Chapter 23

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"What did you do?" hissed a woman's voice.

 "I did nothing!" snapped a cold and angry voice. My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself laying on the couch with a wet cloth over my forehead and my hand bandaged.

 "How long have I been out?" I asked and my voice was raspy. Narcissa came into view, running over and kneeling next to me.

 "Oh, Leah, it's only been twenty minutes. I only just got here," she said, taking the cloth. Father walked into view and he was looking at me with hatred in his eyes. 

 "What did you do to your hand?' Narcissa asked worriedly.

 "You aren't depressed are you?" she asked, on the verge of tears. I tore my frightened gaze from father and looked at Narcissa.

 "That's what Umbridge made me do in detention. I wrote lines and it used my blood as ink," I said, feeling a panic sweep over my body. Father wanted to curse me; I could feel it in the air.

 "Why did you faint? Too much blood loss? Maybe it was too much stress for the baby," Narcissa mused and my eyes widened. My gaze quickly went to father, whose eyes were a bright red. I flinched and shook my head frantically.

 "I am not pregnant!" I shrieked and Narcissa frowned.

 "Ariana came in and told us what you were saying to Pansy and Blaise," she said and I sat up...well actually...father grabbed my collar and pulled me up, throwing me on the floor. Narcissa gasped and stepped back.

 "You disobedient child!" he said, striking me across the face. I cried out and held my cheek.

 "You have dishonored me and the rest of the Death Eaters! I asked you to do one simple task and you went and did this!" he yelled, striking me again. I sobbed and couldn't meet his gaze.

 "Crucio!" he yelled, and excruciating pain filled my body, making me arch my back and scream bloody murder. I couldn't even cry so I saw when Lucius ran in along with Bellatrix and Barty.

 "Father!" I yelled, and then I felt more pain, to which I screamed even louder.

 "You deserve worse!" he hissed, and his anger showed through the curse, making it intensify.

 "Please!" I screamed, my nails digging into the floor and I screamed so loudly and painfully that everyone covered their ears.

 "Narcissa?" Barty asked in a panic, and Narcissa was sobbing. I screamed again and a tear actually slipped out.

 "My Lord, please she didn't do anything!" I heard Draco yell.

 The curse ended. I sobbed on the floor and then saw father point his wand at Draco. I stood up weakly and just as father started saying 'Avada' the adrenaline set in and I ran over to Draco. I hugged him tightly so the curse would hit me instead.

 "Leah, no!" Draco and Narcissa yelled, and I waited for death, though it never came. I looked back at father who still had his wand pointed at us, but the word 'Kedavra' seemed to be stuck in his throat.

 "Leah, move," he said angrily.

 "No," I cried, and Draco had to support me so I didn't collapse. I felt so weak.

 "My Lord, the child was telling the truth, she isn't pregnant," Bellatrix said wide eyed and I realized she used occulemency. Father paused for a moment and I felt myself dropping. Draco caught me and picked me up.

Leah Riddle: Riddle me This (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now