Chapter 23 - Anniversary!

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One week later and I found myself stumbling into the room in tiredness. I rubbed my eyes, glancing around the main area to see the entire place decorated with white, black and gold. There were balloons, ribbons, you name it, they had it. 

"Everybody, gather here! We have an announcement to make!" The Commander clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention. "As you can see, it is our anniversary today! That means no training and just... um... fun!" Morrison seemed to have trouble pronouncing the word.

"Hi!"  I hurried over to Zinnia.

"Hey! This is the first time I've ever been part of this before! I wonder what they're going to do?" She murmured back.

"During the day... um... Lucio had better come up here and explain it." He gestured to Lucio who scooted up there.

"Hey y'all! During the day, we're going to have an epic dance party! Afterwards we're going to have a formal, well you could say a ball of some sort, because all anniversaries/events like this need something formal. Get your ankle-length dresses ready! Oh yeah!" Lucio finished by jumping off the stage and wall-riding down to D.Va.

"What? I don't have any ankle-length dresses!" I turned to Zinnia.

"We might be allowed to go into the city to get dresses..." Zinnia jumped trying to look over the heads of the other members.

I looked down at her, "Really?"

D.Va hurried over to us, "Hey guys! You know the anniversary ball is later today? Well, I think they're going to be letting us go out and get our clothes for it!"

I looked over to Captain Ana as she walked by for affirmation. She nodded slightly before moving away.

"You're right! We will!" I exclaimed.

"All Overwatch agents!" Commander Morrison called out, bringing the our attention to where he was standing. "Please know that, yes, you will be allowed to go out to the city to get ready for the ball. But," He added, drowning out the murmurs that started up. "You must stay heavily undercover in order to prevent any...activity against or for you from the citizens."

We all nodded and, one moment later, we were dismissed. Zinnia and I rushed to the door. We travelled into the city, trying on a variety of dresses. Finally, after going through various shades of green, Zinnia settled for a strapless, short, green dress with a silver jewelled belt around her waist. I finally went for a one-shoulder, midnight blue, slightly ombre dress. We bought our clothes and hurried back to the base. I checked the time as we arrived: 4:15.

Wow we need to hurry, the ball starts in forty-five minutes! I thought as we ran back to our rooms.


I'd decided to invade Zinnia's room to get ready, which might be why bobby pins were strewn all over the floor, we kept on sneezing because of the powder the makeup gave off, and makeup products were all over Zinnia's bed.

"Don't worry we'll clean it up." I assured her as I brushed my hair out. 

"How is your getting-ready-process going?" Zinnia asked as she straightened her hair. 

After a moment the smell of burning hair urged me to reply. "Nearly done," I replied. "I just need do my hair up."

"Did you even put on makeup?" Zinnia asked, looking over at me.

"Um, yeah. Not a lot though."

"It looks nice but it's really simple!" She finished straightening her hair, unplugging the straightener out of it's socket. 

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