Chapter 58

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 "Severus," father whispered.

 "Yes, My Lord?" Severus bowed.

 "Why do I feel like a secret is being kept from me?" father asked, folding his hands. Severus took a deep breath and averted his eyes before speaking again.

 "Leah has been put in St. Mungo's insane ward for four days. If she tests sane, she gets to leave...but they still might send her to Azkaban," Severus said, and fathers eyes blazed red before a searing pain filled my back, and blackness swirled around me. Oddly enough, I didn't wake up; I had another dream. I was smooth, powerful, and oddly flexible. I was gliding between shining metal bars, across cold, dark stone...I was flat on the floor, sliding on my belly. It was dark and I could see objects around me shimmering in strange, vibrant colors. I realized with a start that I was Nagini. Of course we're connected since I'm a horcrux... but I wonder if Potter can see this. He has a scar that connects him to father... he must be able to see this.

   I turned my head, and at first glance the corridor was empty...but no...a man was sitting on the floor ahead, his chin drooping onto his chest, his outline gleaming in the dark... I put out my tongue and tasted the man's scent on the air. He was alive of course, but drowsing. I had the urge to bite the man...but I have to master the impulse. I have work to do...but the man was stirring. A silvery cloak fell from his legs as he jumped to his feet; I saw his vibrant, blurred outline towering above me, saw a wand withdrawn from a belt. I had no choice... I reared high from the floor and struck once, twice, three times, plunging my fangs deeply in the man's flesh, feeling his ribs splinter beneath my jaws, feeling the warm gush of blood. The man was yelling in pain, and then he fell silent. He slumped backward against the wall, blood splattering to the floor...

 "Leah!" someone whispered in the darkness with an annoyed tone to their voice.

 "Father?" I gasped automatically and then mentally slapped myself. My back was pounding painfully, my scar feeling split open. I just killed Mr. Weasley, didn't I? Well, Nagini did.

 "No," the person chuckled. My back slowly started feeling better and I started feeling around, looking for the lamp and cursed silently; I do not know my way around this room. I ended up grasping the persons hand and I groaned.

 "Jesus where is the light?" I asked. The person laughed and reached over me, turning on a light that gave off enough light to blind me.

 "Thane, what are you doing here?" I hissed.

 "Wanna have a little fun?" he smirked.

 "Um..." I raised my eyebrows. He was in my room in the middle of the night, asking if I wanted to have fun.

 "Come with me," he said, pulling me to my feet.

 "I was sleeping," I complained.

 "You should get your ass moving if you wanna see this," Thane said, glancing back as he pulled me through the halls and up some stairs.

 "Where are we going?" I asked.

 "The roof and you'll see why," he smiled. He pulled me up to the roof and sat me down, breaking the light bulbs that illuminated the rooftop. When I looked to the sky, I saw lights flashing through the clouds of every color.

 "What is it?" I asked, lying down. Thane walked over and laid down next to me with a smile.

 "There's a wizard party about five miles from here," he said.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now