Chapter 17|The Kiss

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After a successful fifteen minutes, the boys returned to the castle with their arms raised. "We formed Voltron!" Pidge giddily yelled as he took a seat on the couch in the lounge area. Lance screamed with joy as he took a seat beside you.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" You said, patting all the boys on the head. 'I can't believe you did it! You guys were amazing!"

" I can't believe it myself," Keith grinned. 

"I'm so energized that I don't even think that I'll be able to sleep," Lance said.

"Not me. As soon as I lie down, I'm passed out. But, I am pretty energized myself. I'm going to go train in the training deck," Keith said, getting up and walking out the door. 

"I'm going to get some much needed sleep," Lance announced as he too got up and, walked out the door.

"Same here," Shiro said, getting up "Goodnight guys!"

"I'm not tired. I'm going to upgrade my software on my computer," Pidge said.

"Well, I'm going to make a late night snack and then head off to bed. See ya later, (Y/N)" Hunk groggily said, as the door shut behind him.

"Umm. Alright. Just leave me then," You said to yourself as you walked back to the dining area. You were on your way to go clean the mess from dinner. When you reached the dining room, you were surprised to see that the mess was cleaned.

"I already cleaned up the mess, (Y/N)," Coran said from behind you.

"Oh really? I feel bad that I didn't help earlier. Was it a lot of work?"

"Oh heavens no. I simply pressed a button on my remote and it cleaned itself," Coran smiled. "You should go get some sleep now,"

"I'm not tired. I'm just going to hang out in my room. Goodnight Coran,"

"Goodnight (Y/N)," He smiled.

You turned around and down the hall. You passed by Keith training on the training deck He was in the heat of battle against the Gladiator. You leaned up against the door frame and stared at Keith. The Gladiator thrusted it's spear at Keith. He blocked it with his sword. His sword and the Gladiator's blade were locked together. The Gladiator's strength was much stronger than Keith. With one forceful push, it knocked Keith's sword out of his hand and pushed him to the floor. 

It swung it's spear high in the air and was about to hit Keith. Before it could hit him you sprinted into room. "End training sequence!" You bellowed. The Gladiator came to a halt and disappeared into thin air. You ran over to Keith and stretched a hand out.

"Thanks for that. I would've been dead if it weren't yet for you. I shouldn't of let my guard down," Keith said as he gripped your hand. You pulled him up to his feet. He was now standing on his feet, standing face to face with you.

"Anytime, Tough Guy," You smirked. "Are you busy right now?"

"No not really. Why?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"What do you need?"

"The thing is that, I have no self-defence skills whatsoever. And by the looks of it, I would say that you have the best fighting skills. W-would you mind helping me?" You stuttered. You suddenly felt really nervous around Keith. The way he was staring directly into your eyes made you all nervous and giddy. After all, you still had a huge crush on Keith. 

"Yeah. Of course I'll help you (Y/N). In what areas of self-defence do you need help with?"

"Umm. Everything. I never really got self-defence experience back home,"

"Okay. Well, the first thing you need to learn is, proper fighting stance. Move your feet apart, bend your knees a bit, raise your hands in front of your face, and ball your fists,"

You did exactly what Keith said. "How am I doing?"

"Pretty good," Keith said as he studied your stance. "Now throw a punch,"

You measly threw a right punch. "How's that?"

"Add more strength to your punch,"

You put more effort into the next punch. "How 'bout that?"

"Great. You learn pretty quickly. Let me teach you some of the other techniques and then we can go for a sparing round. Sound good?" 

'Yeah. Hopefully I don't suck,"

"I know you won't,"

After two hours of hardcore training, Keith had basically taught you everything he knew. You were actually pretty good at fighting. With more and more practice, you would be on the same level as Keith.

"Alright. You're getting better. How about some sparring?"

"You got it, Tough Guy," You said. You were still wearing Keith's red jacket. You took it off and placed in on the floor. You then, walked over to Keith and got in your fighting stance. 

"Ready?" Keith asked.

"Ready," You responded.

Keith charged at you. He threw a punch but, you dodged it. You threw a punch but, he dodged it. Keith threw another punch but you dodged it but, crouched on the floor. He tried kicking you but, you kicked him before he hit you.

"Nice one," He smiled as he rubbed the shin you kicked. 

You smirked back and, sprinted towards Keith. You didn't notice that your shoelace was untied. You very, ungracefully tripped and your face smashed into Keith's. The two of you fell back onto the floor. You barely processed what happen until you opened your eyes. You were lying on top of Keith. Your lips was pressed against his. Both of your eyes were wide open, staring at each other.

Keith was just as completely shocked as you were. Out of complete embarrassment and shock, you quickly got up and stared at Keith. "I'm so sorry! I tripped! i didn't mean to kiss you! I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable!" You got up and began to head out of the room.

"(Y/N) wait!"

You swiftly turned around and looked at Keith. Your face was as red as Keith's lion. 

Keith slowly lifted your chin towards his face and planted a soft and sweet kiss on your lips. You were completely surprised and taken aback. After a glorious ten seconds, Keith pulled away from the kiss and gave you a sweet smile. You smiled back. "Goodnight, Girl Scout," he smirked. He tucked a stray hair behind your ear and walked out the door, picking up his red jacket on the way out. 

"Sweet dreams, Tough Guy" you replied.  You just had your first kiss and it was given to you by Keith Kogane. 

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