Chapter 5 - The End Of The Uprising

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*1 week later*

"Have there been any news from the Uprising team?" I asked Second-in-command Ana.

"Yes, they have worked out what they need to do. They must hack into two systems, bring a car that will blow up the front of a Null Sector base and defeat the Null Sector Omnics." Ana replied, not looking up from her tablet.

"Have any of them been hurt?" I asked.

"Tracer has been injured a few times but they have been slight cuts. Mercy was able to heal them on the spot. Torbjorn has also been injured slightly but it wasn't that bad. The group has been attacked a few times because Null Sector Omnics keep on coming down to the subway to ambush them."

"The subway?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, that is where they are hiding. Tracer says that Null Sector has posted two guards at the door in case they try to leave. Does that answer all your questions?" Ana turned and looked up at me expectantly.

"Um... No..." I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Sorry if I was bothering you too much."

"You aren't as bad as my daughter, Fareeha." She laughed before walking away.

*2 weeks later*

I was training in one of the training rooms when the Uprising team came back. I ran to the center of the base where they would be coming in. The moment Tracer walked in Winston leaped over our heads to give her a hug. The two were best friends and obviously, Winston must have missed Tracer. Her girlfriend who had come over to the base just for today ran to her as well, pulling her into a hug. Mercy flew to Commander Morrison and Second-in-command Ana Amari to give her report of how the fight went. Reinhardt follows her as well. Torbjorn immediately went to his room to take a nap as I ran to Tracer.

"How did it go?" I asked.

Tracer's hair, usually spiky, was flopping over her forehead. She was smiling and seemed tired. "We drove back Null Sector! We did it! We saved King's Row!"

I hugged her tightly before letting Zinnia give her a hug. "Well done! I'm sure the Prime Minister of England will now realise that sending Overwatch into these situations is a good idea." I exclaimed.

"Yeah." Tracer replied.

"Okay, now Lena has to go and have a rest, all of you give her some space." Tracer's girlfriend shooed us out of the way and ushered Tracer to her room.

Ana called for attention where she, the Commander and Reyes were. "The mission was a success, our team has defeated Null Sector and Kings Row may rest again." Everyone applauded. "Unfortunately, at a high cost. The Prime Minister of England has gone into an outrage. He's holding a press conference as we speak." Ana turned on the TV.

"Overwatch must be stopped! There have been rumours of corruption and this just proves to be an example. A team of Overwatch members were seen fighting Omnics a couple of weeks ago. What could this mean? Does this mean that Overwatch is targeting Omnics now? We can not trust Overwatch!" The Prime Minister of England exclaimed.

"What do you think Dr. Snow?" I tensed I'm shock as I heard that name. Snow was my last name. But he couldn't possibly have moved up the industry that quickly! I checked the screen to make sure that it wasn't him. It was. Seeing him, even though it was just on TV, made memories flood into me. The day my mother died, the day I ran away from home. I turned away, running to the bathroom. It was the only excuse I had to get away from that face.

"Hyacinth?" Mercy looked at me questioningly as I ran past her.

"I just... erm... need to go to the bathroom!" I told her before running to the bathroom.

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