Chapter 23| The Battle on the Balmera

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Across the hangar was a long bridge. Lance and Keith quiently tip-toed on to the bridge's surface, and began to swiftly, and quitely sprint towards the control room. Once you reached the control room, Lance and Keith hopped onto it's roof. Using his sword, Keith cut an opening where Lance fell through, landing on the Galra robot that was working there. Keith, followed by you landed into the room.

"Keith, you keep an eye on the guards. (Y/N), you help me find a way to shut the hangar doors." Lance said.

Keith huffed and picked his bayard up, and leaned against the window that overlooked the hangar. He obviously didn't like taking orders from Lance, but he knew that now wasn't the time to argue with him.

You stared at the Galra computer that sat in front of you. The algorithmn was very unfamiliar. That would make sense since it was alien tech. 

"Do you think it's this?" Lance said pointing to a series of buttons at the bottom of the screen.

"I don't know. I don't think so." You said as stress started to rise in your body. "Urg. We should've brought Pidge."

"Let me see this." Keith said as he walked over. He studied the computer before he laid eyes on the Galra symbol at the top of the screen. What could he be thinking? He placed his palm onto the symbol. It glowed and scanned his palm. You heard sudden rumbling and look at the hangar doors. They were closing. Whatever Keith did, worked.

"What did you do?" You questioned. 

"I just put my hand on the handprint thing."

"Ummm. Okay." You sighed. 

"Paladins and (Y/N)?" Allura chimed in on the coms.

"You know, you don't have to add the "and (Y/N)" part. I doesn't exactly make me feel good about myself." You sighed.

"Sorry, Paladins and Honorary Paladin, the Galra troops are headed down the tunnels. Better, (Y/N)?" Allura laughed.

"Better." You laughed.

"It looks like that they are going down toward the centre." Allura informed.

"They are going to the core. That must be where they are holding Shay." Hunk chimed in. 

"Wait what? They took Shay?" Lance asked.

"As soon as our attacks started, they took Shay to the core of the Balmera." Hunk informed.

"Sorry to hear that buddy. Don't wory. We'll get her back." You reassured him.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Hunk responded sadly. 

"They are luring us into an ambush." Shiro said, joining in on the conversation. "But, we have no choice but to go there to save Shay. Lance, Keith, (Y/N), get to the core. Everyone else is going to have to meet you there. We need everyone to help fight." Shiro said.

"Okay. Got it." Lance said. 

The three of you figured that you can get to the core from the control room. The control room lead to a bunch of hallways that would eventually take you to the tunnels again. The three of you began to run out of the control room. Keith shut the door behind you guys as you ran out.

"Guys!" Pidge said, coming onto the com system. "We need to be careful. The Balmera is unstable."

"Got it! Thanks for the warning!" You responded. You turned a corner to come face to face with a fleet of Galra robots. "Oh sh-" You were cut off by the sounds of the Galra robots shooting their guns towards you.

Keith pulled you out of the way. You fell back onto him. There was a large rock to the right of you both. You used that as cover. The Galras continued to shoot at you. You looked ahead of you to see that Lance was taking cover too. 

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