Chapter 5| The Blue Lion

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"A robot?!" everyone yelled in unison.

"Yeah a robot I guess," you said staring at your sheet.

"I think that it's important for us to find Voltron before the aliens do. Who knows what they'll do with it once they've got their hands on it," Shiro said.

"Well, last night I was rummaging through Pidge's things when I found a picture of his girlfriend," Hunk laughed opening his backpack. 

"Hey, she's pretty, you should introduce me to her. I think we'll be great friends," You said staring at the picture of Pidge with his arm wrapped around a girl with brown hair, and in a long purple dress.

"Hey! Give me that!" Pidge snapped swiping the picture of Hunk's hands. "Why were you going through my things? That's my private stuff,"

"Sorry, I was hungry and looking for a candy bar. Any ways, I was looking through Pidge's diary and-"

"What!? Hunk!" Pidge yelled grabbing the little red book out of Hunk's hands.

"I found some repeating numbers that the aliens are looking for looks like a Fraunhofer line," Hunk explained.

"A what now?" You asked.

"At first I didn't know what it was either, so I took one of your books, (Y/N) and found out what Fraunhofer lines are," Hunk said as he pulled out your book.

"What? How did you get it? It was in my dormitory which is GIRLS ONLY!"

"I asked one of your roommates to get it for me. I got chocolate on my copy of the book, Pidge already finished reading it and handed it back in to the instructor, and Lance completely ruined his,"

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

"Because you would've said no. I know how protective you get over your books. And I really needed the info. By the way I found one of your notes in one of the pages. I didn't know you liked Keith. The note I found had his name written in the middle of a big heart,"

You were absolutely mortified. You're face turned a bright red. Keith just smirked in the corner of the room. He was even more cuter when he smirked. "HUNK! GIVE ME THAT! STOP GOING THROUGH PEOPLE'S THINGS! AND BESIDE YOU COULD'VE JUST SEARCHED UP FRAUNHOFER LINES ON THE INTERNET! You yelled taking your book from him.

"Oh yeah! I could've done that. That would've been so much easier. Thanks! I'll do that next time!"

"WAIT! YOU LIKE KEITH?!" Lance yelled.

"Guys that's enough! Hunk, what's a Fraunhofer line?" Shiro yelled.

"It's a number that explains the emission spectrum of the elements. But I think that this element could be Voltron. I could construct a machine to track Voltron. The wave line looks like this," he said pulling a chart out of his pocket.

Keith stepped forward and took the chart from Hunk. He walked over to the board and placed the chart next to a picture of rocky desert. The wave line matched the outline of the desert. You all stared at it for a moment, completely stunned.

"Let's go," Shiro announced.

The six of you walked out of Keith's house. Everyone climbed onto Keith space bike and flew off. You sat behind Keith and next to Lance who was staring at you.

"What?" You asked.

"YOU LIKE KEITH?!" He yelled.

Everyone turned to look at you. "Ummm, no. I mean, yes. Well he's my friend. You guys are all my friends. A-and I really don't want to talk about this since Keith is sitting right in front of me and we are trying to find a giant robot, before the aliens do. So, I'm just going to leave it at that," You were extremely embarrassed. Lance just sat beside you, shocked. You just let the silence sink in.

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