Chapter 1 - 5 Days Later

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5 days later and I woke up in my room, my shoulder was throbbing with pain again. I held my hands up so I could see them, see if they were any better. My hands were ruined for life, they had suffered so many beatings that there would be pink scars over my palms for the rest of my days. I pushed myself up, checking the time: 7:00. Sunlight streamed from the blinds as I started to get up. It would soon be breakfast and Mercy had told me the night before I would be able to meet everyone. I slipped my mother's jewellery on to give me comfort even though I didn't know what they did, or why they were important.  I walked out of my room in the uniform Ana had given me, a black jacket with blue stripes on the sides and black leggings with boots. I tiptoed through the hallway after I heard everybody go to breakfast. I was going to sneak back to my room after I'd snatched an apple but Mercy caught me. 

"Hyacinth! I was wondering where you were!" I froze as all eyes went to me.

"Um, er, hi!" I smiled nervously and waved. 

"You must come over here!" She gestured to the table she had stopped by. It had a Korean girl, no older than 19, a short girl with a green dress that I later found out was called Zinnia (I had to make her short Cuppa003 XD Also BTW I hope you are okay with the way I portray Zinnia), a Chinese woman, a man with his arm around the Korean girl, Orisa and a robot. 

I walked quickly over after grabbing some food. Mercy introduced me to everyone. The Korean girl was called Hana Song, otherwise known as D.Va. The Chinese woman was called Mei-Ling Zhou aka Mei. The man with his arm around D.Va was called Lucio, and the robot was called Bastion. The girl in the green dress was called Zinnia, who was a botanist. I sat down beside Zinnia and we immediately connected. We both loved nature, me on the animal side and she on the plant side. She had been studying plants for years, after having a little 'incident' with a Doctor Angela Ziegler. Zinnia had always been fascinated with plants and after studying them for years she had figured out how to manipulate them to do her bidding. I was amazed.

"What can you do?" She asked.

"Erm... I don't actually know... All I know is that these bracelets are important." I showed them to her.

"Whoa, those are pretty." Zinnia gazed at the ice-blue gems.

"They were my mother's, before she..." I swallowed the lump rising in my throat and blinked back the tears rising in my eyes. "Before she moved on."

All of a sudden I was brought to one rainy afternoon...

I was sitting in my room, pacing back and forth, too worried for my mother to do anything. I knew how badly he treated her. I was ten years old at the time, and my mother came into my room at night and cuddled me enough times to know that it was horrible. More so than my mother let on.

I heard a loud slap and winced as I hear him yelling. I wanted to rush to my mother's side, protect her like the small animals I saved from being killed by other animals. But I didn't, because I was selfish, I didn't want to know what he would do to me. Would he take away my extravagant room? Would he force me to live in the creaky attic? I didn't want to lose the comfortable room I was living in, my toys, my bed, my carpet. I didn't want to lose them. That was why I didn't rush out to save my mother. If I did, maybe I could have done something, anything, to save her life that day.

I heard the ting! of a knife and a scream. I couldn't take it anymore, I ran out of my room towards the room my mother and father were in. I saw my mother, kneeling on the floor with her hands to her stomach as blood trickled from them and soaked her shirt. My father was putting down a knife that had blood on the sharp end. 

I gasped. "Daddy what did you do to Mommy?"

He looked around, surprised to see me there. "Mommy needed a bit of a reminder." He looked menacingly back at her.

I nodded, backing away as my mother's eyes begged me to go, go before I saw too much. I ran back to my room, locking the door behind me. I cried, I sobbed through the rest of the afternoon. My tears fell through the pain. I wish I had come sooner, so then I might have saved my mother from having her stomach destroyed from the knife, making her die a few days later.

Zinnia looked up at me, shaking me out of my memory. "Could I maybe examine them?"

"No!" I pulled my hands back sharply. "They're the last thing of my mother I have left. I don't want to lose them now."

"Okay, I understand." She shrugged before finishing her breakfast.

I pushed the sad memory away from my mind and I started to eat my apple. I pasted a smile on my face, I had to show everyone that I was a normal happy girl. Not a sad, depressed one that lost her mother because she was too selfish to save her.

Suddenly a wall shivered, water dripping from the cracks. "Our water supply container is bursting! There's too much water!" Zinnia cried.

"Mei! Freeze that water!" A man (whom I later found out was called Soldier 76) directed Mei to the wall.

"I can't do that much! I can only build a wall and hope for the best!" She cried.

"Everybody out!" Ana started pushing people out the door.

I grabbed Mercy's arm as she started to rush out. "We're all just going to leave and lose our water supply? How long did it take for you to build it up?"

"We live in the middle of nowhere, how long do you think? We can't do anything about it bursting. We have to go unless you want to be caught in the wave that will push you to the river and you'll be swept away from us." Mercy yanked her arm from my grasp and continued to run. 

Reinhardt had put up his shield outside the door as well as Orisa. Zinnia had already made loads of plants grow around the cracks in hopes of containing it. It didn't really work that well. More water continued to drip from the cracks, more and more rapidly. 

Before I knew it, the water burst. It broke down the ice wall and was flowing straight towards me. It was huge. Mei turned to an ice block as Zenyatta became invincible for the few seconds. Instinctively, I moved my hands. The gems started to glow, brighter and brighter as pastel blue energy streams, so pale that you almost couldn't see it, started to flow from my fingertips. They wrapped themselves around the water, controlling it, molding it into a ball of water. The streams came from all five of my fingertips, They joined together to create one huge mold. I gasped in surprise at what was happening. Suddenly I could feel the weight of the water, I was straining to hold it.

"Quick!" Ana was the first to react. "Put it all in the spare water container. Drain a little bit out though so it doesn't break again."

I nodded, letting a bit drip out before bringing it to the spare water container and dumping it there. I fell to my knees, my chest heaving for breath. My arms were aching. The gems stopped glowing.

For the rest of the day, Mercy brought me around to introduce me to the other Overwatch members. They congratulated and thanked me for what I did that day. All of them wanted to know how I did it. At the end of the day, I felt like I was safe and happy here. I would have good friends and I would live a comfortable life.

Little did I know that 'a comfortable life' was not in Overwatch's vocabulary.

Chapter 1 is here! This is kinda cringy with the powers and stuff. Please tell me what you think of it! Any suggestions please tell me in the comments! 

 Please tell me what you think of it! Any suggestions please tell me in the comments! 

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