Chapter 7 - Meeting My Father and the Unmoving Shape is Revealed

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I was eating after a long morning of training when I heard the words that brought dread to my heart.

"Hyacinth! Your father has arrived." Mercy flew to me.

I choked, coughing for a good few minutes. Mercy waited till I stopped before leading me to Commander Morrison.

"Hyacinth, come in." Morrison beckoned me into his office. "I hope you're still alright with having your father stay."

"How long will he stay?" I asked.

"One night, then you won't have to deal with him." He promised.

"I'll always have to deal with him, wherever I go." I gave him a sad smile. "But I will be alright when he stays." I straightened up.

"Okay Hyacinth, we'll let him in." I nodded as the Commander walked out of the room.

I calmed myself as I thought about how I would be meeting my mother's murderer. I straightened up before hurrying to the training control room, hoping to miss him when he came in. I reached the training control room quietly, and I closed the door, locking it. I sat with my back to the door, hoping they wouldn't realise I was there. I activated the security cameras on the multiple screens, and I immediately saw Morrison greeting my father. I turned on the sound.

"-welcome you to Overwatch. We hope that your stay here will be comfortable." He finished.

My father was looking around the room tensely. "Where's my daughter?" He demanded.

"She goes where she wants to in the base, I'm afraid that she might be training in one of the many training rooms for all we know," Ana replied.

"Give her to me now! Right now!" He yelled.

Commander Morrison nodded to Genji who walked away, obviously to find me. "Calm down sir, or else we'll have you removed from the premises."

I heard a knock on the door and felt someone try to push it open. I pushed a chair against it before going to check who it was. I relaxed, it was only Genji. I pulled the chair out, letting him in.

"What are you doing hiding here?" Genji asked.

"I don't want to meet my father." I didn't meet his eyes.

"He's your father! You have to meet him." He urged me.

I sighed, thinking of how the Commander had promised me that I wouldn't be taken from Overwatch by him, I would be protected. "Alright." I followed him out of the room to the entrance where my father was.

"My daughter!" My father cried as I appeared.

"Um... hi dad..." I stood there, letting him run to me and hug me. Why was he acting all friendly?

He gripped my arms tightly, and hissed "You'll pay for leaving home. The moment we're home then-" He squeezed my arms as tight as he could. "I'm so glad you're home!" He said more loudly, still grasping my arms.

I saw Mercy's eyes narrow as she looked on. Ana interrupted us. "Excuse me but Hyacinth has a very busy schedule, we're going to have to end the reunion here."

"End it? Whatever happened to me taking her home?" My father turned to look at them, his eyes wide and innocent.

"You can't take her home just yet. We're going to have to sort a few things out." Commander Morrison strode over to us.

"But she will come home with me right?" My father looked him in the eye.

"Only by her consent." He replied.

My father flushed red with anger. "I am her father! She has to be with me!"

"She is twenty-six years old!" Mercy said sharply. "She can live without a parental guardian. Even though she has multiple here." She gestured around at the agents.

"She will be mine! I'll be back!" My father stormed out of the base, slamming the doors behind him.

I was frozen in my spot, looking at where he was. I was shaking.

"Hey!" Zinnia shook me out of my trance. "Why are you so scared of your father?"

"Just... memories that's all." I replied, brushing a piece of hair back.


I was eating dinner when Genji suddenly left the table, no explanation, no word NADA. Zinnia, Hanzo, Mei and D.Va all looked curiously after him.

"Are you going to see what's wrong?" I asked Hanzo.

"I've given up asking about these things. He sometimes does this." He shrugged.

I sighed. "Will anyone go after him?" I looked around the table but no one replied. "Fine, I'll go." I stood up and followed Genji.

"He's always on the rooftop!" Hanzo called.

I waved my hand in response before teleporting up to the rooftop. "Genji?" I found him standing by himself. "Are you alright? You suddenly left the table and everyone wants to know if you're okay."

"Why do you do this to yourself?" He asked quietly.

I froze, hoping he didn't mean what I thought he meant. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly I was pushed back against the wall that had the door to the roof. Genji's face was centimetres from mine.

"What do I mean?" His voice was low and hoarse with anger. I had never seen him lose his temper before but it seemed that was the time he would.

"Genji-" I tried to smile but froze when he reached out for my face.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" He whispered.

I was shocked, tears were brimming in my eyes but I pushed them down.

"Why do you let yourself suffer silently?" Genji stroked my cheek.

I broke down, I couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arms around his torso, sobbing into his chest.

He hugged me back. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I didn't want them to see how depressed and miserable I was." I croaked.

"If you don't tell anyone, we won't be able to ease your suffering."

I didn't reply, I just continued to cry my sorrows out.

Okay that bit I got inspiration from @V-chii's Overwatch one-shot (Sad - Genjixreader) so yeah. My version is really cringy. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter if you have any suggestions or comments then feel free to comment them so that I may know what you think! :3

 Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter if you have any suggestions or comments then feel free to comment them so that I may know what you think! :3

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