Chapter 16 - Threatened

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My eyes were hit with searing light as I slowly opened them, letting them adjust to the brightness. As the pain hit me, Mercy's face swam into view.

"How are you feeling?" She asked gently.

"Tired." I murmured groggily. "My arms hurt." As the words left my mouth, the memories from last night rushed towards me like a tidal wave.

"I have to get back into the fight! They can't fight without me!" I exclaimed, scrambling to sit up, ignoring the searing pain that travelled through me.

"Don't worry. You will get back into the fight. Right now they have retreated. We're all waiting for them to come back. Lie back down, I'll fetch Zinnia to keep an eye on you while I check on Pharah." Mercy pushed me back down forcefully before beckoning to Zinnia.

"Hyacinth! How are you feeling? Are you alright? What happened? What happened to your hai-?" The flow of words abruptly stopped after a glance at Mercy’s warning glare.

"My hair? What's wrong with my hair?" I squinted at them.

"Nothing dear. Go back to sleep, you need to rest." Mercy smiled gently down at me, stroking my head as my fingers reached up to pat my bangs, and smooth down my hair, before realizing that it was tied in a braid.
"W-why is my hair tied up?" I could feel my eyelids closing as she injected chemicals into my body.

"I'll see you soon Hyacinth. Get better," Zinnia's sad smile was the last thing I saw before I welcomed the darkness’s embrace.

"What’s wrong with her?" Ana's raised voice startled me awake.

"Hush, we still have a patient that's sleeping," Mercy was comforting her, "Your daughter, Fareeha, is suffering painful injuries including broken ribs and a broken arm. There is also a huge indent across her stomach where the jet crashed into her. Be grateful that it isn't any worse."

"I don't want to lose my daughter," I could hear the usually level-headed and pragmatic Captain become more and more panicked as the thought of losing her daughter entered her mind. "If her state of injuries and condition is reasonable, then why are you keeping her asleep?"

"Her body needs to focus all of its energies on healing itself. I'm afraid we can't let her wake up until her ribs are fully healed."
My eyes fluttered open to see Mercy and Ana facing away from me, standing over Pharah who was sleeping peacefully.

I realized that my body didn’t hurt too much, the pain dulled by rest and medication. I carefully sat up and examined my dully aching arms. They didn’t look too bad, I could move them slightly. I lifted my head, and swivelled my eyes around my surroundings. My clothes were folded neatly, sitting on a table beside me, my arms fully clothed in thick bandages. I was dressed in a hospital gown and as I touched my stomach gently, I felt the thick bandages that wrapped around the swollen wound. My hands reached to grasp my hair behind, and undid the braid, letting the curly locks fall, framing my face. I examined them, curious to see if the tips had changed at all from the midnight-blue. I accidentally inhaled some hair and spat it out, causing Mercy to whirl around in my direction.

"Sage! What are you doing sitting up? Why is your hair loose? You need to rest," She said worriedly as she hurried over.

"No, no I'm fine!" I protested quickly, my hands coming up to stop her from coming any further. She batted them away gently, a concerned from sliding onto her face.

"We'll see about that," She muttered firmly, as she examined my wounds.
She undid the bandages on my arms, and I winced when the pink and tender skin was exposed to the air, the flesh slightly bulging, and it would leave scars to remind me of the fight. Mercy checked all of my other wounds and declared that they would be able to be healed with her staff.

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