Chapter 25 - Arriving Day

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I sniffled, bundled up in my hoodie. I watched like a cat, hiding in the shadows, waiting for him to come back. I was sitting across the room from the entrance. It had passed midnight already, but I still kept up the hope that he would come that day.

Finally, as the first light broke through the mountains, I heard the rumble of a helicopter, loud enough to wake everybody up. I glimpsed a tired Genji and Hanzo step out of the helicopter, struggling a bit with their bags. The moment Genji stepped foot into the base I started running towards him. I ran the first few metres (okay this is getting really cliche. I'M SORRY) and started hugging him. He dropped his bags in surprise and embraced me.

"Welcome home!" I whispered.

He didn't say anything, he just hugged me. Moments later the rest of the Overwatch team had woken up and were hurrying to welcome them back. I had to step away from Genji for a moment to let them give their greetings. I turned away, wiping my tears away hurriedly and going to wait at the edge of the crowd. I sighed, happy now that he was back. I didn't feel lonely or depressed anymore.


"Did you hear that the vacation has been moved earlier to next week?" D.Va asked as she plonked her tray down on my table.

"Really? I need to start packing! How long are we staying?" I asked in surprise.

"Three days...?" Lucio, who was walking towards us, looked to D.Va for confirmation. She nodded and he continued. "We'll be staying in rooms of three. Apparently the Overwatch organisation is important enough to have our own private pool. It's not like we save the world or anything!" He joked.

I laughed before getting back to my food. 

"Guys we have training after this." Genji slid into the seat next to mine.

"Finally! We haven't had training that much for the past few days!" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm personally thankful we haven't had training! I've been able to work on my new mixes and D.Va's been able to catch up on her video games!" Lucio exclaimed.

There was a moment of silence as everyone ate, then D.Va said "Hey, are you guys dating?"

"What?" I exclaimed, glancing at Genji.

"You seem to be pretty friendly with each other, I'm just wondering." She shrugged.

"It's complicated." Genji replied unconvincingly.

"We're not dating yet..." I murmured.

He was the only one who heard those words, and as he turned back to D.Va I noticed his eyes glimmering with joy. 

"Right." D.Va looked at me, grinning.

I started smiling unconvincingly, a silly grin. "We're not dating!" I repeated.

Before D.Va could reply we realised that we were all late for training and had to go.


"Alright everyone, now that we're all here. I would like to tell you the process. There are four training mats and eight of you. Two people on each mat. When the time is up choose one person to stay while the other person rotates with the others. That way we'll be able to fight with each other." Captain Ana called out.

We all nodded. She gave the signal and we started walking to a mat. I took one mat and waited for someone to come to me. 

Zinnia walked up and stepped on the mat. "Mind if I join?" She smiled coldly.

"Nope." I gave her an equally cold stare.

"No powers allowed! Only hand-to-hand combat!" The Commander walked in.

I slipped my jewellery off, placing them outside the training mat. The moment I pulled myself back in I got hit in the stomach with a knee. I got thrown back and I lay there, stunned. Then anger flooded and I got up. I ran, feinting high then going low. She fell over and I took my chance to pick her up and throw her across the training mat. As she lay there, stunned, I took a short rest. The moment she got up, I was ready, but then she was ready as well. I swooped down low to sweep her legs from under her but instead she grabbed my ankle and threw me across the training mat. I panted, looking at the timer. One more minute to go. I started hitting her and she blocked me. Suddenly, as the timer ticked down to five seconds, I brought my leg up and whacked her in the face, making her fall over. 

"Time's up!" Ana called out as the fighting stopped.

The fight sessions moved on, blending all into a blur. The only fight session I truly remembered was the one between Genji...

I started grinning as he walked toward me. "I'm not going to go easy on you."

"Good, because I wasn't going to either." I could tell he was grinning behind his mask.

"Fight!" Morrison yelled out.

I ran at Genji, kicking him to the floor. He pulled me down and did the one thing you wouldn't expect your opponent to do on a training mat. He started tickling me. That's right.

"Oi! Stop!" I giggled, rendered helpless. 

"Give in?" He asked teasingly.

"No!" I pushed myself away from him, rolling.

I got to my feet, panting. The moment he got up I pushed him to the floor. 

"Time's up!" Amari shouted.

"It was a good fight!" Genji got up.

"It was until you started tickling me." I rolled my eyes, grinning.

He walked away and I turned to face the next person who came to fight me.

Sorry to cut this a bit short, I hope you still liked it though! Not as much fluff as the last chapter, but don't worry, more fluff coming your way! :3 If you have any suggestions/improvements feel free to comment them below. Have a great day guys, byeee!


P.S I won't be able to write/publish as much for the next few days because I'm going on a holiday :)

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