Chapter 44

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Voldemorts POV

Halloween is probably the stupidest holiday I can think of. Filthy little muggle children, running around begging for candy; it's pathetic. Of course, Leah has to have some part in Halloween; she's throwing a party. Why would you even want to do such a thing? I walked down the stairs and found several death eaters conversing in hushed tones.

 "Yaxley, what is going on?" I asked calmly.

 "Dolohov was caught breaking into the Ministry my Lord," he bowed and I grew angry.

 "Did I not tell you to wait?" I snapped.

 "I know my Lord, but the time seemed so perfect," Yaxley whimpered.

 "See what you've done? The aurors must be onto us now," I hissed.

 "M-my Lord...they've also started standing guard outside the door," Yaxley whispered and my anger exploded. I shot a Crucio curse at him and he fell to the ground screaming.

 "This is what happens when you do not obey!" I yelled. I raised my wand and apparated to my room where an overwhelming feeling of pure bliss surrounded me. The next thing I knew...I was kissing Malfoy's boy. What the bloody hell? He pulled "me" closer by "my" waist and his hands were warm against the bare skin on my side. Why are my sides bare? I am not controlling this... why am I so small? What is going on?

 "Get a room," someone yelled. That was disgusting, why in the world would someone do that? I am going to kill this boy.

 "Malfoy you're dead," I threatened, but no words came out. Instead, I heard Leah talking.

 "You git," she glared, throwing a pillow at him. Only, that was me as well. I glared over at Zabini and I threw the pillow.

 "Undying love," Pansy winked, throwing a pillow at her. Leah (we) looked over at Pansy, studying her, and then her eyes moved to Blaise.

"Looking good," Leah teased. They moved down to some sort of part set up with Mudbloods and Blood Traitors alike. This is one of the most horrible experiences of my life. Potter was here, and I dearly wanted to rip this boy apart. He's lucky I can't do anything but watch.

"Great costume," Potter smiled, walking up. If only he knew...however, I did see him make a move to touch his scar.

 "Thank you, and you are rather dashing as well," Leah laughed. I know I told her to become friends, but this is sickening.

"Oh thanks," he rolled his eyes.

 "Well, have fun," Leah smiled and then walked over to young Draco.

 "Hello love," she said as they started dancing. I do not want to continue kissing this boy, please do not do it again!!

 "I have a feeling a teacher is going to crash the party," Draco laughed.

 "Probably, but we should have fun before they tell us to tone it down," Leah smiled. What exactly does your type of fun entail, Leah? You are most definitely grounded. She was awfully touchy tonight, kissing him and hugging people, including these two blonde twins. This is not okay! Especially since that blonde boy, Damon, was borderline flirting.

It grew later and darker, but I still couldn't seem to leave her mind! I could feel that her occulemency walls were up, but I was still here. No matter what I tried, nothing would work, and I was beginning to grow frustrated. In what world is it necessary to be so...happy? Leah being happy meant I shared one too many kisses with this child. This is getting way out of hand. Not to mention I had to sing earlier, as well as dance. I don't do those things! I was, however, discreetly observing other students, picking out the weak. I could easily crush them during this war, and that much I was grateful for. The professors really let these kids do whatever they wanted, so I'm guessing that'll be how it is when I can finally attack; scared kids left alone to do what they please. Maybe, just maybe, this whole mind thing is a good burden.

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