Chapter 9| Cleaning

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"So Tough Guy, where do you think the cleaning supplies are?" You asked Keith as the two of you strolled through the hallways of the castle.

Keith just shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno." 

"Why is he acting like that?" You thought.

"Oh come on! If were going to have fun and clean like we've never cleaned before, I need you to talk to me!" You said playfully punching him on the arm. "Are you being emo?"

"No. And I'm not emo,"

"You're so emo,"

"I just don't understand why we have to clean up this place. Shouldn't we be doing something that is important?" Keith complained as the two of you searched for the cleaning supplies.

"Well, I don't like it much either. It's important for us to clean and make this place a good work environment. But, we still have to track the Red Lion so we're doing this in the meantime. You just have to be a good sport when it comes to these kinds of things. Do you think I like not being a Paladin?"


"Exactly. But that is just something I have to deal with and be a good sport. No one likes someone who's always sucky about bad situations,"

"I guess you're right. Hey, did we check this hallway yet?" Keith asked pointing towards a dark hallway.

"No I don't think so," You stared at the hallway. There was no light. "I guess the light must be busted here. I'll come back here and fix the light later,"


The two of you walked down the darkened hallway. There was a small door at the end of the hall. You presumed that it was just a closet. When you reached the closet, the two of you looked at each other.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Right?" You asked

"Right," Keith responded. He reached over to the palm scanner beside the door and placed his hand on it. The door slid open. There sitting on the floor was a metal box filled with weird space cleaning supplies.  

The castle made a weird noise that scared the crap out of both of you. Keith picked up the box and ran down the hallway. You followed behind him. The two of you sprinted towards the castle's control area. You two of you burst through the door and collapsed on the floor. The both of you were completely out of breath.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" Allura asked.

"This castle is kind of scary!" You yelled 

"Why? What's the problem?" Allura asked with her eyebrows raised.

"It's spooky," You said.

"Well, we are going to face more spookier things if we are going to fight Zarkon. Now can you start cleaning the main entrance?"

"Yeah," You both said in unison. As soon as you left, you and Keith started laughing your heads off.

"We were being so stupid!" You said slapping your knees. 

"I know!" Keith laughed. 

"There was really nothing to be afraid of," You said. As soon as you said that the castle made another weird noise. The two of you ran down to the main entrance. 

The entrance was really dusty. There were cobwebs everywhere. Keith lowered the metal box filled with cleaning supplies. You picked up a metal tube thing. It had weird buttons all over it. You pressed the first button and all the dust and cobwebs came flying into the tube. 

"Well, I guess that takes care of that," You said. 

"I think we should wash the floors though,"

"Okay, I'll wash the staircase and you wash the floors,"

"Okay," Keith responded. He found two little bottles filled with red liquid. Keith also pullout two long metal poles with a weird cotton, fluffy thing at the end of it. There were buttons on the handle of the pole. Both you and Keith pushed the first button and the weird cotton thing began to spin.

"I'm guessing this works the same way a regular mop works," Keith pointed out. He poured a little bit of the red liquid onto the fluffy cotton thing. Keith placed it onto the floor where it began to throughly clean it. As Keith began to clean you couldn't help but stare at his mullet and his purple eyes. 

"He's so perfect," You thought.

You put your head back into the game and continued to focus on your work. You did the same thing and placed it onto the stairs. "Hey, I'm really surprised we know how to do use this stuff,"

"The thing is that we don't know how to use this stuff. I'm just using common sense,"


The two of you worked in silence until Allura's voice appeared onto the speakers. "Keith! (Y/N)! If you two are done cleaning the main entrance, please start cleaning the training deck on the second floor.

"Do you think we're done here?" Keith asked you.

"Yeah. The floors are brighter than my future. I mean look at them, they're sparkling,"

The two of you collected the cleaning supplies and headed over to the training deck. It wasn't very dusty but the floors were a bit mucky. You did the same thing as last time and started washing the floors. Not long after Allura told you to clean the hallways. You guys were able to work super quickly when Allura told you to clean the castle control system room. Once you finished that, Allura finally allowed you two to pick your rooms.

There was a hallway full of rooms. Keith picked the one at the end of the hall on the right side. You picked the one next to his. You heard Keith collapse onto his bed out of exhaustion. You did the same. You were tired from standing up for the past two hours. As soon as you were kind of falling asleep, Allura called for you and Keith to return to the control room for the Team's arrival.

You groaned and walked out of your room. Keith was trotting along behind you. After what felt like ages, the two of you finally reached the control room. Everyone was there.

"How'd it go?" Keith asked.

"I got my Lion," Pidge smiled.

"I got mine but the experience was horrible," Hunk complained as he stretched out his arms.

"I almost puked. I felt like Hunk," Lance said as he pointed a thumb at Hunk.

"Did we find the Red Lion yet?" Shiro asked.

"Yes, Allura just located it. It's close by but, it's on the Galra ship that's headed for Arus," Coran smiled. "And we're Arus!"

"They're here!" Shiro yelled. 

"Well, it appears my calculations we're a tad off. Finger coating isn't exactly the best method,"

A grim face of Commander Sendak appeared on the castle's main screen. Commander Sendak had huge ears and a red robot eye. "Princess Alura, I'm Commander Sendak of Emperor Zarkon. I'm here to take back the Lions. Give them to me and Arus will be unharmed. If you refuse to give me the Lions, I will kill every single one of you," His image disappeared from the screen. 

The Red Paladin {Keith x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now