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I ran, my long hair flying behind me as my back throbbed, my shoulder was burning with pain. I gripped the precious silver chains in my hands, blood streaming from them. Tears ran down my face as the door that led to what was once my home slammed shut behind me. I sank to my knees, sobbing. My mother's jewellery sparkled in the street light. I wiped the tears from my face, getting to my feet. I needed somewhere safe to spend the night. I found a dark alleyway, one that put me in shadow. I fell asleep, dreaming of the recent memory of being thrown out...


'Happy birthday to you!' Everyone clapped as I grinned and blew out my candles. I was 26 that day, graduating from university soon and studying to become a wildlife biologist.

'Welcome to age 26!' My friend put her arm around me, holding a glass of juice.

I laughed, 'I don't really feel any different.'

'Well, you soon will when you realise that you can...erm...when you are older!' She giggled before going off to pour some more juice out.

I smiled, looking out at my small gathering of friends. Only a few had been invited, which I didn't mind at all. My father had only let me have a small gathering because a party was too much for him to handle. I didn't mind, I loved small gatherings, I hated parties. Suddenly there was a loud knocking on the door and the doorbell started ringing loudly. Our butler walked to the door, straight-backed as ever, and opened it to ask who was visiting. I heard loud noises and yelling, so I walked around the corner to see college boys, around 20 to 22 years old yelling and running down the hallway to where my gathering was, except it wasn't really a gathering anymore. I stood there, stunned as they high-fived each other whilst trashing the huge room that we were in. Someone must have tipped them off about this 'party'. I ran to my friend, who was already flirting with a guy from across the room.

'Help me! We need to get them out of here!' I tugged her arm to pull her attention to me.

'Do we really?' She pouted. 'They don't seem that bad.'

My eyes widened as they knocked over a precious vase standing on a table, it shattered into millions of pieces, unable to be fixed. I had to get my mother's jewellery before they broke/stole that too. I ran to my room, ripped open the drawer and grabbing the delicate chains, I stuffed them in my pocket before heading back to the now raging chaos. The crystal chandelier was swinging, in danger of falling and the plants were being pulled out of their pots. The tables were being turned over and cushions were being ripped and torn. I had to get them out of here before my father came ho- Ding dong! Oh no.... oh no oh no oh no oh no! He couldn't be home! This was a beating for sure. I couldn't do anything... but I had to do something! I ran out into the hallway, catching my father.

'Father! I need your help these boys came into our house and we couldn't stop them and now they're trashing the place!' I exclaimed.

'I don't need your games right now girl, I'm tired.' He brushed me off as he gave his coat to my maid, walking to the room.

Suddenly he stopped, staring in shock at what was unfolding before him. The boys were knocking over things, breaking vases, smashing bottles and glasses. My friends were flirting with them or hiding behind a couch, avoiding them.

'Everybody out... NOW!' My friends all hurried out at the sound of his voice, not glancing back. My father was scary. Some people find it hard to believe that I was his daughter because I looked like your typical Kpop star but I got it from my mother's side, I looked nothing like my father.

Thanks a lot. I thought as I turned back to my father and the rest of the guests.

'OUT OUT OUT! EVERYBODY OUT!' He chased them all out of the house.

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