Chapter 43

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I knew I was unconscious, which was odd because I'm fully aware of my surroundings, only I see nothing and hear nothing. I can tell, however, that I am on the ground and it's cold; no one is with me. I'm alone and hurt, freezing in a skimpy outfit. I have no one to protect me, and I'm at the mercy of a wild animal. No one knows how long I've been here; no one knows where I am. Where am I anyway? Where was I going? Jesus, um, how do I get out of this situation? I wish I wasn't aware of my unconsciousness; if I'm going to die out here, I don't want to feel it. I think I'm bleeding... I can't tell... my head feels like someone hit it with a bat. Why? Please just let me slip into complete obliviousness.

I got my wish when something slammed into my stomach, and the pain enveloped me.

It could've been a minute, maybe even days, before I was aware of my surroundings again. I was okay for now; warm. I could be dead. No, my hearing is coming back, and I can open my eyes...right? Let's try... success! My eyes fluttered open and a bright light greeted me. So, maybe I am dead. After I blinked a few times, the light dimmed and I saw people.

 "She's waking up," cried someone and there was movement around me. I blinked again and made out the features of a girl about fifteen with dark hair and brown eyes. Her skin was quite pale and she had on a white dress shirt with a green tie, along with a black pleated skirt. She looked so relieved and worried, only I had no clue who she was. Another face came into view, and I saw a boy about the same age as her. He had blonde hair and silver stormy eyes. His skin was pale as well and he was so damn fine. His clothes were about the same as the girls, only he was in dress pants. I suppose they have uniforms.

 "Leah," the boy sighed and I looked at the girl expectantly. Are you going to answer him? However, the two strangers looked down at me as if I was supposed to answer.

Leah... the name swirled through my head and it sparked recognition; I'm Leah!

 "Yeah?" I asked, my voice not cracking at all, which was weird

 "How are you?" he asked in concern and I frowned.

 "I hurt," I said, feeling my whole body tense and sore.

 "Which was expected," sighed someone else, walking up to me. He had golden blonde hair and bright green eyes, and he looked like he was possibly sixteen. I felt very scared with all these strange people around me, and I was trying to think of someone who I did know. I drew a blank and then studied their faces again; unrecognizable.

 "Leah...are- are you alright?" the girl asked and I bit my lip.

 "How do you know my name?" I asked and she gaped at me.

 "Don't be ridiculous," she snorted. The blonde with green eyes smiled at me and laughed, so I gave a reluctant smile back.

 "Oh I'm glad you're alright," the grey eyed boy sighed, and then this kid kissed me. I admit, I like it, but this was not okay. I jerked back and he pulled back in surprise.

 "Did that hurt?" he asked in concern.

 "Not the kiss, but that movement did," I frowned before scowling at him.

 "What do you think you're doing?" I glared.

 "What are you talking about? I was worried sick!" he exclaimed.

 "Draco... she's joking," the girl laughed.

 "Who are you guys?" I cried, feeling more confused and terrified than before. I also started to feel angry, seeing as I really hated the fact I felt fear. They laughed at me and finally a slightly familiar face walked up.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now