Chapter 8 - Kidnapped

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I was sleeping when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hmm? What?" I groggily opened my eyes and sat up.

"Come with me!" A whispered voice, do quiet I couldn't tell whose it was spoke to me. I could see a shape in the corner of my room.

"Who are you?" I stood up.

"This is urgent Zinnia and Genji have been injured! You must save them!" Those hushed words brought fear pulsing through my veins.

"Where are they? What's happened?" I immediately pulled on my jacket and leggings over my black tank top and shorts.

"They're outside, follow me!" The person ignored my question, instead beckoning to me.

I followed them through the corridors, I was so tired I hardly registered that Genji's door was wide open and you could see him meditating. Zinnia's door was shut and you could hear slight snores coming from inside. I just followed this person. We  walked outside, moonlight washing over us.

"Are you going to tell me where they are?" I asked loudly.

"Sshh!" The person was still in shadow, I was unable to see them.


"Their captors might hear us!" The person hissed.

"Oh, sorry." I grumbled.

We kept on walking till we were far from the base. I was wondering where they were when suddenly the person turned around.

"Seize her!" He said loudly and my blood chilled, I knew that voice.

"Why did you do this!" I cried as people wearing black jumped from the shadows and started tackling me to the floor.

"I need my daughter back and if that means having to kidnap you then I will." My father replied.

I kicked a woman off and bit a man's arm as he wrapped it around my neck. He let go, howling in pain. I managed to keep them off me enough to run back to the base. I had to get my bracelets. I had to get someone to help me. Anyone. Suddenly I heard cries of pain behind me. Were they that stupid that they tripped over? I looked behind me and saw a familiar glowing green and silver shape slashing the men.

"Genji?" I gasped as he stopped them from getting to me.

He kicked them away before dashing over to me. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I swallowed. "Yes. Yes I'm fine, but how did you know?"

"I noticed you were following a strange man through my room door. I got up to follow you." Genji looked back as he ushered me to the base.

"My father said that you and Zinnia were kidnapped and I was stupid enough to believe him." I groaned.

"All that matters now, is that you're safe. We must get you back to the base." I nodded and we both started running as if we were chased by fear itself.

"We're almost there!" I exclaimed as we became ten metres from the base.

"I can't see anyone behind us." Genji murmured.

Suddenly I heard an 'oomph!' and a groan of pain. I was five metres from the base. I looked back at Genji and saw he had been ambushed by a few men from the group my father had.

"Genji!" I cried.

"Get to the base Hyacinth! It's your only chance!" He yelled.

"Oh no, you don't." I turned to see my father in between me and the base, more men and women coming to stand beside him.

I would never be able to defeat them. I looked back at Genji who was still struggling as the men beat him up. But I could still save him. I leaped onto the men, my father yelling in shock as I leaped away from him. I tore the men off Genji and helped him stand up.

"Wrong idea daughter." My father cackled as the men behind him surrounded us. "You're trapped."

"Not as trapped as I was with you!" I shot back.

"Hyacinth!" Genji hissed. "Only one of us will make it out of here."

"You must make it out of here, my father won't kill me but he will kill you. I'll fight as hard as I can and when I'm kidnapped run to the Commander and tell him what has happened. I'll put a tracking device on me." I replied quietly, sticking the tracking device on.

"But-" He tried to protest but I cut him off.

"If I make it out alive and free you will be dead. What use will you be then?" I reasoned. "I'll also probably still be kidnapped by my father. Please Genji you have to do this."

I heard him sigh before nodding. I immediately readied myself as the people started to make a tighter circle around us. Suddenly they leaped on us, conjuring knives that sliced through my clothes to my arms. I heard Genji grunt in irritation as his right arm was sliced off, the wires sparking. I ripped a knife from the hand of one of the men and hit the handle of the knife onto his head, causing him to go unconscious. I continued to cut the men and women and hitting them on the head.Suddenly I got jumped on behind. The man squeezed my wrist, making me drop the knife. 

"Stop!" He shouted as he pressed the blade hard against my neck.

The fight froze. "You." He pointed to Genji. "Surrender or else we will kill her."

Genji stood, clearly surrendered. A man and woman moved into capture him but he suddenly turned and ran, heading to the base.

"Stop him!" The man that was holding me screeched. Genji didn't stop, instead he closed the door. "Fine! I'll kill her then!" He was about to slice my neck when suddenly he was shot in the head. The man fell and the knife clattered to the floor. 

I looked to where the shot came from and saw my father holding a gun. "No killing my daughter."

The group my father had brought with him froze, looking at the dead body. They followed my father in silence as he tied me up, gagged and pushed me into a plane and signalled to the pilot.

Right after we rose into the air my father readied his gun again. "Unfortunately none of you are trusted to keep quiet after tonight. Especially after you brought his body in." The group looked confused, looking down at the body and up at him. "Say your goodbyes." My father's smile was sickeningly sweet as he shot every single one of them. As soon as they figured out what he was doing they rushed to the door, banging against it and trying to open it. But, I figured, he must have locked it shut when we came in. A few moments later we were surrounded by a group of dead corpses. I closed my eyes from the sickly sight and prayed that Genji had told someone where I was.

"....Get us out of Switzerland!" I managed to catch the last few words my father had yelled at the pilot. At least now I knew where the base was, the problem was how was I going to get back to it.

I hope you liked this chapter :) if you have any suggestions or improvements then, as usual, please comment them so I may know what you think! :) 

I hope you liked this chapter :) if you have any suggestions or improvements then, as usual, please comment them so I may know what you think! :) 

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