Chapter 13| Getting To Know Each Other

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As soon as everyone got in the castle everyone went to clean up and get ready for dinner. The boys went into the bathroom near the Paladins rooms. You noticed that Pidge looked oddly uncomfortable as he walked with the boys to the bathroom. You quickly ran to your room to get the clothes you wore earlier. Allura let you use the bathroom in her room. Once you got there you ran into the bathroom and changed into your comfy Garrison sweatshirt. You felt sad while wearing it as it reminded you of home. After you changed you washed your face and brushed your hair using Allura's brush. Once you were done, you plopped onto Allura's comfy bed. 

The two of you got up and walked down to the dining room. A table for eight was set on the table. A pile of green goop was on everyone's plate. Shiro was seated at the head of the table. Pidge and Keith were seated to his left. Hunk, Lance, and Coran were seated to his right. Allura took a seat opposite of Shiro. You took a seat beside Keith.

"What's this?" You asked Coran.

"A classic Altean dinner,"

Judging by it's look you really didn't want to eat it but, since you didn't want to be rude, you picked up your spoon, and shoved the green goop in your mouth. It wasn't the best thing you've tasted in your life but it was editable. Keith was cringing as he swallowed the goop.

"Do you know what I realized?" Lance said.

"What?" You asked him.

"We don't really know each other very well,"

"What are you talking about? We all went to school together. Besides, Allura and Coran,"

"I know but, we don't REALLY REALLY know each other,"

"Lance has a point," Shiro said. "(Y/N) you go first. Tell us about yourself."

You knew that what you were about to tell them was going to shock them. "Well okay then. Hi, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm (Y/A). I grew up on planet Earth and there's something that you should know about me," Everyone's face got really concerned. "Don't worry it's nothing bad. I'm not an evil Space Pirate or anything like that," Everyone's faces relaxed. "You know Commander Iverson from the Garrison?"

"Umm, yeah. Totally! He's the scary guy who yelled at me a lot! He was all up in my face when I crashed the simulator back at the Garrison," Lance answered.

"I totally know him! He's the guy who kicked me out of the Garrison!" Keith said. 

"Okay so you guys are pretty familiar with him. Do you guys know Lieutenant Iverson? She's Commander Iverson's wife," Everyone except for Allura and Coran nodded in agreement. "Well, Commander Iverson and Lieutenant Iverson are my parents," You said admitted.  Everyone's faces froze in shock. 

"What!" Lance roared. "They're your parents? How?"

"Well Lance, when a man and a woman love each other-" You joked.


"Yes, they're my parents," You answered. 

"But you're nothing like them!" Lance yelled.

"Not everyone is like they're parents," You explained. 

"But, I don't understand. Your last name is (Y/L/N). Shouldn't it be (Y/N) Iverson?" Shiro asked.

"Technically yes but, when I was born, my parents hyphenated my last names. (Y/L/N) is my mom's last name. Although she changed her last name to Iverson, she still wanted it to be a part of my name. My name is actually (Y/N) (Y/L/N)-Iverson but I though that it was too long so I shortened it to (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I also thought that it sounded better than (Y/N) Iverson," You explained. 

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