Chapter 29| Time Loop

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"(Y/N), check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is going to take us!" Coran yelled at you. You ran and took a seat in front of the monitor angrily pressing buttons.

"I can't get a reading! Wait! We're headed towards something. There is something at the end of this!" You said, wiping the sweat off of your brow. Everything was in complete chaos. Allura and Coran we're yelling, and clearly had no sign of being in control.

"It's not an exit!" Allura wailed. 

"It's a void! (Y/N), find us an exit while Allura and I manoeuvre our way through this!" 

"Really? You're putting our fate on my shoulders? Really? My boyfriend just got thrown to the other side of the galaxy. I'm tense. You're giving the most important job to the tense girl?!"

"YES!" Coran and Allura screamed in unison. 

"I'm this close to losing my mind!" You screeched, holding your index and thumb in the air.

"But your fingers are touching!" Coran yelled.

"EXACTLY!" You bellowed.

"I've lost control of the castle!" Allura screamed.

"Well, (Y/N), I guess you don't have to do anything since WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Coran wailed. 

"Stop it, both of you and help me figure this out!" Allura snaped. 

"Brace yourselves, we're about to go through the void!" Coran said. 

The castle had gone through the void and was surrounded by a purple abyss. It was dark. No one said a thing until you made it out. You opened your eyes on the other side. You were shorter. Younger

"(Y/N), check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is going to take us!" a man said to you. He was Coran, but different. He had long orange hair that was gathered into a ponytail to frame his now youthful face. 

"The what?" You said in a high pitch and softer voice. 

"Coran! (Y/N)! You've changed!"

"Umm. Thanks?" You said, not really getting at what she was talking about. 

"You both look so young!" Allura said. "(Y/N), you look about 12 years old!"

"Actually, I'm 12 and three quarters." You retorted. 

"Scanners show that there's no exit! There's just nothingness!" Coran shrieked. 

"Dang. That sucks." You said placing your hands on your hips.

"Enter any coordinates!" Coran yelled to Allura.

"I can't! The castle is on lockdown!" 

The castle neared yet another void. You closed your eyes and braced yourself. You opened your eyes. You were even smaller. 

"(Y/N), check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is going to take us!" a younger and muscular Coran said, running his hands through his hair.

"Huh? What is that?"

"You are even younger now!" Allura said in frustration. 

"Do you think we're gonna get out of here soon?" You asked, checking your Barbie watch. "Zack and Cody starts in 15 minutes, and I don't want to miss it."

"Don't worry! I'll get us out of here!" Coran said, flexing his muscles. 

"I think we're in a time loop that is affecting everyone except me!" Allura said as the now Space Cows, surrounded her.

"Scanners show that there's no exit. There's just-"

"-Nothingness!" Allura finished. The castle went through, yet another void.

"(Y/N), check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is going to take us." A pimply Coran said with no enthusiasm. 

"What?" Your four-year-old self, responded. You weren't even tall enough to see the computer. "I want a juice box!"

"You'll get a juice box when we get out of here!" Allura yelled.

"This is so boring," Coran whined.

"Coran, I don't need your attitude!" Allura snapped.

"Are we there yet?!" You complained. "We've been here for such a long time. You're a terrible, princess!"

"That's it! (Y/N), go to the corner!" Allura screamed. "Stay there and think about what you did!"

"I didn't even do anything!" You said, dragging your feet towards the corner of the castle's bridge. You sat cross-legged on the floor, glaring at Allura. 

"Why am I doing this? You don't understand me. Do you even know what I'm going through?" Coran whined.

"Excuse me, is that any way to talk to me?" Allura's mom mode was in full swing. She furiously began to press the buttons on her controls. "Wait. The castle automatically locks on to the location of the Lions! I just need to locate them." She said while pulling up a projection of the map of the entire universe. It filled every corner of the room.

"You can do that, but you can't get me a juice box?" You said walking out of the corner. 

The map began to shut down. "I can't find them! And, (Y/N), I didn't say you could come out of the corner! Coran! Turn down your music!"

"I can only express myself through music!" He snapped. 

"Coran, don't make me turn this castle around!"

"We're just going to go straight towards this void we are headed towards! I hate my life!"

The castle passed through it. 

"(Y/N), check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is going to take us! Oh wait. You're a baby." A child Coran said, picking you up in his arms. 

"Nothing's working! Oh no! (Y/N) is a baby! She'll disappear if we go through one more time. I need to figure out what to do!" 

"Blast your way out!" Coran answered, putting you on the back of a Space Cow.

"I guess it's worth a try." Allura powered up a laser and fired it. Nothing happened. "Wait. Let's just stop the castle from moving further." The castle stopped gaining speed. Allura ran and picked you up. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."

There was a beeping noise. "The castle found a coordinate." Allura opened up a wormhole. The castle went through it. 

"(Y/N)! We did it!"

You opened your eyes. You were cradled in Allura's arms.

"Are we having a bonding moment?"You laughed. 

A/N: This was a super short, but fun chapter to write. The next chap will be focusing on how (Y/N) and Keith met at the Garrison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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