Chapter 2 - Much Comfortable Life

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I waved my hand, the gems of the bracelets glowing. A shield expanded from my hand, pure white and glowing, made of condensed water. Soldier 76 (otherwise known as Commander Morrison) ran behind us shouting orders.

"Defend your teammates Hyacinth! Absorb the damage Zinnia! Shoot them out Tracer! Genji cooperate with Mercy!" He barked at Genji who was teasing Mercy.

He jumped and dashed forward behind a wall, not allowing her to fly to him. Her face was irritated as the cyborg ninja in black and red jumped. Mercy gave up, shaking her long hair from her face and flying to Soldier 76. Ana watched us from the control center, her long grey hair flowing from her face.

"That's it. We're doing one on one." Soldier 76 signaled to Ana and she turned a switch.

Gabriel Reyes watched us train from the control center as Winston took notes of Tracer beside him. Soldier 76 walked to an edge of the room and instructed Tracer and Genji to duel. He then walked upstairs with Mercy to overlook everything. I sat and waited, the necklace under my jacket resting against my collar bones, my bracelets tucked underneath my sleeves and gloves.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Zinnia whispered to me.

"Tracer will rip Genji apart!" I giggled.

"Fight!" Suddenly Gabriel Reyes' voice sounded from the speakers. Genji ran at Tracer who dodged and shot him in the back.

"Agh!" Genjis eyes widened as he fell, his black armour smoking.

I immediately felt a flash of worry, the gems glowed and a swirl of water came over me and teleported me to his side. Genji looked up in surprise as I helped him up. 

"Thank you new recruit." He looked at me in thanks.

"You're welcome." I smiled with pleasure.

"Yeah yeah we get that you're grateful for her helping you up when you could have gotten up yourself Genji. Let's get on with it, show Tracer what a Blackwatch agent can do." Gabriel Reyes sat back in his chair.

I teleported back to Zinnia as Tracer faced Genji again. She tried to do the same thing as before but Genji deflected her shots, taking her down.

"Well done Genji." Gabriel praised him.

"Tracer take a break. Hyacinth take the ring." Ana's voice came over the speakers.

"Yes madam!" Tracer tried a pained smile but nearly collapsed. 

I rushed to her, supporting her back to sit down and take a rest from the numbing pain. Zinnia's plants wrapped themselves underneath Tracer, softening the ground beneath her. I walked toward the area where we would fight and I wringed my hands nervously. I had to remember the training that I had been taught by Soldier 76 for the past few days. I had trouble focusing, I was up late mourning my mother the night before. I disgusted myself. I shook my head, clearing it. I readied myself, waiting for Genji to make the first move.

"5, 4, 3, 2, fight!" Ana instructed.

Genji immediately rushed at me and I swiped my hands, creating a small barrier with my arms, blocking and pushing him away. He jumped away. We circled each other slowly, watching each move.

"Come on... Fight!" Reyes slammed the control board, immediately turning off the numbing effect on the weapons, turning them lethal. Mercy went to switch it but Reyes stopped her. "They'll fight better now that it's actually life-threatening."

I flew at Genji this time, shooting blue energy from my palms. He flipped to behind a container as the energy burned out. My palms glowed as Genji leaped over the container and starting throwing shurikens at me. I blocked them, the armour on my arms sparking. I closed the distance between us, slashing my arms down and kicking out with my legs. I swiped my right hand down, intending to cut his armour but he dodged. He dodged again as I swiped my left hand down. I tried to slam my two forearms down on his face but he blocked it, pushing out. I ran toward him still, turning and kicking out at his chest. He flew back. I had to rest from all the energy I was producing. 

I backed away as he got up, teleporting up onto a balcony. I turned to see that he has disappeared from the spot where I had left him. I thought I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around but I couldn't see anything. I suddenly got hit in the back, I fell forward. Genji was suddenly in front of me, kicking my stomach before throwing me from the balcony. I struggled to my feet, trying to heal my cuts and get my breath back. The cuts slowly closed over as I ran. I could feel my energy building up but I didn't use it yet. I hid behind something as I waited for it to continue building up. I heard Genji teasing me, trying to get me out.

"Hyacinth?" His voice was gentle. "Come on out. I'm not going to hurt you." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I knew he was tricking me, but I pretended to be fooled anyways. My power was built up, I was ready. I crept out of my spot, seeing him straighten up as I appeared.

"There you are!" Genji looked at me. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm sorry for those cuts."

I smiled at him. "I forgive you."

He suddenly stopped, confused. I started leaping, bouncing around as he tried to hit me with his shurikins. Suddenly I let out all of that energy I'd been saving up. It hit Genji, pushing him back and making him hit a wall. I fell to the ground, kneeling and panting. I was worn out and I couldn't fight anymore. I looked up at Genji as I got up.

"Hyacinth: 1 Genji: 0" Ana wrote something down on a clipboard and Reyes looked angry and jealous. He muttered something to Soldier 76 before storming off.

I walked over to Genji, holding out my hand. He took it and I pulled him up. "Not too bad for a new recruit."

"Not too bad yourself." I smiled.

"You would be a good defense to opponents." Genji remarked.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Training is over for today. Genji, Reyes would like to speak to you. I would like to speak to Hyacinth. The rest of you are dismissed." Soldier 76 walked out of the control room after speaking through the speakers. I hurried out of the training room, Genji following close behind.

Okay thank you for reading this story! If you have any suggestions then can you please comment them below so I may know and therefore improve :) I hope you have been liking this fanfic so far :)

Okay thank you for reading this story! If you have any suggestions then can you please comment them below so I may know and therefore improve :) I hope you have been liking this fanfic so far :)

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