 

"The Blue Lion has to be Piloted by the most handsome and hottest one in the team. The one that gets all the ladies,"

"I'm not even going to continue with you, Lance. Where was I? Oh yes, the yellow lion, is caring and kind. The Yellow Lion's Paladin must put others before themselves and have a strong heart. Hunk, you will pilot the Yellow Lion. The Red Lion is the most temperamental and stubborn Lion. It will be difficult to master. It is the fastest Lion yet more unstable. It's Paladin must rely on instinct than on skill and knowledge. Keith, you will be the Red Lion's Paladin," Allura said.

"Literally everyone's Lion fits their personality. Were lucky to have you bunch of idiots flying Voltron," You laughed. You looked at Keith. The two of you made eye contact for a brief moment but you both looked away. 

"I am not able to find the location of the Red Lion," Allura said.

"Oh don't you worry, Keith. We'll find the Red Lion soon. I'm sure of it. They don't call me the Coranic for nothing," Coran laughed as he twirled his moustache.  "You know, Coranic sounds like mechanic,"

"The Coranic? You and Lance should form a club for people with weird and stupid nicknames," You laughed. 

"No! The Tailor isn't a stupid name!" Lance yelled.

"Who gave you that nickname?" You yelled back at him.

"I gave it to myself! But it spread like a wildfire. After I started calling myself that, everyone did too. And besides, I'm amazing at giving nicknames to people! I mean I gave you an excellent nickname!"

"What! The only thing you call me is 'Babe' or 'Honey'"

"Well fine I'll give you another nickname. I'll call you Girl Scout!"

"Girl Scout? Why that of all things?"

"Because you're smart and you're as sweet as the cookies that Girl Scouts sell. And because you're a girl, so it works."

"Awww! Lance! That's so sweet of you! Come here!" You said smiling with your arms wide open. He walked over to you and gave you a hug. Keith rolled his eyes in disgust. "He's jelly!" You thought. 

"Anyways, as I was saying, once all the Lions are together, they can form Voltron, the most skilled warrior and the Defender of the Universe!" Allura said as a hologram of a huge space robot flew in the air. 

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, Damnnn!" You yelled. 

"Is this going to be a long trip to get the Lions because I need to pee. Do Alteans pee?" Hunk asked. 

"We don't have a lot of time. Pidge and I will go find the Green Lion. Lance and Hunk will go and find the Yellow Lion. Girl Scout and Keith can stay here. If you are able to find the Red Lion, go get it," Shiro said. 

"Sounds like a plan. In the meantime, I'll get the castle defences ready. (Y/N) and Keith, while you're here I need you too clean up the castle. It's been 10,000 years since we've last cleaned it. See if you can find any cleaning supplies anywhere. And since you both have been cooperative and have helped me, you both get first pick of which room you get," Allura said.

"I'll ready a pod for Shiro and Pidge and send the coordinates of the Lions to all of you. Now you all must hurry. We can only hold the wormholes open for two Earth hours. You guys really need to hustle. Got it?" Coran asked.

"Got it," Everyone answered. Everyone except for Allura ran off to complete their missions.

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