Chapter 6 - Quenching The Rumours

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I followed the Commander into the white building. We were being taken to a room by a guard and shown where we were meant to sit. Commander Morrison and Ana sat in the middle. Reinhardt sat next to Morrison and Tracer sat next to Ana. Orisa stood directly behind them and Genji and I stood on either side of the group, looking out at the whole room.

"Hyacinth!" Ana hissed to me.

"Yes madam?" I looked down at her.

"Wear this cloak and stick this on your throat." She held a dark blue cloak that when I put up the hood, it sent shadows over my face making me unrecognisable. The small metal disc I stuck on made my voice come out differently, deeper than my usual tone.

I thanked her after putting it on. Those things made me unrecognisable.

After half an hour the Prime Minister of England walked in, glaring at Tracer. "You chose the wrong side, Leena."

She bit her lip. "I was only trying to save our co-"

Commander Morrison silenced her with a hand gesture before turning to the Prime Minister. "A pleasure to meet you."

He grunted. "Who are these people?"

"This is Ana Amari, my Captain. You already know Tracer and this is Reinhardt and Orisa."

"Orisa?" The Prime Minister's eyes narrowed. "Isn't she the Omnic that Efi the engineer from Numbani built?"

"Yes, we have recruited her into our ranks." Ana nodded.

The Prime Minister eyed Genji and I. "Who are these?"

"My bodyguards." Commander Morrison swiftly lied. "They come with me to these things."

"I see. Two people are missing, we'll have to wait." The Prime Minister sat down.

We sat in tense silence as we waited. Half an hour later and my father walked into the room.

"So these are the members?" He raised an eyebrow at us.

I stopped myself from shaking and looking away. He couldn't recognise me, there was no way!

"Yes. Where is the other?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Right here sir!" A thin man walked into the room, carrying a laptop.

"He'll be writing everything that you say down, so nothing will be missed. You understand of course, for the press." My father smiled at us, to me the smile seemed evil, but I shook myself, there was no way.

"Let's start." Commander Morrison said.

My father nodded, signalling to the writer to begin. "We have noticed that there have been certain rumours about your organisation being corrupted."

"We have noticed as well," Ana replied.

"And since the recent attack on the Omnics-" the Prime Minister began.

"That was not an attack sir! We were defeating Null Sector!" Tracer interrupted.

"Commander I hope you teach the rest of your agents better manners." The Prime Minister stiffly said.

I laid a hand on Tracer's shoulder, calming her. "But she makes a fair point," I replied. "We were defending your city from the Omnic terrorist group, Null Sector. Have you not heard of them?"

"There were only stories."

"Well, they're real. And we defeated them for you." Reinhardt replied.

"Unfortunately, some Omnics now view Overwatch as an anti-omnic group." My father said. "There have been protests. Most citizens now think that Overwatch is corrupt due to the fact that you said it was a peace group then you go and kill Omnics in plain view in daylight."

"Sir-" Commander Morrison tried to defend but my father continued.

"This leads us to conclude that Overwatch is a corrupt organisation. We beg you to take it down."

"No. We will not take down an organisation that has been protecting citizens for years." Ana retorted.

"You have also been found to be taking citizens without their consent. I have proof."

"And what proof is that?" Commander Morrison asked.

"My daughter! Give me my daughter back!" My father started yelling.

"Your daughter was not kidnapped, she willingly came with us." Ana corrected him.

"Your daughter told us of how you abused her! How you killed her mother!" I suddenly strode forward, snarling. "She told us everything you did! And she will never forgive you for the things you've done! She has suffered so much that she cries at night, by herself!"

My father looked shocked at the fact that I suddenly confronted him.

"Hyacinth..." Commander Morrison warned me. (Just a reminder Hyacinth isn't her real name!)

I turned swiftly, walking away. Suddenly I felt my hood being yanked off. My blood went cold. I immediately pulled it back on before turning to face my father.

"This meeting is over." The Prime Minister announced, surprised. "We will be speaking to the UN about you. They will decide what will happen."

"I expect no less sir." Commander Morrison bowed before leaving the room.

As I followed Genji put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

I swallowed my anger. "Yes, I'm fine."

Genji nodded but didn't say anything more as we travelled back to the base, silent.


I closed the door behind me quietly. I was in an old storage room, quiet, dark and secluded. I let all of the memories of my mother wash over me, making me collapse to the floor, sobbing. I did this every night, alone. I would cry my heart out for my mother. I would cry my fears out of my father. I would pour all the sadness in me that I had bottled up that day, unleashing it. The shadows covered my runny nose, my flushed cheeks, my squinty eyes. I was so busy sobbing that I didn't notice the unmoving shape that watched me for a while before walking away.


Okay, I know this is a bit less than normal but I hope you don't mind! That seemed like a good place to end things :3 as usual if you have any suggestions or improvements then feel free to comment them so that I may take them into consideration when writing my next chapter! Bye!

Okay, I know this is a bit less than normal but I hope you don't mind! That seemed like a good place to end things :3 as usual if you have any suggestions or improvements then feel free to comment them so that I may take them into consideration wh...

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