Chapter 12| The Rise of Voltron

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As you sprinted toward the castle's main deck, you could hear the roars of the Lions as the flew out of the castle. You rounded a corner and ran through the castle deck's doors. Allura and Coran we're finding ways to strengthen the Particle Barrier. 

"(Y/N)! I need you to start firing at Sendak's ship!" Allura yelled.

You ran over to your seat and pulled up your holographic screen. You pulled up a graph of the castle's defence systems. While you we're doing that, you detected a signal alerting that Sendak is going to fire the ion cannon.

"Allura! Sendak's gonna fire the ion cannon!" You screamed.

"What?!" Allura roared. Before anyone could do anything, the castle's hit with the force of the ion cannon. The whole castle began to shake. Flames surrounded the Particle Barrier. After thirty seconds of pain and worry, the ion cannon stopped it's fire.

"The Barrier is getting weaker with every blast we take!" Coran yelled.

"They're gonna hit us again. We need to do something before it recharges!" You shouted. You turned back to your screen to see if there's anything you could do. "Allura! We can give the Lions cover fire!"

"They're going to need to form Voltron!" Allura pulled up the Paladin's radio contact on her main screen. All of their faces popped up on the screen. "Paladins! Unless you form Voltron, this planet will die along with us!"

"No pressure there!" Hunk said from the screen. The ion cannon was fired again.

You could hear Shiro speaking from the screen. "Alright guys! We need to form Voltron in order to save this planet!"

Everyone else nodded in agreement. You, along with COran and Allura began to fire at Sendak's droids that we're firing at the castle. 

"Paladins quickly! The castle is loosing energy!" Allura yelled to the Paladins. 

"Allura!" You shouted. "Our main problem here is the ion cannon right?" 


"What if you use half of the castle's energy and all of the castle's defences and put it into a blast strong enough to take out the ion cannon? Is that possible? We would be helping Voltron."

"I think using half of the castle's energy would be too much. What we can do is use enough energy to disorient the ion cannon for a short period of time. That period of time will allow the Paladins to form Voltron and take out the ion cannon once it is recharged! We can do that!" Allura bellowed. "Coran I need you to gather all enough of the castle's energy for us to take out the ion cannon! (Y/N) once that energy is gathered I need to fire it at the ion cannon! Do you both understand?"

"Yes, Princess!" You and Coran said in unison. Coran began to press buttons on his screen. The lights became slightly dim and the Particle Barrier was thinned out a little bit. The Particle Barrier is able to withstand the small droids that we're attacking. 

"The lions is being sucked in by Sendak's ship!" Allura yelled. "Coran do we have that energy yet?"

"Yes! I'm combing the energy gathered with all of our defences. It is pretty strong. On my cue, (Y/N) you are going to fire it at the ion cannon. I don't know what we can do abut the beam that is sucking in the lions."

"I have an idea. The ion cannon and the beam are aligned with each other. I think we've generated enough power so that I can hit both. I don't think I'll completely take it out but it's worth a shot!" You yelled. 

"That's all we've got right now! It's worth a shot!" Allura said.

You pulled up the Paladins faces on your screen. "Guys! This is going to sound crazy but, I need you guys to not try and escape or move wildly!"

"What are you planning to do?" Shiro asked.

You explained the plan to them. "If one of you guys move, I could accidentally hit you with our blast. Do you understand? Stay put!"

Everyone nodded. "Alright (Y/N) are you ready?" Coran asked.

"Give me a second," You pulled up a visual of your target. You gripped your control stick tightly. You rested your thumb on the red button that was on top of the control stick. You aligned your eyesight with the target. 

"Okay! Three! Two! One! FIRE!" Coran bellowed. 

You took a deep breath and pushed the button. A large blue light flew out of the castle's particle barrier. It hit the machinery that was pulling in the lions through the beam. It burned a hole through it and hit the ion cannon. The ion cannon shut down but it wasn't completely damaged. The lions fell from the beam. 

"Woohoo! Nice shot Girl Scout!" Keith yelled from the screen. The lions regained their balance and we're flying in the air.

"Great job!" Allura said.   

The lions began to soar in the air. The Black Lion's arms began to fold into it's body. The Red and Green Lions's arms and legs folded into it's bodies and joined the Black Lion. They formed the arms. The Blue and Yellow lions's heads acted as the feet. The rest of it's bodies became more upright and joined the rest of the Black Lion's legs. Once they all we're formed, Voltron became the Defender of the Universe again for the first time in 10,000 years. 

"Oh my god! They did it!" You yelled. 

"It's beautiful!" Allura said in complete shock. 

"Let's work on getting our defences up!" Coran said. The three of you did exactly that. Voltron was ripping out the ion cannon and tearing up Sendak's ship. The completely blew up the ship. They flew to the ground and watched as Sendak's ship blew up into smithereens.

The Paladins unformed Voltron and landed their Lions outside the castle doors. You, Allura, and Coran ran to greet them at the door. Hunk was lying on the floor.

"Nicely done!" Allura complemented.

"Thanks, pretty girl!" Lance said to Allura as he removed his helmet. "And nicely done, Gorgeous!" Lance said to you. 

"Thanks! You boys were so freaking cool! Zarkon must be loosing his crap right now!" You laughed. 

"I bet," Pidge answered.

"Why don't we get washed up and have a celebratory dinner?" Shiro asked.

"Oh yes food! I'm starving!" Hunk yelled from the floor. 

Everyone began to walk inside. You walked beside Keith. "Good job Tough Guy!" You said as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder, and used your other arm to mess up his mullet.

He gave you a cute smile and wrapped his arm around your waist. "You too, Girl Scout" With that the two of you walked into the castle hip-to-hip. 

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