Chapter 12 - Beginning of the Fight

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"Are you okay now?" Genji asked.

I nodded, standing up and stumbling out. Zinnia and Genji glanced at each other before following me. Suddenly my gem popped open, as in half of it swung like a door from its base. Out fell a note. I unfurled the tiny scroll which was held together by a thin rope. On the back of the note was a picture of my mother with me as a child. The writing on the other side made my heart shatter:

My dearest Sage,
I am sorry I won't ever be there for you when you grow older yet it has been my wish to do so. I can only hope that you will find this necklace and keep it with you. It will open once you finally stay strong and stand up for yourself (Don't ask me how. I don't know).
There are heroes in this world Sage, heroes that will make you wish you were as strong and noble as one of them. It has been my dream to become one of them and I have. I can only hope that you will become one of them too. They will keep you safe and protected from your father. Every day I wish that you won't have the same fate I am going to have. I've written this note to tell you and warn you that your clothes might be changing at this very moment. There's something weird with these gems I can tell you that. I wanted to write this note so that if you do manage to read this, congratulations. I just wish I were there with you every step of the way. I will always love you, my dear Sage.
Your mother.

I started to cry, again. When was I ever going to stop crying today? I turned around as Zinnia asked what was wrong. I threw her the note, sobbing too hard to see anything. I heard her gasp as she read the note. Genji took the note from Zinnia as she finished it and read it.

"I don't understand." Zinnia whispered. "What does she mean protected from your father? What has your father done to you ?"

I pulled my sleeves up, revealing the crisscrossed scars my father had left. "What has my father done?" My voice was bitter. "He's caused me nothing but pain."

Zinnia ran her hands over the scars. "That's why you never wanted to see your father."

I nodded, pulling the sleeves down.

Genji gave the note back to me, scrolled up and secured with the rope. "At least now we know why that it happening." He gestured to my body.

I looked down and saw a bluish line, starting from my shoulders. The gems were glowing brighter than they have ever before. The line started to move down, changing the simple jacket and leggings that I wore into a dark blue sleeveless dress. It had a high neck, and it continued down. There was a black sash around my waist and from there the dress went diagonally down to connect to the other end of my dress which reached down half of my calves. From the cut off by my waist, there was a piece of fabric that made it look like it was a bit like a shirt. There were black leggings and boots underneath and my arm sleeves were also black, connecting at my middle finger. My necklace disappeared as my clothes changed, implanting the gem of the necklace at the top of my high neck. My long straight hair got a few waves.

"Woah." Was all Zinnia could say as I transformed.

I turned to look at myself in the reflection of the plane. I looked really... Elegant. The material was soft and stretchy, easy to move in, perfect for fighting.

"I'd better warn the Commander so that he doesn't get a heart attack when he sees you." Genji joked, giving me a hug goodbye before running off.

"What was all that about?" Zinnia mischievously grinned at me as I flushed.

"I don't know."

"Girls!" Captain Amari called to us.

We both rushed over as Genji told the Commander and Mercy. They glanced at me before turning back to their conversation.

"Pharah overheard Dr Snow calling for backup, they should be arriving any moment now," Ana told us. "Pharah and will be attacking from above. We're sending Genji to get reinforcements. We need Reinhardt. You and Sage will have to hold out here with us. Got that?" Ana looked at Zinnia.

We both nodded as a teleported appeared and Genji dashed through. Moments later Reinhardt charged through and hit a bush.

"Remember what I said, Reinhardt, don't charge in there on your own." Ana looked at Reinhardt.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Captain." He replied, grinning.

"Alright team, we have to fight for our lives. We might be pushed back to our base we might not. So if you have any valuables here that you do not want to leave behind throw them into the teleporter now." Morrison yelled.

Everyone started chucking their things in as helicopters flew ahead. I saw a flash as Pharah leapt into the air, firing explosives at the wings. D.Va protected her from the bullets the helicopter fired in response.

"Thank you!" Pharah said before going after another helicopter.

A third helicopter noticed us and started shooting.

"Reinhardt your shield!" Ana yelled.

"Come, my friends, I will be your shield!" I rushed behind him as a blue shield came from him.

"Try to shoot them down!" Morrison ordered.

"I can get up there Commander. I can get on top of the helicopter." I rushed to him.

He looked at me for a moment. "I'll be fine!" I sighed, exasperated.

"Then go." He turned back to the fight as I teleported on top of the helicopter.

I shot at the propellors on either side of the wings, sending them smoking. The helicopter started to lose height as I ripped open the top to find the pilots in one room. I threw them out the helicopter, glass cracking around me as they landed on a balcony. Now the helicopter was dropping like a rock. I slipped into the seats, pulling on the headset and starting to manoeuvre the helicopter away from the building and into an empty plot. I cursed as I crashed into a tree and suddenly saw Zinnias plants wrapping around the helicopter and pulling it down. I let go of the controls and opened the door of the helicopter. I heard tells of shock as men were pulled from the helicopter and dumped onto the ground. I leapt out as the helicopter burst on fire.

"We need Mei." I cried out.

"Mei checking in!" I heard her voice come on as she stepped through the teleporter. She ran to me, spraying ice onto the fire until it wore out. I was suddenly picked up at the back of my neck, the hand gripping my clothes and I was thrown into the fire. Luckily I only got burned on my shoulder as I struggled out, the smoke burning my lungs. I crouched, concentrated and teleported away as the fight began.

Finally, I'm back on track with this story! :) I hope you liked this chapter! :) If you have any suggestions or improvements then please comment so I can make my story better :) byee!

P.S I almost forgot to post this lol

S I almost forgot to post this lol

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