Chapter 4| Rescuing Shiro

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"Keith? As in Keith Kogane?" You questioned as you chased after Lance down the rocks.

"Yes, Keith Kogane! I hate that guy! He's always trying to one up me!" Lance shouted back.

Lance continued to ran ahead of you with Pidge and Hunk following you from behind. Keith had already gone into the space craft where Shiro was held. Screams and shouts could be heard from inside the craft.

"I hope Keith didn't get himself killed" You thought

"We're going inside! Lance screamed to you. Pidge and Hunk followed after him. You stopped running and thought to yourself,"If we are going to make a quick escape, were gonna need a getaway vehicle," You glanced over to the weird space motorcycle that Keith had used. "Ah ha!" You ran over to it and began to power it up. Once it was working you were able to fly it over to the entrance of the space craft, awaiting everyone's arrival. Moments later, Pidge and Hunk came running out, guiding Lance and Keith. Each one of them had one of Shiro's arms draped over their shoulders.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing on my bike?" Keith yelled at you as he gently place Shiro on to the vehicle.

"I'm saving our butts! That's what I'm doing!" You responded slightly annoyed.

Everyone else hopped onto the space bike. "Is this thing going to hold all of us?" Hunk asked.

"I don't think so," You and Keith said in unison. You pulled a handle and the bike took off. The Garrison vehicles began to chase you.

"Let me take over!" Keith suggested. He was cute when he got all serious.

"No! I got it!" You replied. You were fully capable of flying the bike but you had no idea where you were going. You travelled the dry plains and up mountains. On Keith's command, Hunk leaned left and right every so often causing the bike to go in the same direction as well.

The wind whipped through your hair as you began to gain more speed. You were in a full speed chase with the Garrison.

"CLIFF! CLIFF! CLIFF!" Everyone shouted at you as the bike was coming to the edge of a cliff.

"I see it! Now everyone shut up!" You yelled. The bike gained more speed as you flew the bike down the cliff. Everyone except for Keith were screaming at the top of their lungs. You yanked the stirring maneuvers, pulling the whole bike upwards before you hit the ground. The Garrison stood on the cliff starring at you as you escaped into the night.

After traveling for a good fifteen minutes, you put the vehicle to a stop. "You can take over, tough guy. I don't know where I'm going and you seem to know your way around here,"

Keith smirked and took control over the bike. You went to take a seat next to Lance as Keith got the bike up and running.

"(Y/N)! Since when could you fly like that?!" Lance yelled. He was in complete shock.

"I don't know! It's my first time using one of these things," You admitted.

"Not bad for a first-timer," Shiro suddenly said. Everyone turned to look at him as he slowly got up and scratched his head. "Thanks for saving me," He said. His voice was slightly groggy. "Who are you guys?"

"Keith. But you knew that."

"I-I'm Lance,"

"My name's Pidge,"



"Well it's nice to meet all of you," Shiro smiled.

Not long after that the sun began to rise. Keith landed the bike in front of a small wooden house in the middle of no where. Everyone got up and walked into the house which you presumed, was Keith's.

The interior of the house was small and had a maps and images scattered on a board. There was a couch and coffee table in front of it. There were computers scattered along the bottom of the board. You crashed onto the couch. It was old and worn out but felt so comfy.

"What is this?" Shiro asked looking at the board.

"I don't really know. There was a call to me to search after I was kicked out of the Garrison,"

"Search for what exactly?" You asked from the warmth of the couch.

"At the time I had no clue until I found this area," Keith said, pointing at a spot on the map. "It's a cave covered with some sort of markings," he said pointing to images of carvings of lions in rocks. "It tells a story of a blue lion. Each leading to an arrival that occurred last night. Then you came into the picture," Keith said, making eye contact with Shiro.

You barely payed attention to what Keith said. You were completely distracted by him. You finally able to put your head in the game. You would get a chance to talk to Keith later. For now you had to focus.

"Did anyone else for your Kerberos crew make it out with you?" Pidge asked.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember," Shiro replied. Pidge had a disappointed look on his face. You could never figure out why he was so upset by the Kerberos mission.

"Do you think the aliens are coming for us?" Hunk asked.

"I don't really know. I just know that I remember the word Voltron. It's a weapon that the aliens want to get a hold of,"

Something clicked in your head. "Pidge, you said that you picked up that word on alien chatter right?"

"Ummm, yes,"

"For some reason it sounds so familiar to me. I feel like I just recently heard about it," You thought to yourself for a minute. You reached in the pocket of your Garrison hoodie and pulled out a note. You opened it and found an entire page filled with notes on Voltron. "I remember now! I wore this hoodie to class last month and we had to take notes on Voltron for my History of Galactic Battles class. "

"Thank God you paid attention for that lesson!" Lance exclaimed. I was only there because the Principal said that I need to pass that class in order to become a pilot. We supposedly needed to "learn from the past to thrive in our future,"" Lance said imitating the Principal's voice. He made air quotes when he quoted the principal.

"Any ways, it says that Voltron is made up of five lions. A blue lion, a yellow lion, a red lion, a green lion, and a black lion. Once they're formed together the become Voltron, the legendary defender, also known as defender of the universe. The blue lion forms the right leg, the yellow is the left leg, the red is the left arm, the green is the right arm, and the black is the torso and head. Although it has won many battles, Voltron hasn't been seen in 10,000 years," You read looking at your notes.

"What is Voltron exactly?" Keith asked.

"In other words, it's a badass robot,"

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