Chapter 62

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 "Draco," I said as I walked into his room.

 "Yeah?" he asked, sitting up from his bed.

 "I just wanted to tell you I was leaving. Thanks for helping me," I said and he gave me a sad smile.

 "No problem. You know that if you ever need me I'm here, right?" he asked.

 "Of course...but you're making this harder for me. You keep saying we can hang out or I'm here for you but it just gives me false hope. Let's face it; will you honestly take me back? If you had to make a decision now?" I asked.

 "I think I would want to take you back...but I'd have to have a slow recovery," he said carefully.

 "I thought so," I nodded.

 "I'm not giving up on us though," he said.

 "I love you Draco," I said quietly and he made a move to walk towards me, but I was already apparating back to the Weasley's.

I landed on my feet in the kitchen and Sirius looked at me.

 "Hello Leah, how are you feeling?" he asked.

 "So much better," I smiled.

 "Brilliant. Did you go to see young Draco?" he asked and I laughed a little.

 "Not really...but I did see him," I nodded.

 "How'd that go?" he asked in concern.

 "Quite good in my opinion," I shrugged, brushing the few tears off my face.

 "Well you seem so much happier," he smiled.

 "I am," I sighed and Thane walked in, leaning against the door.

 "We have to pack for Hogwarts you know," he said and I nodded.

 "I you have clothes and such?" I frowned.

 "I got some clothes while you were 'asleep' for a few days. The school is providing me with books until next year," he said.

 "Alright, well I'll summon my stuff over from the manor," I said, waving my hand as trunks full of clothes and hair supplies laded on the floor.

 "We leave tomorrow morning right?" I asked, sitting down.

 "Yeah," Potter said, walking in with a look on his face.

 "I need to talk to you," he said and I raised my eyebrows.

 "Alright," I said, motioning for him to sit.

 "Alone," he said, looking at the others and I rolled my eyes, standing up to follow him. He brought me up to a room where this enormous hippogriff stood. I gasped and backed away as it looked at me curiously. I bowed and after a moment it bowed back, which was when I stepped forward.

 "This is Buckbeak," he said and I nodded.

 "Hello Buckbeak," I said.

 "Listen...not too long ago I had a dream about Mister Weasley. He was guarding some door, and..." he trailed off, running his hands down his face.

 "There was a snake, and it felt like you were the snake," I said quietly and he looked at me in shock.

 "They told you?" he asked and I shook my head.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now