Chapter 24 - He Left

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I sighed heavily as I walked into the main room. It had been returned to its drab greyness. I glanced around, wondering where I would sit to eat my lunch. Zinnia was frustrated at me for being unsure of my feelings and I was frustrated at her for not understanding. I quickly (and as quietly as was humanely possible) moved to the nearest table that didn't have a lot of people around it. I started chomping on my burger hungrily when Genji slid into the seat next to me.

"Hi Genji!" I hurriedly wiped my mouth free from the sauce that they'd put on the burger with a tissue.

"Hey, Sage about the anniversary night-" He began, seeming all serious.

"Genji! You won't be having training today, we realised that Torbjorn hasn't been training as much as he should have." The Captain called out to Genji, laughing as Torbjorn made a pouty face.

"What were you saying?" I asked as he turned back to me.

"Um... nothing..." Genji shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. "Are you free after lunch?" 

"Um yeah but we can't do-" I started but he cut me off.

"It's still quite snowy out there." He nodded to the windows that showed the glittering layer of ice through the gleaming glass. "Do you want to hang out there?"

"Yeah, sure." I was taken aback by his abruptness. "But don't you think-"

"I'll check with the Commander, it'll be fine." He reassured me.

I nodded as he walked away, butterflies started up in my stomach.


I pulled my dark-blue beanie on as I snuck out into the chilly air. I adjusted my dark blue jacket as my boots sank into the deep snow. I hurried and jumped onto another area which led down to the icy beach.

"Hyacinth!" Genji called out to me.

I looked around and spotted him silhouetted against the snow. I hurried toward him, my breath coming out in mist. 

"What are we doing?" I asked, butterflies starting up in my stomach again.

"Snowball fight!" He shouted, pulling out a ball of snow that he'd kept hidden behind his back the whole time. 

Before I could move he'd thrown it at me, spattering cold ice over my face. I screwed my eyes up and backed away, stumbling. I fell and reached down to grab a handful of snow and hurled it at him. I opened my eyes in time to see him fall over as well. Grinning, I got another handful and threw it. It landed right on his stomach. 

"I'll get you for that!" His eyes glimmered with laughter as I giggled, running away.

I sprinted across the snowy hill, nearing the icy expanse. I slid on, struggling to move fast. 

"You aren't getting away so easily!" He cried out.

Laughing I got bowled over by him. We lay flat on our backs beside each other.

"You know what would be good?" I asked, looking at him.

"What?" He replied.

"Making snow angels." I said simply.

Immediately he started moving his arms and legs, creating a snow angel. I sat up and before he could react I'd swept a load of ice at his face. He spluttered as I got up and ran.

Once again, I was bowled over by him. This time I didn't bother to get back up. We just lay there, laughing and talking.


We walked back into the base, smiling. His arm was around my shoulders. The moment we walked in, everyone froze, taking in our friendly gestures to each other. I swallowed before crossing my arms and looking away. 

"Genji, you've been called by the Japanese army." The Commander walked up to us with a letter. "It's just for a week, but you and Hanzo are needed to protect your country."

I looked quickly at Genji, noticing that his eyes were filled with dismay. "Only for a week?" He asked.

"Yes." The Commander nodded.

He sighed heavily, before trudging to his room. I hurried back to my room, closing the door and sliding down onto the floor. How did I feel about him leaving? It was, after all, just for a week! But there was something at the pit of my stomach, something that made me feel desperate. As if I would do anything to stop him from leaving...

"Leaving m-the team." I whispered, correcting myself at the last moment.

I heard a door close and I sprinted back out. "When do you leave?" I asked, running into Hanzo.

"Tonight, when everybody is asleep. That way, less of a fuss to go away and get back." He replied gruffly before moving on.

After dinner, I pretended to go to my room to sleep like everyone else. But I stayed awake. After what sounded like the last person had closed their door I crept out of my room in the darkness. I quickly sneaked to the main entrance, waiting. I wrapped my jacket around my pajamas, which were a loose shirt and pants. I waited. At midnight I glimpsed two shapes walk quickly to the entrance.

"Hyacinth! What are you doing here?" Hanzo's voice hissed.

I swallowed nervously, I didn't have my jewellery, I was nothing without them. "I came to say goodbye."

He clearly got the message that I was there to say goodbye to Genji. Hanzo nodded before hurrying through the doors, leaving Genji to stand there and stare at me.

I cleared my throat. "Good luck, have fun. I'll see you when you get back." 

"Oh, Sage." That was all it took, two words was all it took for me to fall into his arms, causing him to drop his bags. I didn't start sobbing but a tear trickled down my face.

He embraced me. "It's fine, I'll be back soon."

I nodded, my throat too clogged with the possibility of crying to reply. I lifted his jacket that he'd dropped on the floor and helped him put it on. I adjusted it as I looked into his eyes.

"Be careful out there. I'll see you in a week." I whispered, not wanting to make it a bigger deal than I felt it was.

"I will." He replied quietly, grabbing his bags and moving towards the entrance.

I hurriedly wiped my tears away as he walked out into the darkness.


Once again, for a week, I was confused of my feelings. Half the time I would go around feeling depressed and lonely, wishing Genji was still there. The other half I'd go: You don't need him Sage.

Zinnia sighed whenever she noticed me moping about. The Captain seemed to understand my silent dull pain and kept me busy, which helped. Slowly the seven days that he was gone crept through, and as we neared it, I looked toward the day he would arrive at midnight with hope. 

Okay I feel like I made Hyacinth make a bigger deal of Genji leaving than it actually is... I also think that was really random. Okay honestly I just wanted to write a really sweet/probably cringy bit between them two when he arrives. If you have any improvements/suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below! I hope you're having a wonderful day! Byee!


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