Chapter 33

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 "Alright, to the ground," Montague snapped, and we flew down. When my feet hit the ground, I dropped the broom and switched Hydra to my right arm so she stopped hurting my left even more.

 "That was weak," glared Montague.

 "I was truly only impressed with five out of fourteen of you," Draco said coldly.

 "Crabbe," snapped Montague.

 "Yes?" he gulped.

 "Very nice shot at Riddle," he smirked and Crabbe smiled sheepishly.

 "Thank you," he said and I glared at him.

 "Zabini, are you aware a girl beat you?" Draco sneered and I stood up straighter in defense mode.

 "I am," Blaise nodded.

 "How pathetic," Draco spat.

 "Riddle," Montague sneered, and I didn't say a word.

 "Getting hit with a Bludger? You were that careless?" he snapped, and I bit my tongue. Montague walked over and shoved my arm, making the tears fall. But I sure as fuck stayed silent. Hydra hissed menacingly at him and I felt her tighten around my arm.

 "Whoa, dude!" Blaise said, outraged.

 "Hey, quiet!" Draco snapped, but his worried eyes were on me.

 "Did that hurt, Riddle?" Montague smirked, and then he brought his hand up, brushing the scar Umbridge left.

 "That's right Riddle, you will obey," he said lowly, his face centimeters from mine. I narrowed my eyes but didn't say a word.

 "You know why?" he whispered and I shook my head.

 "I own you while you're on this field," he said, pulling his hand away from my cheek and the boys on the team grinned wickedly.

 "Hey Riddle, can I own you for the night? Huh, will you obey me?" Warrington called out and everyone laughed. I took out my wand and waved it over my arm, healing it instantly. With as much dignity as I could muster, I raised my chin up high and smirked coldly.

 "Don't you wish?" I sneered, but I felt humiliated. Montague didn't back out of my personal space and he chuckled darkly.

 "Those snide remarks and little magic tricks won't earn you respect out here," he said and then pushed me back, walking back over to Draco.

 "Want me to bite him?" Hydra hissed, and I just held my head up high, not answering.

 "Okay, next team you're up," Montague said, and the two other teams went up. I watched, but didn't really pay too much attention.

 "Leah, that was so out of line," Blaise said.

I stayed quiet, jaw clenched and eyes on the try outs.


  "Well, you lot really weren't that great," Montague said after try outs were over.

 "I'll be posting results tomorrow at this same time. Don't get your hopes up," he sneered and we all scattered in different directions. Draco walked over to me, looking concerned, but I ignored him, walking back up to the castle. When a few of the guys who tried out passed me, they snickered and winked. I glared at them fiercely, my eyes glowing red. Their smiles faded and they walked off.

 "Leah..." Draco sighed and I gave him the same glare.

 "I was completely humiliated!" I whispered sharply at him, my voice on the verge of breaking.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now