Chapter 10 - Running Back

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I blinked my eyes open to the flashing lights of a familiar jet plane... I widened my eyes as I saw the symbol underneath. I felt through my clothes, my heart pounding. Did I leave it in the cell? Please please please let it still be here with me! I prayed. I cursed as I realised it was nowhere to be found. I started running as fast as I could back to my house, my heart telling me to turn right around and go the other way. I started panicking as I heard it land...


*Zinnia's POV*

I ran over the moments when Genji had barged into my room, shouting about how Hyacinth was kidnapped. I'd had to calm him down until he would tell me the whole story. I bit my lip nervously as I saw the Commander, the Captain and Dr Angela Ziegler. I was still awkward around Angela. I'd tried to do great things under her but I'd failed. I tucked a maroon strand of hair behind my ear as I focused on what was happening at the moment. I could spot Genji and McCree sneaking through a door on the roof. Reyes whispered to them urgently in the plane. I looked up to see Pharah hovering above us, keeping an eye out for trouble as D.Va landed her mech gently on the rooftop. I hoped this would go well.


*Genji's POV*

I climbed down the stairs and spotted an open trapdoor. "That might be her!" I hissed excitedly.

I leapt through the door and landed quietly on the hard concrete floor below. McCree rolled down the hard stairs as I stood up to see a kneeling, sobbing shape on the floor of a cell. I spotted the tracker on the floor outside the cell.

"Hyacinth?" I asked.

The shape turned around and my heart plummeted. It was just a random maid. Why was the tracker here?

"Did Sage send you? Are you going to rescue the servants here?" The maid's eyes filled with hope.

"Sage?" I asked.

"The girl who was here before! The girl with the dark hair and eyes? South Korean? I guess you don't know her..." The maid finished, disappointed. "Well she's only part South Korean because her father is European but her mother was South Korean and she takes after her mother so everyone thinks she's full South Korean." She started muttering to herself.

"I thought Hyacinth was her real name." Genji whispered.

McCree shrugged. "She probably wanted to keep her name a secret so that no one would know it was actually her." He whispered back.

I shrugged before turning my attention back to the maid. "Why isn't erm... Sage here?"

"I helped her escape. That's why I'm in this cell. My master punished me for letting her go." The maid replied.

"Mission report!" Reyes' voice came over our earpieces.

"We've found a maid beside Hyacinth's tracker. The maid let Hyacinth free and her father punished her. Sir, we think that this is human abu-" McCree didn't get a chance to finish before Reyes interrupted him.

"Tell the abuse and all that to Morrison, my mission is to find Hyacinth." Reyes cut him off. "Report to Commander Morrison immediately." Genji almost thought he spat out the words 'Commander Morrison' in contempt but decided he'd imagined it.

We glanced at each other before turning to walk away, but the noises of the maid crying out stopped us. "Please don't leave me! He might come back and no one will be there to stop him from doing something horrible!"

"I have the gun." McCree said.

"I have the shurikins, I need to say something to Sage's father." I reloaded my shurikins as McCree nodded and walked out the door.


I rounded the corner to see McCree running to Morrison who was standing beside Ana and Reyes, talking. I called out to them as I sprinted to them. They looked up in surprise as I appeared.

"Sage! What are you doing here!" Morrison strode forward to greet me as Mercy tutted at my scratches.

"" I bent over, panting. "I...promised...them..." I caught my breath, coughing.

"We can't do anything without proof of abu-" Reyes began but McCree cut him off.

"Sir, there is a witness. A maid in the cell. She has been beaten by her father."

"We'll see what we can do." Commander Morrison replied before motioning to McCree to go back. "Rejoin Genji and bring the maid out. I want to speak to her myself."

He nodded as Mercy ushered me to the plane. She tended to my cuts and when they'd been sealed with bandages I came out to find Genji and my maid standing there. Zinnia had also come out from a room in the plane.

"Hyacinth!" Genji and Zinnia cried out at the same time as my maid exclaimed "Sage!"

My maid rushed toward me, wrapping her arms around me and crying as Zinnia and Genji did the same. I was caught in a bear hug.

"Um... guys?" I laughed. "I'm kind of squished right now."

Zinnia laughed as she pulled away, asking me how I was before returning to her patrol around the area. My maid was led away by Ana who had taken hold of her arm, gently tugging her to a private corner where Morrison would speak to her. I was left alone with Genji as Reyes stood nearby, tapping on a tablet.

"You're safe." Genji interrupted the awkward silence.

"Mmm, yeah." I nodded.

"Did you get hurt?" He gestured to my bandaged arms.

"Not that much." I hid them behind my back.

"Why do you hate your father so much?" Genji suddenly asked, putting his hand on my back and drawing me away from Reyes.

"I don't hate him it's just..." I hesitated. "He's done horrible things." I finished.

"You can't keep on hiding your pain Sage." I jerked up as he used my real name. "Yes I know your real name. You have to share your pain with someone else. You can't shove it down and hope it disappears, because it won't. Ever." He said.

I sighed heavily, ready to spill everything. "He killed my mother when I was young. After that he beat me when I did the slightest thing wrong. He would insult me. One night I had to leave, I couldn't take it. I ran to an alleyway and well... Mercy found me, crying and injured. I probably would have died if she hadn't discovered me." I felt the weight on my shoulders lessen as I told him these things.

"You really should stop hiding these things, Sage." He chided.

I sagged. "I know," I grumbled as he pulled me into a hug.

Yay another chapter! :) I hope you liked it! If you have nay improvements or suggestions please comment so I can make my stories better and I'm tired right now. Like really tired. byee! BTW publishing times will be really uneven because I just started school and I'm trying to make the most of this motivation thing so once I finish a chapter I'll just publish it. In other words sometimes I'll post a lot of chapters sometimes I will post like one a week or something. It depends on time and motivation :) Bye!

 It depends on time and motivation :) Bye!

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