Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

Voldemort is taking over, and even though they look nothing alike, he reminds me of Leah so much it hurts. The attitude, the smirk, the violence... I haven't even gotten a letter yet, but I know she has to be 'undercover' at that muggle household.

 "Draco!" Aunt Bella yelled and I glared in her direction.

 "What?" I yelled back.

 "Don't you 'what' me, get over here!" she ordered and I strolled over.


 "Don't use that ungrateful tone with me," she sneered, putting her wand away.

 "Sorry Aunt Bella," I apologized half heartedly.

 "As you should be. Now, the Dark Lord is having a meeting, make yourself disappear," she ordered and then stalked off into the dining room. If he's having a meeting, Leah's got to be coming.

I walked off into the Living Room and lounged by the staircase so I could see when Leah got here. Barty ran up the stairs, passing me and went up a few floors. It was a while before I heard any voices, but there were indeed voices getting closer from upstairs.

 "Stop talking to me," someone snapped as they hurriedly clambered downstairs. As they rounded a corner, I saw Alex, Leah, and Barty coming down, Leah looking quite pissed.

 "What's wrong?"

 "Alex is an idiot," she snapped and I raised my eyebrows. I felt anger form in the pit of my stomach and then clenched my jaw.

 "What did you do, Crouch?" I asked angrily.

 "See what you did Leah?" Barty laughed and she faced us angrily.

 "All of you shut up, and leave me alone! I don't need you two to protect me and I don't need your smart ass comments!" she snapped, her eyes a terrifying, burning red. Protection... what does that mean? Leah pushed past us angrily and burst into the dining room, leaving Alex and Barty looking at me and then each other with wide eyes.

Eventually, Alex nudged Barty and they slunk into the dining room. I for one sat on the stairs, and really tried ignoring the screams coming from the dining room. Leah was yelling at someone once again and I wondered what would happen when she finds out I helped Ariana. Well, Ariana did say she wouldn't tell Leah, but the thing is...someone else might. I just couldn't stand that I could be responsible for someone's death. That and the fact that Ariana would really make a great spy.

It was a really long time before people filed out, and I smiled when I saw Leah heading over.

"Listen Leah, I'm sorry," I started to apologize for making her angry, but she shushed me.

 "Ariana said that you had helped her, is this true?" she asked abruptly and I was surprised.

"She said she wouldn't tell you!" I blurted out and Leah looked at me with hatred which scared me to death.

 "How could you help her? She's the enemy! You didn't even tell me about it, or say anything at all! You've brought her to our headquarters where she can get very valuable information!" she yelled and I felt myself pale. However, when I spoke, I made sure I sounded confident.

 "I did what I had to do for the benefit of our side. She's useful," I said.

 "She is a spy, and not for our side either! This won't benefit us, it'll hurt us!" she advanced on me.


 She didn't understand; she just needs to trust me.

 "Draco, I don't understand how you could endanger my family like that," she said lowly, and I glared. Endanger her family? They're my family too...or at least some of them. I don't know why she's acting like this. Aren't girlfriends supposed to trust their boyfriends?

 "I don't understand how you could not trust me," I retorted. We looked at each other coldly for a while and I felt my heart break. Please Leah, don't say what I think you're going to say. Do something unexpected; apologize, rant, anything but this.

 "Then I guess this wont work out," she said eventually, sounding cold and confident. I guess she didn't want to do the unexpected.

"I guess your right," I said, feeling taken back at my own words. I can't let her just leave! I have to say something. She gave me a stiff nod and then turned.

 "Come on Alex," she said, and as they walked away, I saw Aunt Bella and the Dark Lord watching in surprise.

 "Hah, so much for her loving you!" Aunt Bella cackled, looking way too happy.

 "Bellatrix," Voldemort warned and she shied back.

 "Well it is for the best," he said and I just stared at him.

 "How, my Lord?" I asked finally.

 "You are no longer a distraction. She'd do much better with Alex Crouch, you're much too soft," he said in thought and I clenched my jaw.

 "My Lord, I must disagree. Crouch will only hurt her further," I said.

 "If you think my daughter feels hurt then you must not know her very well," he said a bit smugly, and then strolled out of the room. He needs to get a clue; Leah isn't 100% like him. If she ends up with Alex...then I'll back off, but I won't stop fighting until she makes her choice.


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