Chapter 19

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"Claire," I whispered, and then blinked to see her still standing there. This cannot be possible. I looked back at Draco who looked like he's seen a ghost...maybe he has.

 "You...aren't alive," I said, stepping back.

 "You could at least hug me, I deserve it after the way you treated me," she smiled. I let out a strangled cry and stepped back again.

 "Wait, Leah, you didn't know she was back? I figured that's why you seemed so happy," Granger said. I shook my head and grabbed Draco's hand.

 "You are not alive," I said slowly and she frowned.

 "I am," she nodded, walking up. I jumped when her warm hand touched my arm. I shook my head in denial and then slowly reach out my hand to touch her cheek. It was warm, solid, and most definitely alive. She took my hand and pulled me into a hug, which I barely gave back.

 "I wanted to tell you sooner," she said and I just looked at Draco, who looked like he wanted to cry.

 "I think we're done for tonight, we'll finish tomorrow," Granger said, rounding up all the gawking prefects. Granger gave me a 'reassuring' smile and then left me, Draco, and Claire alone.

 "I cannot believe you killed me," she said in a hurt voice.

 "You saw it coming," I said.

 "Yes, I did, but I also hoped you wouldn't ever do it," she sniffed.

 "Claire, we aren't even related. Voldemort is my father, okay?" I asked and she let tears slide.

 "I love you though," she sobbed.

I shook my head and tried to gather my thoughts.

 "You are explaining everything tomorrow. Do you hear me young lady, everything. Go to bed," I said and she skipped off after kissing my cheek. I turned my back on Draco and went back to the dorm where I cried myself to sleep.


"Sweetie, you've got to wake up," Pansy said, stroking my hair.

 "I don't want to," I said, rolling over.

 "I know you're upset and angry, but at least go talk to your father," she said and I sat up.

 "Fine, but where's Draco? Off with Astoria?" I glared and then saw Astoria sitting not too far away.

 "Why would Draco be with me?" she asked and I glared viciously.

 "It isn't your concern!" I snapped and Pansy pulled me to my feet.

 "Okay, enough with the snapping at people. Come on," she said pulling me downstairs.

 "You know, you might want to think twice next time. Leah's going to rip Astoria's head off," Pansy glared as we passed Draco. He sighed but said nothing.

 I grabbed some Floo Powder and then went to the Malfoy Manor.  

 "Father," I called and he walked into the living room.

 "Ah, there you are...what's wrong?" he asked and I sat down on the couch in a huff, crossing my arms. Father sat next to me and I faced him with a pout.

 "I hate Astoria Greengrass," I glared and father shifted, which seemed odd.

 "Why?" father asked.

 "Well. The prefects were picking children to help plan a Halloween party and Draco nominated Astoria," I said and father cut me off.

 "Is this going to be a guy problem?" he asked and I nodded.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now