Chapter 24| Saving the Balmera

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Swiftly, the five lions banded together to form Voltron. Just from being inside the Red Lion, you could feel the emotional bond between the Paladins that brought the lions together. You could hear the mechanical clicks of the lions interconnecting with one another. Voltron was formed. It was breathtaking.

"Wow," You said under your breath. "This is Voltron."

"This is Voltron," Keith smirked. 

You held on to the back of Keith's seat for dear life. Voltron pushed the laser that was hitting the castle upwards. From the castle, Allura and Coran were able to fire a laser powerful enough for it to completely destroy it. Voltron was amazing. The mission was accomplished. Or so you thought.

"Paladins! There is an unknown object that is heading straight for the Balmera!" Coran blared. There was a loud crash and explosion.

"What is that?" Lance question as he stared at the coffin-looking object that was lodged into the ground. It looked like Galra tech. 

"Whatever it is. It's trouble." Shiro answered.

"Please tell me that there's no monster in that." Hunk sighed.

"I honestly really doubt that there isn't going to be something in that." You replied.

"Whatever it is, we have to hold our ground," Shiro said as the sword and shield formed. Voltron was ready for any attacks that could come. The coffin-like object opened, revealing a disgusting pink robeast with a long body covered in red armour. It had long arms that were covered in laser beam cannons.

"Wow. I didn't think it was possible." You said.

"What?" Keith asked.

"Something in this universe is actually more disgusting than me when I first wake up."

Keith laughed before the Robeast shot a strong laser at Voltron. It blocked the attack but continued firing at Voltron. This thing had aim too. It was able to get a shot at Voltron at almost every angle. It aimed a heavy laser at the shield.

"My lion is weakening! The shield can't take any more fire, and we can't afford to be hit!" Pidge bellowed.

"She's right! Keith yelled.

"Okay. Lions, disband." Shiro said. In a flash, the lions were individuals once more.

"(Y/N)! I really don't like the idea of you standing behind me while I fly the lion. You don't have any form of a seatbelt, and I really don't want you getting hurt," Keith told you. "I'm going to take you back to the castle. Coran and Allura need you, and you're safe there."

"That's fine." You said. "I understand. There's way more I could do to help back at the castle anyways."

"Guys. I gotta bring (Y/N) back to the castle. She's not safe here." Keith informed.

"That's fine. Hurry though," Shiro said. The Robeast opened up it's arms and began to shoot using it's multiple lasers. "We can't dodge these lasers for long."

"Got it." Keith quickly headed towards the castle. The particle barrier was weakening after taking heavy fire. 

"It won't last any longer. I have to figure out a way to conduct energy into strengthening the particle barrier. Power coverts maybe? I could potentially lower the laser beams and use that stored energy to power the particle barrier." You said as the Red Lion neared the hangar doors.

"I love it when you talk science and technology," Keith smirked. You chuckled in response.

"Allura lower the particle barrier near the Red Lion hangar." You said. It opened quickly. In the past, you would have to take down the entire particle barrier if you needed to enter a specific part of the castle. You thought that it was dangerous and inefficient, so you programmed it to be able to open in certain areas. 

The Red Paladin {Keith x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now