Chapter 22 - Christmas Day

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I woke up sleepily to a cold winter morning. "What time is it?" I murmured to no one in particular.

The bright room was quiet, Zinnia had left the day before and I needed to send her my present. I'd already sent presents to the rest of my friends and I'd placed presents under the huge Christmas tree in the main room for the Commander, Captain and Genji. I opened the flap near the floor beside mine and Zinnia's beds, and slotted the present through. Robots (those that didn't have a working mind like Omnics did) would deliver it to Zinnia in time for Christmas Day where she was. I immediately got up, got dressed and hurried to the main base, my side braid flopping against my shoulder.

"Good morning!" Genji greeted me from behind, tickling me a bit.

"Hey! Stop it!" I giggled, playfully nudging him.

"Have you sneaked a look at your presents?" He asked, walking over to the tree.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, following him.

Genji shrugged. "I do it all the time."

"That kind of ruins the whole surprise though."

"Usually I can't sneak a peek, people tape them up too much."

I burst out laughing as the Commander and Captain walked in. Genji and I both stared at them. The Captain was wearing her usual outfit, just without her bullets, gun or cap. But the Commander was wearing black pants and a dark red sweater that said: Commander Dad. I started giggling so much I couldn't move as Genji gasped for breath.

"Younglings." Morrison muttered as Ana grinned with glee.

"Shouldn't have worn my present if you didn't want to be called Commander Dad!" She chuckled.

"I didn't think they'd laugh at it!" He grunted.

"Let's open our presents!" Amari beckoned us to the big tree.

"Here you are Genji, it's from Hanzo." Morrison handed the wooden box with two dragons carved on top of it to Genji.

The moment he opened it two dragons, both blue, popped out like a jack-in-the-box and punched him in the face. Lightly of course, but enough to make him sit in shock as it bounced. I could just read the text written on them saying: I got two dragons you got one. A smiley face followed that sentence.

It seemed Genji also read it because a moment after it popped out he said "I always wondered why he got two dragons."

"This is from... Tracer and friends?" Ana passed a thin, wide box to me.

On the tag it read: To Hyacinth and Genji From Tracer and all your Overwatch friends. Meirry Christmas! I saw that Mei had crossed out the 'Merry' and written in 'Meirry'. I ripped the wrapping paper, careful to save the ribbon and tag. Inside was something wrapped in bubble wrap. I unfolded it and placed it on the floor, to hear the next moment a lot of popping sounds. I looked up from my present to see everyone popping the bubble wrap. I shook my head in amusement and proceeded to take a more careful look of my present. It was a picture, with all my friends! It was right before everyone started leaving, right in front of the fireplace. Tracer, Mei and Lucio were all smiling with Torbjorn in front dressed as Santa. Zinnia, D.Va, Genji, Ana, Morrison and I had butted in on the sides as McCree was coming back from training and looking through the icy window, dressed as Scrooge.

I laughed at that one and Genji took it from me to take a look.

"What did the Overwatch agents give us?" Morrison wondered.

I exchanged a look with Genji. All the Overwatch agents had been working in secret to create a huge present for our leaders. It was up to us to give it to them.

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