Chapter 19| The Crash

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"Princess Allura, you are too kind. Are you sure you haven't come to punish us for our immoral ways?" The Arusian King asked. "The Robotic Angel has danced in the sky. Has it come to punish us?"

"Oh no! That's Voltron! As a matter of fact, that robot will be protecting you," Allura answered. "Voltron will protect any innocent being throughout the universe!"

The Arusians cheered and laughed. Their music started playing again. A swarm of Arusian children started to climb all over Hunk, laughing and smiling. Arusian girls huddled all over Lance. Coran held a young Arusian boy and threw him gently in the air. Allura got down on her knees and greeted a group of elderly Arusians. Keith stood beside you as you held Elma in your arms. After a while, you grew a little tired and placed her gently on the ground. She saw her friend waving to her in the distance. Elma ran off to join her friend and left you a Keith alone together. 

His face showed that he was in deep thought. Keith was always in deep thought. 

"What are you thinking about, Tough Guy?" You asked. 

"Just everything. Zarkon, the Galra, Earth, and most importantly, You," Keith smiled.

It took all of your strength not to scream from shock. "W-w-what do you mean m-me?"

"Exactly what I meant,"

"So you mean the kiss,"

"Yeah. Not just the kiss but, your funny jokes, your sense of humour, the way you smile, the way your hair frames your face, your pretty eyes. Everything about you makes me smile too. That's why I'm so lucky to have you in my life," He responded coolly.

You smiled and look at him dead in the eye. He smiled back too. Keith took your hand and held it gently. He led you to a tree where the two of you sat under it, talking and watching the Arusians play and enjoy each other's company.

"This reminds me a lot of our family gatherings back home. My parents would always invite our family over for barbeques. Everyone would just listen to what each other had to say. Of course at every gathering, my Aunt Patty would get drunk and start telling stories about her days as a Garrison Cadet. My Uncle Charlie would always compare the new advanced technology that he developed with my dad's regular tech. That would always result in them fighting and, everyone leaving early, which I didn't mind. After a while, they would annoy the crap out of me but I do miss them. I would always help my mom clean up. All she would do is complain about her sisters. But, I really miss my family," You said.

Keith's face got a little more serious. "I never had a family really. It was just me and my dad for a little while. I don't know where he is now. I don't know where my mom is either. All that I know is that she left when I was a baby. For all I know, she could be dead by now,"

"Oh, Keith. I'm sorry. That must've been really rough,"

"It was. I got used to being on my own," 

"You have me now. You have all of us,"

Keith smiled and nodded. All of a sudden the ground began to rumble. The Arusians began to gasp and point to the sky. There was a meteor of some sort headed towards everyone. 

"Everyone head for shelter and stay down!" Allura shouted in the distance. 

"Let's get to the Lions!" Keith yelled as he stood up. As the meteor grew closer you noticed that the meteor wasn't a meteor at all but, a ship. 

"Holy crap. Keith," You said tugging on his arm.


"That's a ship. It looks Galra!" You yelled.

Keith swore under his breath and sprinted towards the castle. You followed behind him. The ship crashed into the ground causing the whole planet in the shake. The explosions caused by the crash caused, you to swear super loudly. Since Shiro wasn't there, no one yelled at you for your foul language. 

"Lance! Hunk! We need to get to our Lions!" Keith yelled. 

"Right!" Lance yelled back. He, Keith, and Hunk ran off into the castle while Coran and Allura helped the Arusians. 

You, on the other hand, ran off to the castle too, to assist the Paladins. The crash looked liked it came from the area that Shiro and Pidge were checking out earlier. Hopefully, everything was okay with them. When you reached the castle, Lance, Keith, and Hunk ran to the Lion hangars. You sprinted up to the castle control area and immediately opened up the Lions' hangar doors. 

The Lions, Blue, Red, and Yellow flew to join the Black and Green Lions. you pulled Keith, Hunk, and Lance up on a video call on the castle's computer. 

"I think it came from the same area as Shiro and Pidge," You told them.

"Got it," Keith said. Everyone was quiet until Allura and Coran burst through the doors. 

"How are the Arusians?" You asked.

"They're fine. Thank you for getting here so quickly, (Y/N)," Allura said.

"No worries. That's my job," You laughed.

"We just arrived," Lance stated. "What the hell is that?"

"It's a giant robot!" Hunk said with fear in his voice.

"I'm getting a visual of what you're seeing," You said pressing buttons, on your computer screen. There was a gigantic, purple, robot fighting Pidge and Shiro. Keith and Lance provided cover fire for the two of them. Hunk head-butted the robot from behind causing it to fall over. 

"How are you guys doing down there?' Keith asked Shiro.

"We're still alive so that's a plus," Shiro said.

"Guys, I've just put up the Particle Barrier, and I'm taking a look at the castle's weaponry system. I can access a laser that is able to hit the target from a far angle. Judging by the robot's current location, it's just 110 feet away from firing distance. Can you move it so that I can hit?" 

"We'll try our best," Shiro said as he along with the other four Paladins began to attack the robot. 

"I'm impressed with your work, (Y/N)," Allura praised. "Since we're going with your brilliant idea, I'm going to prepare the laser for firing,"

"Got it," You said.

The Paladins were hard at work battling the robot. 

"The laser is ready for firing but, is the robot in firing range? (Y/N)," Allura said.

"It is! Thanks! Wow, you guys were able to get in range, thanks!" You yelled.

"Don't act so shocked, beautiful. We're Paladins anyways," Lance grinned.

"Stop saying creepy things like that to her!" Keith yelled.

"What's creepy? Me calling her beautiful? I'm simply stating the obvious. Why are you so defensive Keith? Are you jealous?" Lance snorted.

"What?! No!" Keith screamed.

"Guys shut up! The lasers ready. Is everyone out of the way?" You asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled.

"Alright. Aim. Fire!"

The Red Paladin {Keith x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now