Chapter 27| Collection

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You moved the stray hairs out of your face to get a closer look at the containment facility. What was being held in the containers was something that you thought would remain a mystery. From Pidge's line, there was a robotic voice that spoke up, startling you at first.

"That substance is quintessence, it is a substance that has the highest energy per unit volume in the universe." The voice spoke.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually talk to robots. Whom may I ask is speaking?" You said, unsurely.

"Oh. I should fill you in. I re-programmed one of the sentries. He's on our side now." Pidge stated.

"Raw quintessence is a material that is transported to this base from all over the galaxy." The robot continued. "It is used to fuel Galra requirements such as ships."

Horrified by the sudden news, Coran spoke up. "I don't believe it. They found a new way to retrieve quintessence!"

"We're gonna steal one of those containers of quintessence." Keith stated.

"We are?" You asked him.

"It's the only way for us to find out what this thing is," Keith told you.

Agreeing to the plan, You and Keith turned off your coms and hid behind a wall. A cart passed by holding a new supply of quintessence. You grabbed it and tucked it underneath your arms. As you did that, you heard Haggar's guard move from behind the wall. It had stopped working on more quintessence. 

"Keith. It heard us. Don't move."

You felt Keith's heavy breath down the nape of your neck. The two of you were too scared to move, and be at risk of getting caught. You pulled your blaster out of your holster as Keith readied his sword. The moments of silence seemed endless. 

In the blink of an eye, the guard had appeared beside the two of you out of thin, black air. It raised a hand at Keith. You pushed Keith out of the way and took a blast to the side. You fell flat on your back, with pain searing at your side. Your eyes became to grow heavier, as you saw the bottle of quintessence rolling in the opposite direction.  


"Forget about me. Just get the freaking quintessence!" You bellowed. You placed a hand over your fresh wound and sprinted to join Keith in battle. The guard had the ability to vanish and re-appear. Keith was violently slashing his sword around, hoping that he would get a hit on the guard. It disappeared. Your eyes dart from up above as the guard readied another attack.

"Move!" You screamed as purple energy beams missed you and Keith by a hair. Using his jetpack, Keith launched himself at the guard. His sword hit his hands. The guard was open. You fired multiple shots at the guard. One hit him in the face, but it seemed to be unharmed. The guard threw Keith into an aisle of quintessence containers. From across the room, you could hear Keith's loud swearing as he clutched his hand in pain. 

Thinking quickly, you pulled out a weapon that you had taken from the weaponry. You pulled out a metal rod with a black handle. You pressed the button that was at the bottom of the handle. The rod turned a bright shade of blue. You ran towards the guard and swung the rod into it's chest, electrocuting it. It fell to the floor with a loud thump. 

You ran over to an even angrier Keith who clutched his hand. "Let me see." You said, taking his hand. It was covered in purple marks. You looked to your left and saw that there was a broken bottle of quintessence. Is that what caused the purple marks to appear? "I need to take a sample of this." You told Keith. You turned your com on. "Pidge, I need you to get us out of here."

"Got it! I'm on my way!"Pidge said.

You took two bottles out of your medical bag. You quickly filled them up with quintessence. From the other side of the room, the guard was back on it's feet.

"What? How did that not kill him? It took a direct from me!"

You shoved the two bottles into your medical bag and yanked Keith's arm as another fire was shot in the direction of the two of you. With your shields up, the two of you hopped between the platforms of the containment unit. You both had fallen onto the conveyer belt that led to the extraction of each quintessence container. Keith's injured hand was tucked behind his back while his other gripped his bayard. The guard stood opposite of you two, ready to attack again.

"Keith, on my count, we're gonna jump, and make a break for it. I'll cover us. I need to get you somewhere so I can take a look at your hand." You whispered into his ear.

"I understand."



As you were about to countdown to the final number, the room began to violently shake. The container of quintessence that stood behind you and Keith suddenly burst, showering the two of you. The ceiling collapsed as the Green Lion fell from the sky.

"Get in!" Pidge yelled. "We still have to get Shiro and Allura!"

"Thank god! Pidge, I love you so much right now!" You screamed as you and Keith ran into the Green Lion.

"I know, I'm pretty great."

The two of you entered the cockpit of the Green Lion. Pidge piloted the Lion in the direction of where Shiro and Allura were. "Hey lovebir- what are you covered in? Pee?" She said as she stared at your quintessence soaked clothing.

"Hi. This is quintessence." You laughed. You turned to Keith who was more saltier than ever. "Can I take a look at your hand?"

He took a seat at the back of the cockpit. You knelt in front of him. His hand was extended towards you. You held his hand and applied pressure onto the purple marks. "Does that hurt?"

"Kind of. Not really though."

"Okay. That's good. I don't think anything is broken."

You studied his hand. In a matter of seconds, the excess quintessence had cleared up the marks and left Keith's hand looking as if nothing had happened.

"What just happened?!" You yelled.

"Beats me," Keith said, unbothered by the fact that his injuries just miraculously disappeared.

"What is this quintessence exactly? Does it have the ability to heal? This could potentially change the world of medicine as we know it!" You yelled eagerly. "I have to look into this when we get back! Now, I'm going to do a quick physical checkup to see if there's anything else I need to take a look at." You said to your relaxed boyfriend. You put a stethoscope into your ears and held the end to his heart. "Breathe in." You told him. He did what you asked. You held your index finger in front of his face. "Follow my finger," you said, moving your finger in different directions. He followed. "You're good."

His face softened as his purple eyes locked onto yours. A friendly smile spread across his face. Keith slipped his hand behind your neck and brought your face close to his. He softly placed a kiss on your lips. "Thanks." He smiled.

The warm and fuzzy feeling you had, disappeared as the Green Lion approached the Galra ship that Allura and Shiro were aboard. On the way to the place where Shiro and Allura would be exiting from, Pidge stopped and picked up Lance and Hunk before taking off again. As you grew closer to the ship, you spotted a single pod.

"That's them," Pidge said, maneuvering her Lion to collect the pod. Minutes later, the doors to the cockpit swung open.

"Did my Space Parents kick some major ass- wait. Where's Allura?" You said as your grin turned into a frown. Allura wasn't there. Shiro's eyebrows furrowed. His head hung low.

"Allura sacrificed herself to save me."

"She's still on the ship?" Pidge asked. Shiro nodded.

"The ship that's headed straight to Zarkon's Central Command?" Keith asked. 

"The place that is way to dangerous to attack?" You asked

"Yeah. That's the one."

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