Chapter 6| Alteans

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"Ummmm, what the hell are we supposed to do?" You asked. Lasers from the ship began to be fired at the Blue Lion.  "Lance! Move it now!"

"Okay! Hang on!" Lance yelled as he swerved the Lion from the left to the right, dodging the lasers. "I know what to do!"

"Just be careful, Lance! This isn't a simulator!" Pidge yelled.

"Good because I was always terrible at those," Lance replied. He pushed the steering handles forward allowing the Lion to let out lasers of their own.  It hit the ship, causing it damage. The Blue Lion attacked once more causing parts of the ship to blow up.

"You're not so bad, tailor," You admitted. Lance smirked. The ship chased after the Blue Lion. 

"Where are we going?" Keith asked.

"I think we're at the edge of the solar system,' you said.

"Look there's Kerberos!" Shiro pointed out.

"Are you sure? It takes months to get here. We only did it in minutes. This Lion is amazing," Pidge stated. Just then, a large blue circle appeared into space.

"What is that?" Everyone said in unison.

"I think it's a wormhole!" You said "Do we go through it?"

"I think the Lion wants us to go in," Keith said.

"YOLO!" Lance said as he went through the wormhole. "I guess we're skipping class tomorrow,"

The circle closed just after you entered it. While in the portal thing, the Lion began to shake causing you all to shake. On the other end of the wormhole, the Lion led the six of you to a beautiful planet. You then realized that you were very far away from Earth. The lion flew towards a beautiful, yet advanced looking castle. It took your breath away.

"Oh my god!" You laughed. The castle seemed to have welcomed the Blue Lion. It was all so amazing. It brought you to the large doors of the castle. You all left the Lion and walked to the doors. From behind you, the Lion got up and let out a ferocious roar. It shook the ground and everything around you.  

The doors began to open as if it were telling you to go in. Everyone was completely shocked. You all went in. The castle was completely dark. The only light source was from the open doors. 

"You know, I've been wanting to find a castle like this since I was four. Maybe we'll find a real life Princess," You joked.

"I would love to meet whatever Princess lives here," Lance smirked. 

A light from the ceiling fell onto the six of you, forming a circle around you. A computerized voice spoke, "Remain still for scanning," a separate light began to scan each of you. You became extremely freaked out. The lights began to light up the castle. One dark hallway lit up, one light at a time. It was telling you to go that way. You all trusted your instincts and followed it. The lights led you down more hallways and staircases. You walked until you reached a large room with large holes in the floor. The holes were all placed in a big circle. In the middle of the circle stood a control panel. The room began to activate. 

Two large pods rose from the ground. All of you were completely shocked. "Holy crap I hope there are no dead bodies in there," You said. Lance walked up to one pod. The glass from the pod began to disappear, revealing a beautiful girl. She had dark skin, pointy ears, white hair, and was dressed in a long purple and white gown. 

"Father!" She said stretching her hand out. She fell out but landed in Lance's arms. "Well hello," He smirked. 

The girl looked even more confused. You decided that maybe you should talk to her, since you were a girl as well. 

"Who are you? And where am I?" She said in a soft British accent. 

"I'm Lance and, you're right here in my arms,"

"Lance! You're gonna freak her out," You said. You walked over to her and took her hand. "Umm, hello there! I'm (Y/N)! We were brought here from Earth by a Blue Lion. We're a bit lost and confused. Do you no anything about the Lion?"

She swiped her hand away and swept your legs. You fell hard on your bum. Keith rushed to your aid. "Who are you people!? Where is King Alfor? How did you get into my castle?!" she screamed.

"Look, we don't know anything about a King! We were brought here!" Keith said as he helped you up. 

"Why do you have the Blue Lion? Where's the Blue Paladin?" She yelled. "Who are you people!? How long has it been?!"

"How long has what been? We have no clue what you're talking about," You said as you massaged your rear end. "Who are you?"

"I'm Princess Allura of Altea. I must find out where I am and how long it's been," the girl said.

"I guess we did find a Princess," You laughed. Princess Allura walked over to the control panel. She placed two hands on the palm pads. A blue holographic screen appeared. 

You noticed that the other pod hasn't been opened yet. You walked over to it when the glass began to disappear. A tall ginger man with moustache stood standing there. He fell out of the pod and landed on you. He pinned you to the ground and couldn't get up. Keith, once again ran to your aid. The man got off of you an began jumping and kicking. 

Allura gasped as she looked at the control panel. The ginger man ran up to her. "We've been asleep for 10,000 years!"

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