Chapter 26 - Vacation

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I heaved my suitcase into the storage area of the jet we were taking. "How much stuff is in there?" Zinnia teased.

"We are staying for a week!" I hit her arm, grinning.

"Come on let's find seats near the window." She beckoned and I followed her.

We found two pairs of seats that were facing each other so we both sat by the window. As the last Overwatch agent got on Captain Ana said her goodbyes to Reinhardt and Morrison. A few Overwatch members were staying so that the base didn't get invaded whilst we were gone. She got on the jet and turned the engine on. We all waved goodbye to them as she took off.

"All Overwatch agents, this is your Captain speaking we are eight hours away from our destination so please make yourself comfortable." Ana spoke through the speakers cheerfully.

I smiled pulling a blanket that I'd brought with me out and my sketchbook.

"I didn't know you drew!" Zinnia exclaimed.

"It's a hobby, I generally do portraits." I laughed.

I was settling down to draw and maybe read a book when I felt a cold cyborg squeeze into the seat beside me. "Sorry to squeeze in." He joked.

"Well you should stop eating so much!" I chided and poked his arm.

"It's all metal!" He complained jokingly.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes, grinning.

"So what are you guys going to do?" Genji asked.

"We could play cards!" Zinnias mischievous smile made it clear that she was very good at it.

I glanced at Genji as Lucio and D.Va squished themselves into a seat next to Zinnia. "We could split ourselves into teams!" Lucio suggested, putting his arm around D.Va.

"No way am I going to play against D.Va!" I grinned.

"We're not going to let them beat us right?" Genji stage-whispered to me.

"Oi! I heard that! You want to see?" D.Va popped a bubble and put her phone down.

"You're on!" Genji challenged.

"Oh, no I don't think-" I started but Zinnia cut me off.

"You and Genji in a team, Lucio and D.Va in a team and I'll be one team!" Zinnia exclaimed, dealing out the cards.

Genji immediately picked up our pile of cards and ordered them. "I'm not very good at this," I warned him, "you'll have to try and win against D.Va without me."

"I'm sure we will." He murmured, fanning out his cards.

"You wish!" D.Va slapped a card down and the game started.

Half an hour later and it was a head-to-head duel between D.Va and Genji. They put down larger and larger cards until D.Va only had one card left and Genji had two. Now it depended on who had the bigger cards.

"Did someone else put down the largest card?" Genji muttered to me.

"Nope, that means either you or she has it." I peeked at his cards. "Okay you're going to lose. You don't have the largest card."

"You go first." D.Va smiled.

"No, you go." Genji's voice was nervous.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, sleepy by the endless game as D.Va gestured to him. "No, I insist." She smiled sweetly as Lucio grinned.

Genji put down an Ace of Spades.

"Ha!" D.Va threw down a two of spades. "I win! GG!"

He lay his last card down as Zinnia gathered up her cards and D.Va and Lucio walked away. "It was a good try." Zinnia encouraged him.

He shrugged. "I was never going to win anyways."

"Who are we rooming with?" I changed the topic of discussion.

"The Captain gave me a list, wait a second." She pulled out a folder piece of paper and read from it. "Genji you are rooming with Hanzo and Lucio. Me, D.Va and Hyacinth are rooming together."

An hour later and I put my book down, sleepy as we passed over a city with sparkling lights. I gathered my blanket around me and as my eyes closed I was vaguely aware of my head resting against a metal arm as Zinnia smiled knowingly across from me.


"Hey, Sage, it's time to wake up." I felt a cold hand nudge me and I blinked my eyes open.

I lifted my head as I tried to register that I'd been leaning against Genji for the entire flight. I looked out the window and saw rolling waves that looked unrealistically blue and bright beaches. A tall building coloured cream stood in the centre of a courtyard with smaller buildings surrounding it. We landed carefully at the top of one of the smaller buildings and as we got off a staff member came to greet us.

"Welcome! We have been expecting you. This small building holds enough rooms to hold all of you. It has three large floors. This building is a private one whilst the tall building is a public one. You can find dining in the public building or you could order room service." He clasped his hands and smiled. "You do have a private pool if you just look to your left..."

We all leaned over the railing and I glimpsed the rolling water, glittering in the sunlight. "Thank you, if you could get a few people to take our luggage to our rooms that would be very nice." Captain Ana gestured to our bags.

The staff member nodded and people came to take our bags to our rooms.


I flopped onto my bed, wrinkling the duvet. "This is going to be fun!" Zinnia exclaimed.

"I can't wait to connect my controllers to the TV and my laptop to the internet! It's been eight hours, I really need to sharpen my skills." D.Va threw her duffel bag onto the bed and took her laptop out.

As she set up her technology, Mei knocked onto our door. "Ana said that we should all group together in half an hour to go swimming before we split up!" She announced.

"I'm definitely going." I replied, Zinnia nodding with me.

D.Va groaned but nodded. Mei shut our door and we could hear her giggling down the hallway.

I'm out of the hotel now, so now I get to relax at home, draw, read and work on my Wattpad story XD. I hope you like this chapter! I'm leading up to the end of this story now :) just a few more chapters. Should I make this a series? I don't know... Because in my opinion this is already better than my Cold series because the Cold series was very fast moving whilst I managed to drag this on a bit more... What do you think? Should I continue it?


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